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Oppdatere BIOS på sokkel 939 hovedkort


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Har hovedkortet MSI RS480M2 og trenger å oppdatere BIOSen min for å få støtte for AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+...

OS: windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit


Dette er instruksjonene som følger med den nyeste BIOSen deres som jeg fant på siden jeg ovenfor linket til:


The BIOS and DEVICE DRIVERS contained here are exclusively for Micro-Star products only. Micro-Star assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from improper use or lack of technical expertise.







Award BIOS Flash Procedure

(Special Thanks to Forum Moderator Bas for his valuable contribution)

1. Check your BIOS for BIOS FLASH DISABLED and ENABLE it, some boards have this function.

For Example:

K7N420 Pro (MS-6373) – BIOS setup/Integrated Peripherals/BIOS Protect/Disabled


2. Know Your model number

a. Open your case and look for the MS-XXXX number on the motherboard between the PCI slots, also check the version number that is written there as well. (some motherboards are named like K7T Turbo, make sure you have the right version number)

b. Boot up your system & take a look at the top left screen during POST, you should see something like “W6373MS v2.1 122101” This means the board is MS-6373 with BIOS version 2.1

Hint: Many systems are clearing this message very fast, the bios version is then unreadable, you can either press “PAUSE” or disable the “Quick Boot” in the BIOS setup.


3. Download the BIOS that matches your motherboard AND version number (some motherboards are named like K7T Turbo, make sure you have the right version number). BIOS can be found according to the CPU type of your board like if your CPU is Intel P4 478 type then look here

HYPERLINK "http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/socket_478.php" http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/socket_478.php

if you cannot find the BIOS that matches your board, try here HYPERLINK "http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php" http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php


4. Extract the BIOS-archive that you have downloaded by double clicking to c:\test


5. Boot your system from a Win98 or WinME boot-floppy.

How to make boot floppy in case your don’t have it ready:

For Win9X, You can type [C:\ format a:/s] from the DOS prompt.

For WinMe, You can make a boot floppy from control panel--> add/remove program-->make boot floppy. Remove autoexec.bat & config.sys file if there's any.

For Win2000, there's no way to make boot floppy, so you have to either use Win9X or WinME boot floppy.

For WinXP, you can make a DOS boot disk. Go to Your Computer, right click drive A:, select Format, select copy system files.


7. When you get the A:\ prompt, type the following sequence:

C: <enter>

cd\test <enter>

C:\test> awdfl783m BIOS file

(to save or not to save old BIOS is the user’s decision)


8. Reboot your system when prompted


P.S. If your system doesn't boot after you flashed, please refer to the BIOS recovery method as described http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/note.htm


AMI BIOS Flash Procedure

(Special Thanks to Forum Moderator Bas for his valuable contribution)

1. Check your BIOS for BIOS FLASH DISABLED and ENABLE it, some boards have this function.

For Example:

K7T266 Pro (MS-6380) –BIOS setup/chipset setup/BIOS protection/disabled


2. Know Your model number

a. Open your case and look for the MS-XXXX number on the motherboard between the PCI slots, also check the version number that is written there as well. (some motherboards are named like K7T Turbo, make sure you have the right version number)

b. Boot up your system & take a look at the top left screen during POST, you should see something like “A6380MS v1.7 122101” This means the board is MS-6380 with BIOS version 1.7

Hint: Many systems are clearing this message very fast, the bios version is then unreadable, you can either press “PAUSE” or disable the “Quick Boot” in the BIOS setup.


3. Download the BIOS that matches your motherboard AND version number (some motherboards are named like K7T Turbo, make sure you have the right version number). BIOS can be found according to the CPU type of your board like if your CPU is Intel P4 478 type then look here

HYPERLINK "http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/socket_478.php" http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/socket_478.php

if you cannot find the BIOS that matches your board, try here HYPERLINK "http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php" http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php


4. Extract the BIOS-archive that you have downloaded by double clicking to c:\test


5. Boot your system from a Win98 or WinME boot-floppy.

How to make boot floppy in case your don’t have it ready:

For Win9X, You can type [C:\ format a:/s] from the DOS prompt.

For WinMe, You can make a boot floppy from control panel--> add/remove program-->make boot floppy. Remove autoexec.bat & config.sys file if there's any.

