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we dont have real music like this in Gambia :(

but i am saving money so i could go to Scandinavia and learn how to play real music, not that ugha bugha crap they play down here!

Tunbs up if you wish Swedish and Norwegian satan lovers could learn me, and the people of Gambia to play like this!

Zwailay Coluzla 3 weeks ago

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Like godt å holde seg bleikfeit året rundt.

Hør, hør!


Vil du ha D-vitaminer, spis fisk.

Men det er så mye fisk som smaker bæsj.

Alternativt kan du drikke melk. Vet at den Tine Ekstra Lett Lettmelk inneholder D-vitaminer. Og det var min primære kilde til d-vitamin frem til jeg utviklet laktoseintoleranse. ><

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we dont have real music like this in Gambia :(

but i am saving money so i could go to Scandinavia and learn how to play real music, not that ugha bugha crap they play down here!

Tunbs up if you wish Swedish and Norwegian satan lovers could learn me, and the people of Gambia to play like this!

Zwailay Coluzla 3 weeks ago


Alle i Skandinavia er jo satan lovers og spiller satan lover metal. Det er allmen kjent.

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Alle i Skandinavia er jo satan lovers og spiller satan lover metal. Det er allmen kjent.


Hey, man, be proud of your heritage and the music your country plays. Take Windir, who mix folk with Black Metal. They may like the same music you do, and play it, but they are still proud of their roots. I am part African, love that part of my races, and I still like this music and African music. If you ever create a Black Metal band, it would be pretty badass to hear the xalam or the djembe, add some different culture to this genre.

Be proud of the 'ugha bugha crap' and metal on|m/

NecroLust1349 in reply to Zwailay Coluzla

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