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Limited Access på PayPal. Hva er dette?


Anbefalte innlegg

Skulle betale noen julegaver via PayPal da betalingen min plutselig ble stoppet og jeg fikk følgende epost:









As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding your account.


We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party. We have limited access to sensitive PayPal account features in case your account has been accessed by an unauthorized third party. We understand that having limited access can be an inconvenience, but protecting your account is our primary concern.





For your protection, we have limited access to your account until additional security measures can be completed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


To review your account and some or all of the information that PayPal used to make its decision to limit your account access, please visit the Resolution Center. If, after reviewing your account information, you seek further clarification regarding your account access, please contact PayPal by visiting the Help Center and clicking "Contact Us".


We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience.




PayPal Account Review Department






Hva betyr dette?

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Det betyr scam mail. Med andre ord IKKE trykk på noen linker i den mailen osv. Det er bare tull og fanteri.



Jeg er veldig flink til å skjønne hva som er Scammail.


Det var heller ingen linker i eposten så det kan ikke ha vært scam. Dessuten stod det; "Dear (Mitt navn)" som jeg har registrert på den ekte PayPal


Dette skjedde:



1. Jeg kjøpte en vare på Ebay

2. Jeg trykket på Pay Now på Ebay og ble overført til https-siden på www.paypal.com (Nei, ikke noe www.payypal.com eller andre luredomener) der jeg fra før har lagret brukernavn&passord.

3. Jeg valgte mitt MasterCard jeg vanligvis betaler med.

4. Da jeg trykket på Pay tok det noen sekunder og det kom en rød melding "Limited Access" og så ble jeg tilbakeført til Ebay.



Eposten dere fikk er den komplette eposten, og Case-IDen var ikke en link, men kun noen siffer.

Så den kan ikke være noe annet enn autentisk.

Endret av mrala
Lenke til kommentar
Jeg er veldig flink til å skjønne hva som er Scammail.


Det var heller ingen linker i eposten så det kan ikke ha vært scam. Dessuten stod det; "Dear (Mitt navn)" som jeg har registrert på den ekte PayPal


Beklager at jeg tok feil, men det er absolutt en av de mest utbredte scammailene. Derfor antok jeg at det var scam.


Fra deres Help Center:

How do I know if my account access is limited?


If your account access is limited, you will receive a Limited Access Notification email to your primary email address. In addition, when you log in to your PayPal account, a Learn how to remove this limitation link will be displayed on your Account Overview page. Click the link to learn why your account access has been limited and to complete the steps to remove your limitation.


What does it mean if my account access is limited?

With limited account access, you won't be able to use sensitive account features until certain steps are completed. You can find specific information on why your PayPal account access was limited and how to restore access by logging in to PayPal.


Here's How:


Log in to your PayPal account.

On the Account Overview page, click the Learn how to remove this limitation link.

Click Learn why your account access is limited.




Limited account access is a necessary measure that helps make PayPal more secure for all of our users and is usually easily resolved. Typically, a user is asked to update account information, fax or upload proof of identification to PayPal, or send an email to our Account Review department. Once we collect the information requested, your access to sensitive account features will be restored.


Med andre ord, logg inn og trykk på linken. Da vil du få informasjon om hvorfor den er limited og hvordan du fjenrner denne sperren.

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Tusen takk :)

Da har jeg gjort alle ting de krever, MEN de krever også dette:



"PayPal requires a copy of certain documents for verification purposes to return your account to regular standing.


Please submit each of the following documents: Help


- Proof of address


* Utility Bill


Please make sure that the documentation you provide is valid and legible. If we do not receive all of the requested documents and information indicated within 7 days, we will be unable to complete the application review process.


Note: This information will not be shared with any third parties."




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