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Jeg har pratet med Salvation for Everyone i godt over en time. Jeg pløyde meg gjennom 3 stykker og ble til slutt "satt over" til den jeg startet på. Vedkommende hadde angivelig roet seg ned igjen. :)


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(08:50) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Do you have faith in Jesus Christ?

(08:59) Hecatommyriagon:

No, actually I do not have any faith in Christ.

(08:59) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Sir? Do you have faith in Jesus Christ?

(09:00) Hecatommyriagon:

As I said, no - I do not.

(09:00) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

My name is Stanley Parker, and I'm a member of the Salvation for Everybody foundation!

I've got a special offer for you!

(09:00) Hecatommyriagon:

Mostly because the Bible can't make up its mind on who his grandfather is.

is it Heli or Jacob?

(09:01) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

For $200 only, you can get FREE lessons in how to let the Lord in to your soul!

(09:01) Hecatommyriagon:

How is it free, if I have to pay $200?

(09:02) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

It's free after you've paid!

(09:02) Hecatommyriagon:

And you good sir, is despicable. Trying to use the Lords name to get rich.

Thats blasphemy!!

Free, means no charge good sir.

(09:03) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You don't know what you're talking about! We just want you to give Christ a chance!

(09:04) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Let's sign up for the lessons, shall we?

(09:05) Hecatommyriagon:

How about you answer me my question first, then - if the answer is sufficient, I might considdering doubling the fee.

Who was Jesus Christ's grandfather?

(09:06) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

God was his father, and God created himself.

(09:07) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Now, let's sign up, shall we?

(09:08) Hecatommyriagon:

That's not true

he was born by Mary and Joseph

(09:09) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Are you still there? Would you like to sign up for the almost free lessons in how to let God in?

(09:14) Hecatommyriagon:

yeah Im still here

well since you obviously doesnt know him

(09:15) Hecatommyriagon:

and you know how the Lord feels about people who lie?

(09:16) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I've got the spirit of the Lord trapped in my soul! He's inside of me, and I can feel his anger with you from the very inner of my body!

(09:16) Hecatommyriagon:

Well, its probably that he is angry with you

since you are trying to sell his name

(09:17) Hecatommyriagon:

and make money on him

thats a sin you know

and you know what happens to sinners

I resent that, good sir.

(09:18) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I'm not! Listen to me, Sir. I'm a true christian, and I care about your safety! I want you to be happy, and faith is the key to happiness. For $200 only, I will bring faith upon you, in the name of the Lord!

Do we understand each other?

(09:18) Hecatommyriagon:

No we do not, since you didnt answer my question

who is Jesus Christ's grandfather?

(09:19) Hecatommyriagon:

Is it Heli or Jacob?

Have you not read the Bible?

(09:19) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

He didn't have no Grandfather! He was our savior, and with no relatives he was sent to our world to bring faith upon the ones who's living here!

(09:19) Hecatommyriagon:

The Holy book of Jesus Christ and the Lord himself?

(09:20) Hecatommyriagon:

He was born by Mary, and Joseph was his father.

(09:21) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

No! He was born by Mary, the Holy Virgin, and the Lord in Heaven was his father!

(09:21) Hecatommyriagon:

Have you even read the Bible?

the Bible clearly states that Joseph is his father.

You know what happens to liers, right?

I think you are going straight to hell, good sir.

(09:22) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

The Bible is the Holy book of Christianity, and I'm a true Christian! Of course I've read the Bible.

(09:22) Hecatommyriagon:

then you should know that the Bible clearly states that Joseph is Jesus's father.

(09:23) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Joseph was his stepfather, and I think I am to know a little bit more about the ways of Jesus than what you are, buddy!

(09:23) Hecatommyriagon:


I clearly know more than you

then you are saying that Mary was raped by god!

(09:24) Hecatommyriagon:

So is God a rapist?


And since God wasnt married to Mary, Jesus actually are a bastard!


Logic is a bitch, isn't it?

(09:24) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I don't know everything about the Lord, per say, but you don't have to be all fuzzy about it!

(09:25) Hecatommyriagon:

I do know, that God must have raped Mary, since she was with Joseph at the time of Jesus' conseption.

I don't wouldnt want to worship a rapist. Not even if I was paid to do so.

(09:26) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Mary wanted to feel the power of God inside of her aching body! I'll transfuse you to the manager if you won't behave yourself!

(09:27) Hecatommyriagon:

I think I would like that, becuase you are a blasphemist!

