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Det var ikke med vilje. Myntinnkastet i banken var ute av drift, så det ble med det ene og det andre. Heldigvis var fyren kjempegrei og tok det med et smil :) Takk for blide folk i samfunnet, dem trenger vi flere av!


Det, Ola... Det der er bare slemt. Det er kjempestressende.


Ikke lat som om jeg er ufin, det er det du som er!

"Dø, Ola. Hardt, sakte, lenge"


Noteres at dette var over MSN, og ikke har noe med forumet å gjøre ;)

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100 things you learned from Pulp Fiction



--A ruthless, foul-mouthed, cold-blooded assassin can still be a Bible-reading, religious man.


--The best way of getting blood off yourself is to have a man in a tux spray you with a hose.


--Hamburgers are the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.


--If you're gonna shoot a .44 Magnum at a couple of hitmen while screaming "DIE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS," be sure you know how to aim.


--Never steal a briefcase that glows in orange light, you're only asking for trouble.


--If Jules recites Ezekiel 25:17 to you, you are dead as fucking fried chicken.


--Before making a hit, it's always important to get into character.


--Buddy Holly is a crummy waiter.


--The best place to hide a priceless piece of jewlery is up your own ass.


--Shooting heroin will not affect your driving skills.


--According to Vincent, divine intervention is a bunch of crap.


--When hitmen are in the room, don't speak unless spoken to.


--Shooting a man will break someone's concentration.


--Cocaine baggies and heroin baggies should be properly labled.


--Massaging the feet of a mob boss's wife will get you thrown over a balcony and through a greenhouse.


--The Wolf is never pulled over for speeding. EVER!


--The best tool for stopping serial rapists is a samurai sword.


--Once you save a mob boss you double crossed from serial rapists, everything will be cool if you leave town and never speak of it again.


--After you double cross a mob boss, the best haven is Knoxville, Tenn.


--Vincent's bathroom frequency triggers violent situations.


--Storing dead niggers is none of Jimmie's fucking business.


--Jimmie buys great coffee. Bonnie buys not so great coffee. In fact she buys shit.


--Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but do you really want to eat the filthy motherfucker to find out?


--Marcellus Wallace is black, bald and doesn't look like a bitch.


--Saying "What?" repeatedly will get you shot.


--A Flock of Seagulls haircut will get you shot.


--If you drop anything around a cop named Zed, leave it be.


--Vincent doesn't watch TV, unless 'COPS' is on.


--"Son of a Preacher Man" is a great song to snort coke to.


--If you see the mob boss you double crossed crossing the street, hit him with the car even if he's only armed with a cup of coffee and a box of doughnuts.


--In L.A., days of the week are as follows: Saturday, Tuesday, Friday, Wednesday, Sunday, Wednesday again, etc...


--Every hitman has a huge roll of $100 bills handy.


--A watch on a kangroo can be easily overlooked.


--Hitmen in suits keep guns in the car trunks. Hitmen in beach clothes keep guns in their swimming trunks.


--When Jules left the life, Vincent got sloppy.


--Oak is nice.


--A bad corny "Ketchup" joke can be funny after a night of drug-overdosed mayhem.


--Quentin Tarantino has one hell of a creative imagination.


--...and not much of an acting ability.


--Don't ever pummel a black mob boss inside of a weapon store owned by a redneck hillbilly.


--Don't ever trust the seemingly harmless dialogue of a hitman.


--John Travolta certainly has a way of grooving on the dance floor.


--Vincent Vega is Mr. Blonde's brother


--Always act like the Fonzie.


--John Travolta has a spastic trigger finger.


--Don't ever sodomize a mob boss.


--Samuel L. Jackson is a badass.


--Tulip is a better nickname for a girlfriend than Mongoloid.


--They don't speak English in What.


--Jules needs to check his jheri curls for brains every few minutes.


--Don't provoke a hitman to turn and face you when he is holding a gun in a moving car.


--Marsellus Wallace doesn't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Wallace.


--Don't piss off anybody who has the phrase BAD MOTHERFUCKER printed on their wallet.


--Apparently Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta look like dorks when they're wearing shorts and a t-shirt


--Uma Thurman needs to be more careful about what drugs she is inserting into her bloodstream.


--The Wolf is Mr. White's twin brother.


- Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character


- Vincent did not go into burger king


- Its illegal fot cops to search you in Amsterdam


- They have the metric system in Amsterdam


_ just beacuse you have a gun, donesn't mean you should shout and swear at hitmen


- they should have shot guns for those kind of deals


- a problem solver should be given lots of cream and lots of sugar


- liquor stores are overrated


- restaurants have their pants down


- your girlfriend likes Bora Bora


- and doesn't no what a chopper is


- Zed's dead baby... zed's dead


- don't be happy when a crime boss who''s black, bald, and does not look like a bitch has a blowtorch and pliers


- don't pay 5 dollars for a milk shake


- its cool to memorize the bible


- don't ask for the suitcase of a guy whose has bad motherfucker on his wallet


- samoan's are fat


- what a pilot is...


-they put mayonnaise on fries in europe, instead of ketchup


- they serve beer in cinemas in Amsterdam.. and i am not talking about no paper cups.. i mean a GLASS of beer


- if you had just blown a guys' head off in your car, makes sure you pick up all the little pieces of brain matter and skull, after washing the windows, and seats. then put in the best linen over the seats. if a cop pulls your car over and just has a cursory glance, it'd appear normal, however if he sticks his big fat nose in, the subterfuge won't last.


- if you sodomise a mob boss, he's gonna get some hard pipe hittin' niggers to go medieval on your ass


- Jules is the foot master (Richard Colbron) (London)


- The best way to serve meat is bloody as hell (Richard Colbron )(London)

-Sprite helps to wash down a cheeseburger

Seb Fairhurst


Injecting adrenaline into a woman who has ODed on heroin is "fuckin' trippy".


Write your own Pulp Fiction lesson on the wall below if it is good enough for the list!


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Koster deg en hundrelapp, Cyph.

Hm, virkelig? Jeg ser på meg selv om en nevneverdig god sex-partner, og alt hva det innebærer av liberale holdninger. Har bare fått god respons de siste gangene. Det blir vel omvendt når det gjelder betaling når jeg har gjort meg ferdig, tenker jeg.


Da hadde man rundet Zelda Ocarina of time også har man bare dritt på TV'en fordi foreldra mine ikke greier å betale regninger i tide -.-''

Verdens beste spill.

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