For Win2000, there's no way to make boot floppy, so you have to either use Win9X or WinME boot floppy.

For WinXP, you can make a DOS boot disk. Go to Your Computer, right click drive A:, select Format, select copy system files.


7. When you get the A:\ prompt, type the following sequence:

C: <enter>

cd\test <enter>

C:\test> amifl827 BIOS file

(to save or not to save old BIOS is the user’s decision)


8. Reboot your system when prompted


P.S. If your system doesn't boot after you flashed, please refer to the BIOS recovery method as described http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/note.htm


Flashing the BIOS for Non-FAT file system (Thanks to Forum Moderator Assaf for his valuable contribution)

1.Check your BIOS for BIOS FLASH DISABLED and ENABLE it, some boards have this function.For Example:

K7T266 Pro (MS-6380) -BIOS setup/chipset setup/BIOS protection/disabled


2.Know Your model number

a. Open your case and look for the MS-XXXX number on the motherboard between the PCI slots, also check the version number that is written there as well. (some motherboards are named like K7T Turbo, make sure you have the right version number)

b. Boot up your system & take a look at the top left screen during POST, you should see something like "A6380MS v1.7 122101" This means the board is MS-6380 with BIOS version 1.7

Hint: Many systems are clearing this message very fast, the bios version is then unreadable, you can either press “PAUSE” or disable the “Quick Boot” in the BIOS setup.


3.Download the BIOS that matches your motherboard AND version number (some motherboards are named like K7T Turbo, make sure you have the right version number). BIOS can be found according to the CPU type of your board like if your CPU is Intel P4 478 type then look here


if you cannot find the BIOS that matches your board, try here <http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php>


4.Extract the file you have downloaded to a floppy (not the win ME/98 startup floppy) by double clocking the file in windows mode and supplying the path a:\


5.Boot the computer using a windows ME or windows 98 startup disk. It must be one of these! A plain boot disk will not be good enogh.

If you do not have Windows ME or 98 to create the floppy you can make one on a friend's computer.


6.When boot is done there will be a message on the screen showing :"Diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to drive" followed by a single letter.

This letter is the leter assigned to the RAMDRIVE. This RAMDRIVE is a virtual drive in the system memory and can be accessed and controlled like any other drive with DOS commands such as:

MD - Make Directory

Copy - copy a file

Deleate - Deleate a file


There is one important difference which is that being in the system memory this drive is wiped once the computer is restarted or shut down.


7.Replace the startup floppy with the one containing the flash utility and bios ROM files previously extracted in windows.


8.Copy the 2 files to the RAMDRIVE by using the DOS command copy.

Here is an example, in this example the flash utility is AWFL814B.EXE ,the ROM file is w6373nms.220 and the RAMDRIVE letter assignment is D


copy awfl814b.exe d:\

copy w6337nms.220 d:\


9.Change the current working directory to the RAMDRIVE root directory, with the example case of the RAMDRIVE being drive D this is done by simply done with the command d:


10.Execute the flash utility with the ROM file as a command line argument, with this example:

awfl814b w6373nms.220


If you wish to save the current bios you must specify the full path a:\filename. Specifying only a file name will save the bios to the RAMDRIVE which will be wiped after restarting the computer and the file will not be saved.


a:\bios.old is an example of the correct way to save the bios.


11.Reboot your system when prompted


12. If your system doesn't boot after you flashed, please refer to the BIOS recovery method as described



1. Har som sagt Vista, og det står ikke noe om hvordan jeg skal gjøre det der.

2. Jeg er ikke sikker på om jeg har gjort alt riktig ved å følge instruksjonene til NTFS og XP, da jeg er meget usikker på disketter generelt. :p

(tror da jeg fikk laget en boot-diskett, men fikk den aldri til å boote... (mulig jeg har gjort noe galt..)

Edit: Ja jeg satte boot rekefølgen til å være diskettstasjon.


3. Har før brukt eget innebyget BIOS oppdateringsprogram, og da gikk det fint å bruke minnepinne... Ingen mulighet for det her da?


4. Har prøvd med "MSI Live update online", men det sier bare at jeg har versjon .0, og nyeste er .0 (med andre ord så er det vel noe den reigstrerer feil... kanskje pga vista?)