I have no fear of your manager

(09:27) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Please wait, while you're being transfused

(09:27) Hecatommyriagon:

But did god marry Mary?

or is Jesus a bastard?

(09:28) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Hey! This is Michelle Rice from the Salvation for Everybody foundation. Our employ Stanley got very upset after talking to you!

(09:29) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

First of all, I will make it clear that naughty behavior is not tolerated!

(09:29) Hecatommyriagon:

What is not tolerated?


I simply recognize that Mr. Stanley doesnt have a clue about what the Bible says.

(09:30) Hecatommyriagon:

So either he is a lier or he isn't a true christian.

(09:30) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

The bad thoughts of yours. Stan told me that you were "an obnoxious bastard who hates the Lord, and makes unreasonable claims against him and his stooges on earth"

(09:31) Hecatommyriagon:

Actually no.

I simply asked him, who Jesus' grandfather is.

If it's Heli or Jacob.

Since Luke and Matt can't agree on the matter.


it's a fair question, is it not?

(09:32) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, why would you ask him such a question?

(09:32) Hecatommyriagon:

Then Stanley continued to say that God, the Lord himself, had RAPED Mary, and broken several of the ten comandments.

Because, he claims to be one of the Lords sheep.

I wanted to check his credentials

(09:33) Hecatommyriagon:

If he could explain who Jesus' grandfather was, I said I was willing to pay double the fee of $200.

When someone ask me to pay them money, I want to be sure that what they say is the truth, is that too much to ask?

(09:34) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

This conversation will be loged, and if you won't stop your bad behavior, we'll have no choice but to report you

(09:34) Hecatommyriagon:

report me to whom?

If I might ask.

Because Im logging this too you know.

(09:35) Hecatommyriagon:

And Im not behaving bad.

Im simply saying that I wont pay people money, if they cant prove their claims.

(09:35) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:


'll find another employ for you to talk with.

(09:35) Hecatommyriagon:

When Stanley says that the Lord RAPED Mary.

(09:35) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Hang on a second

(09:35) Hecatommyriagon:

That doesnt make any sense.

(09:37) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Hey! This is Trent Foley, what seems to be the problem? Both Stan and Michelle are really upset!

(09:37) Hecatommyriagon:

I dont really have a problem.

apart from that Stanley claimed that the Lord raped the Virgin Mary.

(09:38) Hecatommyriagon:

and that the Lord broke the ten comandments

(09:38) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Have you talked blasphemic about the Lord? Have you called him a no-good-son-of-a-bitch-rapist-scum?

(09:38) Hecatommyriagon:

not in so many words, I concluded that from what Stanley said.

Because Mary was with Joseph.

And Stanley claims that the Lord is Jesus's father

(09:39) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

But he is! Jesus is the son of the Lord, and he's our savior!

(09:39) Hecatommyriagon:

which means that either The Lord raped Mary, Mary comitted adultory and Jesus is a bastard.

(09:40) Hecatommyriagon:

Becuase the Lord, was not married to Mary, was he?

Then its adultory and Jesus is a bastard!

You blasphemic!

You are saying it too!

Who led you astray like this?

(09:40) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I'm sure the Lord had a reason behind it...

(09:41) Hecatommyriagon:

Are there ANY reason that may make RAPE ok?!

(09:41) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Let's get back to business, shall we?

(09:41) Hecatommyriagon:


I wont talk business with people who preach that RAPE is ok.

Rape is never ok.

(09:42) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You shouldn't use the name of the Lord, while swearing! You should say: For Pete's sake, or something

(09:42) Hecatommyriagon:

so its better to take ST. Peters name in vain?

you make no sense

(09:43) Hecatommyriagon:

and you obviously doesn't know the Lord, you are calling him a rapist!

and you also claim that he is breaking the ten comandments

(09:43) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I've got a feeling you're not too kean on salvation!

(09:43) Hecatommyriagon:

I am already saved

but you

you are going to hell

for preaching that the Lord is a rapist

(09:44) Hecatommyriagon:

all of you are going to hell

(09:44) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You've got a Demon inside of you! For $300 only, we can cure you, and let God into your soul instead of the Demon. Then you can teach the ways of Jesus

(09:44) Hecatommyriagon:

1. For trying to make money of the Lords name.

2. For lying.

3. For preaching that the Lord is a rapist.

(09:45) Hecatommyriagon:

These three, will make you all go to hell.

I can help you, I think.

To lead you from the dark side the demons of Satan has led you.

(09:45) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

That's not our line, man. We're in it for the Lord, our father and his son, the holy Savior!

