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hallo hvorfor ikke forgive me
Jeg synes ikke det er morsomt når folk gjør narr av meg på den måten, dessuten var det et veeldig upassende øyeblikk midt i en mental breakdown #drama #attention #emo #cry
Hadde du vært midt i et nervøst sammenbrudd hadde du ikke sittet her og skrevet at du var midt i et nervøst sammenbrudd fordi du hadde vært opptatt med å ha et nervøst sammenbrudd.


Kom tilbake om 7 år, når du vet hva det er.

Hahha man skal jaggu høre mye før ørene faller av. Når ble det alderesgrense for psykiske problemer egentlig? Og når har du vært inni alle menneskene for å se hvordan de takler situasjoner? til din opplysning finnes Bup som er for folk under 18, så det er absolutt ikke et krav å være 25 år....


Hvem faen er du og hva har du gjort med Pessi??!!


Er no alltid så mange falske rykter ute og går om meg og mine misforståtte påfunn. For all del, eg synest det er heilt megashow, men dei er ikkje alltid heilt fordelaktige.




Dere fikk meg til å tenke på et døv/blind-prosjekt vi hadde på folkehøyskolen. Å spise middag med propper i øra hvor synsfeltet er begrenset til en prikk er ikke gøy.


*KinderLinda spiller skrekkspill? Ja takk! Begynn med Amnesia.

Hele denne skrekkspillgreia starta med at jeg skrev en post om Amnesia.

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Gjest Slettet-lYlo5C



Skulle være sunn å kjøpt yt og skyr etter trening, men endte med å kjøpe min andre stoore sjokoladeplate for dagen:( #fat #bbw

Ja, du har de feiteste beina jeg har sett noen sinne.

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Gjest Bruker-360061

Hele denne skrekkspillgreia starta med at jeg skrev en post om Amnesia.

Jeg er ikke helt oppdatert. Jeg hadde hodet mitt litt langt nedi en kasse øl forrige helg.

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Mer (anti)-rasisme:




This song is really obviously about racism. Most of it actually makes perfect sense.


Chocolate Rain

Some stay dry and others feel the pain


Basically, some people are "lucky" enough to be born white, and not have to deal with racism on a day to day issues.


Chocolate Rain

A baby born will die before the sin


Dunno. Possible reference to higher infant mortality in black people.


Chocolate Rain

The school books say it can't be here again


The education system glosses over issues of racism, and paints a world of racial equality, even though that’s far from the truth.


Chocolate Rain

The prisons make you wonder where it went


Basically, “If racism is gone, how come black people are over-represented in prison?”


Chocolate Rain

Build a tent and say the world is dry


People rationalise and generalise about how there are some very successful black people thank you very much….


Chocolate Rain

Zoom the camera out and see the lie


…but when you take a look at the broader perspective that argument comes undone.


Chocolate Rain

Forecast to be falling yesterday


It’s happening today…


Chocolate Rain

Only in the past is what they say


Even though people try to say that racism has died out


Chocolate Rain

Raised your neighborhood insurance rates

Chocolate Rain

Makes us happy 'livin in a gate



Both of these lines refer to the perceived higher crime rate in suburbs with many black people, and to people who move into gated communities to avoid “those kind of people”


Chocolate Rain

Made me cross the street the other day


Crossing the street to avoid a *insert minority here*


Chocolate Rain

Made you turn your head the other way


Ignoring the plight of others because they’re a different race.



Chocolate Rain

History quickly crashing through your veins

Chocolate Rain

Using you to fall back down again



Chocolate Rain

Seldom mentioned on the radio




Chocolate Rain

Its the fear your leaders call control


Refers to political conservatives who appeal to a racist voter base.


Chocolate Rain

Worse than swearing worse than calling names


Again, duh.


Chocolate Rain

Say it publicly and you're insane


Refers to the incident where comedian Michael Richards called audience members niggers. He was later quoted as saying “I'm not a racist. That's what's so insane about this.”


Chocolate Rain

No one wants to hear about it now

Chocolate Rain

Wish real hard it goes away somehow


Again, referring to people’s desire to just avoid the problem and hope it goes away.


Chocolate Rain

Makes the best of friends begin to fight

Chocolate Rain

But did they know each other in the light?


Racism causes divisiveness.


Chocolate Rain

Every February washed away

Chocolate Rain

Stays behind as colors celebrate


Not sure about this one.


Chocolate Rain

The same crime has a higher price to pay


Black people frequently get harsher sentences for the same crimes as white people.


chocolate Rain

The judge and jury swear it's not the face


See above. Deny it all you like but racism DOES have a hand in sentencing.




Chocolate Rain

Dirty secrets of economy

Chocolate Rain

Turns that body into GDP


Possible reference to unfair trade practices that exploit the African worker.


Chocolate Rain

The bell curve blames the baby's DNA


This is a reference to the fact that black people score, on average, 15 points lower on the I.Q. ‘bell curve’. Racist idiots claim that this is because black people are inherently inferior, i.e. it’s “in their DNA”. However…


Chocolate Rain

But test scores are how much the parents make


It’s been proven that the difference is in fact a function of socioeconomic disadvantage, rather than genetic background.


Chocolate Rain

'Flippin cars in France the other night


No idea about this one.


Chocolate Rain

Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai


Possible reference to the Caste system in India, and how the lower “untouchable” caste is forced to do all of the really dirty jobs (i.e. sewer worker)


Chocolate Rain

'Cross the world and back its all the same

Chocolate Rain

Angels cry and shake their heads in shame


Racism = terrible


Chocolate Rain

Lifts the ark of paradise in sin

Chocolate Rain

Which part do you think you're 'livin in?


Chocolate Rain

More than 'marchin more than passing law

Chocolate Rain

Remake how we got to where we are


Reference to the civil rights movement.


Endret av Tåkelur
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Gjest Bruker-360061

Jeg er så klar for å dra ut i morgen, men vennene mine er kjipe og etablerte.. MÆÆÆÆH.

Sjæl, as! Når vennene mine begynner å gifte seg og få unger og i det heletatt, da melder jeg pass. Jeg er ikke så gammel. Men det kan like gjerne ha noe å gjøre med det faktum at jeg nekter å bli voksen.

Endret av Bruker-360061
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Jeg er så klar for å dra ut i morgen, men vennene mine er kjipe og etablerte.. MÆÆÆÆH.

Sjæl, as! Når vennene mine begynner å gifte seg og få unger og i det heletatt, da melder jeg pass. Jeg er ikke så gammel. Men det kan like gjerne ha noe å gjøre med det faktum at jeg nekter å bli voksen.



Jeg har kjørt en rewind. Jeg blir bare yngre og yngre mentalt.

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