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Noen som har prøvd bMenu?


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Blir egentlig litt mistenksom til at den ganske enkelt skal organisere hva du ser, og "make browsing a lot easier". Men jeg er jo generelt skeptisk til tillegg til tillegg som legges oppå andre  programmer når jeg ikke veit nøyaktig hva de gjør, eller hvorfor jeg plutselig skulle  ha bruk for dette.


Men det kan jo være at jeeg bare er overbeskyttende ovenfor PC-en min...

Endret av Bl4cKnD
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Digi.no var bare positive, tror ikke det er søppel, men vet ikke helt hva du burde gjøre.


jeg har ikke prøvd det, men sånn jeg har forstått det så installeres det en slags verktøylinje i nettleseren som sorterer linkene på sida i en liste eller noe sånt, riktig?


hva skjer når du prøver å avinstallere?

og som norbat sier er jo systemgjenoppretting en løsning.

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Hi all,

Marco from bMenu.


Thanks a lot for your comments and input, really appreciate that.


Regarding the feature request in the last post concerning the toolbar

hiding itself when user navigates to a site which doesn't have a menu,

I would like to point out a potential issue that such feature can cause:


A toolbar appearing / disappearing in the browser window causes a

"window jumping" effect in the browser subwindow displaying the web page

content (the document window). In other words, the top-level edge of

the document window (right below the browser tabs) will move up and

down when the toolbar respectively disappears and appears, with a

rather disturbing and intrusive visual effect for the user, especially

when the user uses tab-based navigation and switches between tabs.


This window jumping has been actually reported by some users of the

bMenu Toolbar for certain Firefox L&F, caused in their cases by the

Julekalender button icon being to tall. Even if in these cases the jumping

was only by 2 pixels, there was an unanimous strong visual discomfort

caused by such "flickering". If the whole toolbar was to disappear / appear,

the jumping would be at least of 22 pixels, in my opinion causing an even

worse user experience.


Having said that, the toolbar visual features are very much driven by

user requests, so I would be more than happy to provide a test version

with the self-hiding feature implemented for someone willing to try it.


Again, thanks a lot for all the comments.



Senior System Developer

bMenu AS

+47 41731128

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