(09:46) Hecatommyriagon:

no you are not

becuase you charge money

thats blasphemy

If you know anything about the Bible, you should know that

and you should also know what happens to those who are blasphemic

(09:47) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

But the business gotta go around, man! We can't do everything for free! If we did, we wouldn't have money to feed ourselves!

(09:49) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Take Stanley, for instance. He's got 3 little children and a barely sickly wife! Don't you have no heart! We're offering our favors, almost for free, and you're telling me that we're only in it for the money?

(09:52) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Let's get back in business, shall we? The Lord will probably forgive you your sinning deeds

(09:52) Hecatommyriagon:

wouldnt the Lord take care of your needs through prayer?

(09:53) Hecatommyriagon:

that is, IF you really work for the Lord - and aren't some kind of blasphemic demons, sent from Satan himself to lead the sheep of the Lord astray ...

(09:54) Hecatommyriagon:

The Lord will probably forgive me, but people like you, will burn for all eternity - that's straight from the Bible.

(09:54) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Now, I've had it with you! You're the worst customer I've had all week, damnit! I'm so really pissed off right now, and if you'll continue your arguing, I won't fucking listen to you anymore!

I'm fucking fed up with your atempts to harm the Lord and his stooges!

(09:54) Hecatommyriagon:

did I see some swears in your passed message?

You know how the Lord feels about that, right?

(09:55) Hecatommyriagon:

He isn't very happy about that.

(09:56) Hecatommyriagon:

He told me to help you, but it's clear that you only think about money, and will go to Satans realm when your lights are out.

It makes me sad.

(09:56) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

May you never reach the happiness in Heaven! May the Lord bring misery upon you, for you have treaten his name in a bad way! May the Lord never forgive you your sinning deeds! I have had it with your foolery, and that's fucking final!

(09:57) Hecatommyriagon:

Again with the swears.

Too bad, you are the one who will go to hell, while I will be forgiven by the Lord himself.

(09:58) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Sorry for that one. I was a little angry with you, but I hope that we can still make some business! How would you like to get the Lord into your heart for $200 only?

(09:58) Hecatommyriagon:

as the Lord says: It is not up to you to pass judgement, I will rule the final verdict. Those who judges their fellow human, shall never live with me for eternity.

(09:59) Hecatommyriagon:

I would like to get him into my heart for free, just like he states in the Bible.

you still are blasphemic, my friend

(10:00) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

But faith is the key to happiness, and we are the key to faith!

(10:00) Hecatommyriagon:

no, Jesus, the holy ghost, the Lord and the Bible is the key to faith

again with the blasphemy!

(10:01) Hecatommyriagon:

There are no way of saving you ... Looks like it's you who needs to be saved

For blasphemy is one of the worst sins.

(10:01) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Hey! This is Stan Parker again. I've calmed down a little, so that we can get to the business part without any problems from our side.

(10:02) Hecatommyriagon:

First of all

you guys have to stop your blasphemy

(10:03) Hecatommyriagon:

you still need to answer my question about Jesus' grandfather, and why Matt and Luke cant agree who it is.

(10:03) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

If you're having any concerns with our business, I might transfuse you to Frank.

Those you've talked to now are just the ones who'll bring you faith.

(10:03) Hecatommyriagon:

there have been too many people, claiming to know the Lord.

(10:04) Hecatommyriagon:

but none of you guys seem to know him and his ways

(10:04) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

We certainly do!

(10:04) Hecatommyriagon:

Michelle seems to be led astray by Satan and his demons.

(10:04) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

We're true Followers of Christ!

(10:04) Hecatommyriagon:

well you claim to know him

but it seems like you are all liers

(10:06) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

We're not! I think I know a little more about my faith than you ought to do!

(10:06) Hecatommyriagon:

I have atleast read the Bible

and know what the Bible sys


(10:06) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You're a no-good-atheist, but we can cure you, and help you let the Lord in to the depts of your soul!

(10:06) Hecatommyriagon:

you lot, clearly do not

(10:07) Hecatommyriagon:

I atleast know the Bible.

you do not

(10:08) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Sure I do! I gotta get myself some coffee, please wait.

(10:08) Hecatommyriagon:

take this for example

Luke 3:23

[ The Genealogy of Jesus Christ ] Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli,

(10:09) Hecatommyriagon:

Are you saying that the Bible, the Holy book is lying?

or this

Matthew 1:16

and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ

which one is it?

And why is the Bible lying?

(10:10) Hecatommyriagon:

when you say that it is the Lord that is the father, you contradic what the Bible is teaching

(10:10) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

See? There you've got your answer. Jacob!

