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Bla bla bla. Noe er morsomt anna kanskje ikke. Meen om du kjeder deg why not.. :blink:


Og om dere er snille så kanskje det kommer en secret suprise from the twillight sun :xmas:


Fant noen stjernekort pluss et epic nr.1 Mewtwo kort.


Husker jeg og en kompis fortalte en annen kompis at stjernekort var fakes, han trodde ikke på oss og gikk hjem.




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Fant en kjekk teori om hvorfor croc huntern Steve Irwin EGENTLIG døde:




Steve was being studied by the evil ninja, as he was looking for the perfect time to make his move When the time was right the rogue ninja made such a move. Dressed like a stingray, he could get close enough to Steve to strike.


Honestly, who would have thought to dress up like a stingray? It's kinda brilliant. So anyway, just when the Great Crocodile Hunter realized that it wasn't a stingray at all, it was infact a ninja........ BLAMMMO!! The evil ninja pulls out his sword and strikes with incredible precision and then leaves without a trace.


Since it was done in the water there is no DNA evidence to gather for tracing. No weapon was found as the ninja would have taken the sword with him.

Endret av Bytex
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