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"The song[Elton John's Tiny Dancer, red. anm] was referenced in an episode of Friends. Phoebe argues that the most romantic song ever is "the one that Elton John wrote for that guy on Who's the Boss", mishearing the lyrics as the mondegreen "Hold me close, young Tony Danza"."



Endret av toth
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Prøve å kanskje slenge med med i den tråden her jeg og da:P Er ikke så mye annet interessant å gjøre på skolen:P


Dagen i dag:

07.15: Stå opp...

08.30-09.15: Religionstime

09.15-11.00: Matte... me don't like...

11.05-13.05: To timer norsk med langfri imellom, hva er poenget??

13.15-14.00: Biologi

14.00: Ferdig på skolen:D Gå hjem, eller vente til kjæresten er ferdig og gå sammen med ham:P

ca. 16.00: Middag

16 et eller annet: Bli med kjæresten hjem

21.45: Dra på jobb

02.00: Ferdig på jobb. Bli henta av kjærsten. Ikke spille bowling da vi stenger akkurat når jeg er ferdig:p

02 ett eller annet: Hjemme hos kjæresten å finne på ett eller annet:P


Blir kjipt å jobbe til 2 i natt tror jeg når jeg allerede er trøtt... blah...


Matte jeg og nå... R2... skjønner ikke bæret av integralregning

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Gjest Slettet-77do0b

Joda. Kan komme litt tidligere, så blir det tid til en runde bowling. Du gidder ikke å gå hjem altså? Sitte her en times tid for å sitte på? :p


Må kanskje begynne å beherske språket litt nå som dama har begynt å henge her nå da. :scared:

Endret av Slettet-77do0b
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Hehe, Monty Python referanse-alert!


Well, I was, uh, sitting in the public library on Thurmond Street just now, skimming through Rogue Herries by Hugh Walpole, and I suddenly came over all peckish.


Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes. Hvilket er ganske vanlig på dette forumet. ^^


Yes I quite agree with you, I mean what's the point of being

treated like a sheep, I mean I'm fed up going abroad and being

treated like a sheep, what's the point of being carted around in

busses, surrounded by sweaty mindless oafs from Kettering and

Boventry in their cloth caps and their cardigans and their

transistor radios and their 'Sunday Mirrors', complaining about

the tea, 'Oh they don't make it properly here do they not like

at home' stopping at Majorcan bodegas, selling fish and chips

and Watney's Red Barrel and calamares and two veg and sitting in

cotton sun frocks squirting Timothy White's suncream all over

their puffy raw swollen purulent flesh cos they 'overdid it on

the first day'!


Eller noe slikt ... :p

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...and there's nowhere to sleep and the kids are vomiting and

throwing up on the plastic flowers and they keep telling you

it'll only be another hour although your plane is still in

Iceland waiting to take some Swedes to Yugoslavia before it can

pick you up on the tarmac at 3 a.m. in the bloody morning and

you sit on the tarmac until six because of 'unforeseen

difficulties', i.e. the permanent strike of the Air Traffic

Control in Paris, and nobody can go to the lavatory until you

take off at eight, and when you get to Malaga airport

everybody's swallowing Enterovioform tablets and queuing for the

toilets and when you finally get to the hotel there's no water

in the taps, there's no water in the pool, there's no water in

the bog and there's only a bleeding lizard in the bidet, and

half the rooms are double-booked and you can't sleep anyway...

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Fælt som alle syter over matematikk da :( . Det er feil holdning.

Norsk derimot :whistle: . . . . . . . ,\,/,

Norsk? :p

Hadde 5 i muntlig, 6 skriftlig.

Deretter kommer vi over til sidemål. 6 skriftlig i sidemål og 6 i muntlig xD

Og det er merkelig ettersom jeg bruker bokmål og har brukt det hele livet =)

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