(10:11) Hecatommyriagon:

but here it says Heli

Luke 3:23

[ The Genealogy of Jesus Christ ] Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli,


look it up for yourself

here it clearly states that it is Heli

(10:13) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Why do you have to argue on everything? Look, whatever-your-name-is, I care about your safety, and I don't want you to go to Hell, but for my favors to function, you must, uhm... cooperate to a larger degree than you've done!

(10:13) Hecatommyriagon:

I dont argue on everything

I simply state that you need to answer this simple question, to prove that you really know the Lord.

(10:14) Hecatommyriagon:

And neither of you have been able to, so I conclude that you all work for Satan himself.

(10:14) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You've argued on everything we've told you for more than an hour now, and I think it is quite unnecesary

(10:15) Hecatommyriagon:

Im simply asking you to prove yourself.

You have been unable to do so.

For more than an hour I have tried to help you away from Satan, but been unable to do so.

(10:15) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I'm tired, dude. I need a break

(10:16) Hecatommyriagon:

Well, you are welcome to come back, when you have an answer for my question.

Then we might talk business..

I actually have a meeting to go to, I bid you a good day.

(10:17) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:


And welcome back to the Salvation for Everybody foundation any time, any day


Red.: Ikke nok med det, men flere av dem bannet til meg. Den ene kastet faktisk en forbannelse over meg også. ^^ Den gjengen der er morsom.



Mistanken min var helt korrekt. Ny oppdatering på Salvation for Everyone:

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(10:46) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Hey! This is Michelle Rice from the Salvation for Everybody Foundation

(10:47) Hecatommyriagon:

Hello Michelle

Have you calmed down now?

(10:48) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Sure have.

(10:48) Hecatommyriagon:

That's great!

You know, Frank used swear words at me

And even tried to curse me.

I think its my obligation to tell you that.

(10:49) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

What? You haven't even talked to Frank. You've only talked to Stan, Trent, and me. I haven't used swear words, and neither has Stan

(10:50) Hecatommyriagon:

Then it was stan

I have the log to prove it

just a sec

(10:51) Hecatommyriagon:

(09:56) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

May you never reach the happiness in Heaven! May the Lord bring misery upon you, for you have treaten his name in a bad way! May the Lord never forgive you your sinning deeds! I have had it with your foolery, and that's fucking final!


(09:54) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Now, I've had it with you! You're the worst customer I've had all week, damnit! I'm so really pissed off right now, and if you'll continue your arguing, I won't fucking listen to you anymore!

I'm fucking fed up with your atempts to harm the Lord and his stooges!



I considder damnit and fucking as swears

(10:51) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

That's not very Frank-alike. Sounds more like Trent, actually

(10:51) Hecatommyriagon:

let me check

(10:52) Hecatommyriagon:

(09:37) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Hey! This is Trent Foley, what seems to be the problem? Both Stan and Michelle are really upset!



it was Trent

I got a little confused with all the names


I dont think its apropriate

to curse people

and to use swears

(10:53) Hecatommyriagon:

atleast not when you claim to be working for the Lord.

(10:53) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, is it really so strange? You acted obnoxious and stuff

(10:53) Hecatommyriagon:

I've done no such thing.

I simply asked you a question.

(10:54) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You called the Lord a rapist!

(10:54) Hecatommyriagon:

Upon Stanley said that Jesus was a bastard, since the Lord is his father, and the Lord wasnt married to Mary.

And Stanley also claimed that Mary comitted adultory.

(10:55) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

But Stanley claimed no such thing! We're just doing our job

(10:55) Hecatommyriagon:

Mary was with Joseph, so it is Stanley who said that the Lord raped Mary.

No, Stanley said that the Lord is Jesus' father

how can that be, when the Bible clearly states that Joseph is Jesus' father?

So either is Stanley lying

(10:55) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, if Jesus is the son of God, then God might be the father of Jesus!

(10:56) Hecatommyriagon:

How can that be, when Mary was with Joseph?

either Mary, willingly comitted adultory, breaking the ten commandments, which also means that the Lord in fact broke the commandments

or the Lord raped Mary

(10:57) Hecatommyriagon:

in both cases, that makes Jesus a bastard

(10:57) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Please wait...

(10:57) Hecatommyriagon:

It's your words, not mine

I claim that he is born by Mary and Joseph.

(10:58) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

You're now talking to Stanley Parker. I've heard you've got some concerns with me?

(10:58) Hecatommyriagon:


I do.

Im concerned about you claiming that Jesus is a bastard.

It will be your doom.

