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Life's gonna suck when you grow up, when you grow up, when you grow up

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, it sucks pretty bad right now

Hey, if you know the words, sing along

You're gonna have to mow the lawn, do the dishes, make your bed

You're gonna have to go to school until you're seventeen

It's gonna seem about tree times as long as that

You might have to go to war, shoot a gun, kill a nun

You might have to go to war when you get out of school

Hey cheer up kids, it gets a lot worse

You're gonna have to deal with stress, deal with stress, deal with stress

You're gonna be a giant mess when you get back from the war

Santa Claus does not exist, and there is no Easter Bunny

You'll find out when you grow up that Big Bird isn't funny

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, when you grow up, when you grow up

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, it sucks pretty bad right now

You're gonna end up smoking crack, on you're back, face the fact

You're gonna end up hooked on smack and then you're gonna die

And then you're gonna die



*nynne på og trø på jobb*

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Du glemmer at det er P vi snakker om. Han tar alt. *wink*

Det er sant, hadde jeg helt glemt. *knipe igjen alle hull og håpe at han går til neste person*


Tror jeg har funnet et nytt tøft "band" nå. Svenske The Knife. *høre på og like*

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Life's gonna suck when you grow up, when you grow up, when you grow up

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, it sucks pretty bad right now

Hey, if you know the words, sing along

You're gonna have to mow the lawn, do the dishes, make your bed

You're gonna have to go to school until you're seventeen

It's gonna seem about tree times as long as that

You might have to go to war, shoot a gun, kill a nun

You might have to go to war when you get out of school

Hey cheer up kids, it gets a lot worse

You're gonna have to deal with stress, deal with stress, deal with stress

You're gonna be a giant mess when you get back from the war

Santa Claus does not exist, and there is no Easter Bunny

You'll find out when you grow up that Big Bird isn't funny

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, when you grow up, when you grow up

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, it sucks pretty bad right now

You're gonna end up smoking crack, on you're back, face the fact

You're gonna end up hooked on smack and then you're gonna die

And then you're gonna die



*nynne på og trø på jobb*


Haha, aldri hørt den. Morsom sang.

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Yo-naz, Knife rocker.

Kjøpte ei skive med de, Silent Shout, da den kom.




Minna meg litt om Portishead møter et eller annet tungt og herlig jeg ikke klarer å beskrive ...

Det var jo sinnsykt bra musikk. Ligger i senga og hører på Silent Shout as we speak. Karin Dreijer har jo en helt herlig stemme. Ble fascinert av den da jeg hørte Røyksopps What Else Is There?. Diggbart.


Btw, hent ned Pendulums Propane Nightmares (vinylen med VIP-mixen). Gleder meg skikkelig til den kommer ut (28. april). Il Silico-albumet kommer ut 12. mai. Gleder meg skikkelig til det kommer :D

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