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Gjest Slettet-77do0b

morn morn. Tok meg en fridag i dag, så får jeg like så greit langhelg. Skal vei å kjøpe meg et gulvteppe i dag, men husker ikke hvem av møbelforetningene som hadde akkurat det tilbudet jeg tenkte på. Men men. Får nå i alle fall en liten kjøretur i snøføyka. :p

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Jeg kan hele sangen, men det er kun "..said her name was lola, L-O-L-åååoola" som setter seg.


Edit: Vi fant opp noen nye drinker denne uka, med overraskende suksess:

2 deler vodka, 2 deler konjakk, og 1 del Kahlua i whiskyglass inneholdene godt med is.

50/50 konjakk og vodka, i samme glass.

konjakk og red bull var ikke godt. Heller ikke vodka og sangria.

Endret av toth
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Gjest Slettet-77do0b

Har den der sangen som er i den barberhøvel for kvinner-reklamen på hodet atm. "I'm your venus, I'm your fire!"


Så pussig han G-man ble nå som nisselua forsvant btw..

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A guy is walking along the strip in Las Vegas and a knockout looking hooker catches his eye. He strikes up a conversation and eventually asks the hooker; “How much do you charge?”


“It starts at $500 for a hand-job,” replies the hooker.


“$500 dollars? For a hand-job?” says the guy “No hand-job is worth that kind of money!”


So the hooker says, “Do you see that Denny’s on the corner?”




“Do you see the Denny’s about a block further down?”




“And beyond that, do you see that third Denny’s?”




“Well,” says the hooker, smiling invitingly, “I own those. And, I own them because I give a hand-job that’s worth $500.”


The guy thinks to himself, “What the hell? You only live once. I’ll give it a try.” and accepts the hooker’s offer. They retire to a nearby motel. A short time later, the guy is sitting on the bed realising that he just experienced the hand-job of a lifetime, worth every bit of $500. He is so amazed, he says, “I suppose a blow-job is $1,000?”


“$1,500″ says the hooker


“I wouldn’t pay that for a blow-job!” he says


The hooker replies, “Step over here to the window, big boy. Do you see that casino just across the street? I own that casino outright. And I own it because I give a blow-job that’s worth every cent of $1,500.”


The guy, basking in the afterglow of that terrific hand-job, decides to put off the new car for another year or so, and says, “OK Sign me up.”


Ten minutes later, he is sitting on the bed more amazed than before. He can scarcely believe it, but he feels he truly got his money’s worth. He decides to dip into the retirement savings for one glorious and unforgettable experience. He asks the hooker, “How much for some pussy?”


The hooker says, “Come over here to the window, I want to show you something. Do you see how the whole city of Las Vegas is laid out before us, all those beautiful lights, gambling palaces, and showplaces?”


“Damn!” the guy says, in awe, “You own the whole city?”


“Nope,” says the hooker, “but I would if I had a pussy.”

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