(10:58) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, why don't you try to calm down a little, and the nexplain the situation?

(10:59) Hecatommyriagon:


you say that the Lord is Jesus' father

when the Bible clearly states that Mary is his mother and Joseph is his father

(10:59) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, that's darn right he is

(10:59) Hecatommyriagon:

why does the Bible say that Mary is his mother and Joseph is his father


(11:00) Hecatommyriagon:

either the Bible is wrong, and you will have to explain why, or you are lying

(11:00) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, the Lord is the father of everyone, and therefore he's also the father of our savior

(11:00) Hecatommyriagon:

nono, I know my father

(11:01) Hecatommyriagon:

He by no means is the Lord.

(11:02) Hecatommyriagon:

so are you claiming that the Lord is comitting adultory with all the women on this planet?

(11:02) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I ought to tell you that this conversation has been logged, and that we can do stuff

(11:02) Hecatommyriagon:

what stuff can you do?

please explain

because I will make you aware that I also have logged this and all the other conversations

(11:02) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

We can report you

(11:02) Hecatommyriagon:

report me to whom?

(11:03) Hecatommyriagon:

exactly, who are you going to report me to?

(11:03) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

Well, you know

(11:03) Hecatommyriagon:

no, I do not know, please enlighten me

(11:04) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

To the FBI for blasphemy

(11:04) Hecatommyriagon:

I will report you to the FBI for fraud.

So we'll see ...

Who has the last laugh.

You IP has been logged, so has these conversations.

(11:05) Hecatommyriagon:

I might add that the FBI does not have any jurisdiction over me, but you however.

(11:05) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

We're really sorry if we have offended you, Sir, and I will asure you that it won't happen again

(11:05) Hecatommyriagon:

Well, I will asure you that the FBI does not take lightly on fraud.

(11:06) Hecatommyriagon:

Neither do they take lightly on threats

(11:06) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

But, dude! Don't do that!

(11:06) Hecatommyriagon:

Why shouldnt I?


(11:07) Hecatommyriagon:

You have posed threats and on several occations tried to rip me off.

(11:07) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

We're not evil!

We're just making life a little better for people like you

(11:07) Hecatommyriagon:

I think the authorities would like to hear about this.

(11:07) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

For pure inocent people, who wants to know the Lord

(11:07) Hecatommyriagon:

Thats what Im talking about.

(11:08) Hecatommyriagon:

its not nice to try to rip innocent people off

(11:08) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

All right, all right!

(11:08) Hecatommyriagon:

fraud is a serious matter

(11:08) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

This is just a prank

I'm only 1 person who have pranked you for quite some hours

(11:08) Hecatommyriagon:

you have pranked me?

hah, thats a good one

(11:09) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I know, man. I'

(11:09) Hecatommyriagon:

I think you are more confused than ever.

(11:09) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

m not really from that foundation

I don't even know if it exists

(11:09) Hecatommyriagon:

so its actually you personally, who try to rip people off?

that actually makes the matter more serious

(11:10) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

It's cool, you know

(11:10) Hecatommyriagon:

its one thing, if you had been fooled into this by some authority figures, but when you come up with the fraud ys, its actually more serious

I think the FBI will be more than willing to take this to the next level.

(11:11) Hecatommyriagon:

Ah, you can catch me in about 15 minutes, Ill have to do a lecture here

(11:11) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

I'm not american, actually, so they can't punish me

(11:11) Hecatommyriagon:

where you from then? I figured so much, becuase of your spelling errors btw.

(11:12) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:

And I'm yet to be 15

(11:12) Hecatommyriagon:



(11:12) Salvation for Everybody: Stanley Parker:


(11:13) Hecatommyriagon:


how convenient

(11:14) Hecatommyriagon:

da kan jeg jo bare rapportere deg til det lokale politikammeret

Hecatommyriagon said (11:14):

det er ganske kjekt


Sitter det nå en fjortiss og pisser i buksa? ^^


Hahaha, beste jeg har lest xD

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hvor skriver man seg opp for å få krangla med slike folk?


Altså, jeg så at en bruker her hadde prata med vedkommende i går, så jeg stilte det samme spørsmålet. Jeg la til brukeren på msn og vedkommende tok kontakt i dag. :) Helt av seg selv. Det morsomme er at Stanley aka Trent aka Michelle trodde at jeg kjøpte at jeg ble koblet mellom flere personer. Jeg hadde det moro i alle fall, i tillegg så skulle jeg rapporteres og de kunne "do stuff". Haha, jeg ler meg skakk. ^^

gimme adresse, asap?

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