Noen ideer til hvordan jeg skal oppdatere BIOS?


Edit: var også en .exe fil med BIOSen som du kunne åpne, og i et tiendedels sekund så kom altså sånn typisk "CMD" vidu opp, der jeg ved hjelp av et screenshot kunne lese at det stod at OSet ikke var støttet. (kun for XP, ME, 98 osv..)



Endret av andrull
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Har koblet til en XP harddisk om dette skulle gjøre prosessen noe lettere. Dog virker det fortsatt ikke som om den vil lage denne oppstartesdisketten. Noe spesielt jeg skal uttenom å formatere den og trykke på "gjør til MS-DOS oppstartsdiskett"?


Noen tips?


Edit: Den klarte heller ikke å finne noen nyere drivere med den driten av en automatisk oppdaterer. (til tross for at BIOSen jeg har er 3,12 og nesten det eldste av alle BIOSene)

Endret av andrull
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Du kan jo evt prøve å lage ei boot plate for win98se f.eks, og legge update program + update fil på den.. da booter du rett i dos for win98se og kan starte update programmet derifra.


Selv så har jeg lagd et boot image som jeg kjører via nettverk (starter opp PC-en via nettverk og går rett i dos, hvor jeg har lagt til nødvendige filer)



Tok meg den frihet til å lage et image for deg.

Husker ike helt hva denne dos versjonen heter, men det er den jeg har brukt hver gang for å flashe mine kort og det har enda ikke gått galt.


Jeg vet kun hvordan du kan brenne denne med nero, om du bruker et annet brenne program må du finne ut av ting selv.


Først må du pakke ut zip fila, så du får ".img" fila istedet


Start "Nero Burning ROM", ikke bruk express eller lignende.

Ifra lista som kommer opp velger du "CD-ROM (oppstartbar), på høyre side må du velge "Image-fil" og velge fila du lastere ned herifra.

Tror muligens "boot instillinger" bør stå på engelsk, siden dos filene er engelsk.

Brenn plata uten å legge til flere filer.

Gjerne på lav hastighet!

Da bør du kunne starte ifra den og starte bios flashe programmet ditt som jeg har lagt inn, sammen med nyeste bios!


Dette er en guide som burde funke for Nero 8 ihvertfall.

Jeg har ikke prøvd dette selv, da jeg alltid kjører image fila via nettverk.

Men den burde funke på samme måten ifra cd.


*siden jeg glemte meg bort å lagret i feil format for image fila, så må dere se mitt neste innlegg i tråden, der følger den rette fila med :)


Lykke til :)

Endret av J@9
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Mener å huske at Nero 6 har samme funksjon. men er ikke helt sikker.

Du kan sikkert bruke andre brenne programmer også, men som sagt så kjenner jeg kun nero.

Dette imaget du fikk skal også kunne legges på en diskett.

Men hvilke programmer du trenger til det er jeg mer usikker på.

Kan vel også bootes ifra usb minne, men det krever ekstra prorammer det også

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Ja, jeg fikk installert Nero 8, og fikk tilslutt brent ut en DVD med imagefila.

Hadde litt problemer med Sata DVD-rommen min i starten, men løste seg raskt ved å bytte middlertidig over til en IDE DVD-rom. :)


Har nå bootet fra CDen, og må (naturligvis) skrive inn noen kommandoer, så jeg lurte på om du/eller noen andre hviste hva jeg skal skrive?


Ellers skal det sies at jeg ikke finner tastekombinasjonen for å få skrevet kolon ":". :blush:

Lenke til kommentar

Takker, Sindre Alexander. :)


Da fikk jeg da startet opp flasheprogrammet, og skulle til å flashe. Den spørte meg om jeg skulle lagre filen, noe jeg ikke ville, og jeg trykket derfor "N" for No. Den gikk videre og loadet litt. Men til min store overraskelse så fikk jeg opp feilmeldingen: The program file's BIOS-lock String does not match with your system!



Det skal være riktig fil, (står klart og tydelig "MS-7093" på hovedkortet, noe det også står på BIOS-fila... Om det har noe å si så står det dog "version 1.0" på hovedkortet.. :(

Endret av andrull
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