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Ja, hva gjør folk? :)

Prøvde å sove. Men så er det en strofe fra en sang som plager meg. Husker ikke sangen.

Går noe a la dette:

"it only hurts when it begin. But as it works its way back in et-eller-annet"

Ringer det noen bjelle hos noen?

Hva slags sjanger?

Jeg har lyst til å si rock, men det kan være totalt bomskudd. Har selvsagt prøvd google.

Jeg fant flgnde på google hvertfall:


Through early morning fog i see, visions of the things to be. Their pains that our withheld from me, I realize and I can see. The game of life is hard to play, I'm gonna lose it anyway. The losing card I'llsomeday lay, so this is all I have to say. The sword of time will peirce our skins, it only hurts when it begins, but then it works it's way on in, the pain grows stronger, watch it grin. A brave man once requested, to answer questions tht our key. "Is it to be or not to be" and I reolied : Oh why ask me?" Because suicide is painless.....it brings on many changes....and i can take or leave it...if i please..... And you can do the same thing.........if you please.


Og derfra fant jeg:


Music by Johnny Mandel Lyrics by Mike Altman

Lyrics to the song 'Suicide is Painless'



kanskje google ikke virket for deg, fordi teksten egentlig er

It doesn't hurt when it begins

But as it works its way on in



edit 14, for good measure:

Se filmen hos Youtube

Endret av toth
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Jeg fant flgnde på google hvertfall:


Through early morning fog i see, visions of the things to be. Their pains that our withheld from me, I realize and I can see. The game of life is hard to play, I'm gonna lose it anyway. The losing card I'llsomeday lay, so this is all I have to say. The sword of time will peirce our skins, it only hurts when it begins, but then it works it's way on in, the pain grows stronger, watch it grin. A brave man once requested, to answer questions tht our key. "Is it to be or not to be" and I reolied : Oh why ask me?" Because suicide is painless.....it brings on many changes....and i can take or leave it...if i please..... And you can do the same thing.........if you please.


Og derfra fant jeg:


Music by Johnny Mandel Lyrics by Mike Altman

Lyrics to the song 'Suicide is Painless'


Ah! Hjertelig tusen takk. Selvsagt er det den. Grunnen til at jeg tenkte rock er at jeg tenkte på en cover-versjon. Jeg trodde jeg skulle bli gal her jeg lå.
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"Aaand if you tolerate this, thaan your children will be next. Will be next, will be next, will be neeext. OooOOoOoooOOOO0000oO"


Se filmen hos Youtube


Det slo meg mens jeg skrev dette innlegget at denne sangen kansje ikke er i henhold til mitt politiske syn, men shit-au den er sabla fengende.-


Edit: Er han passifist, eller er det en metafor for noe, eller kansje twisted irony?

Endret av Earthworm-Jim
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