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Fall/winter dashboard update - ALL the details! divx/xvid support +++


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Microsoft has shed more light on the upcoming Fall Dashboard Update. Microsoft Japan recently held a press briefing covering some of the new features that will be bundled in the update. One of the newly discovered changes will be the ability to reorganize the Game Blade, which will feature the Game Library, instead of Xbox Live Arcade, Achievements, and Played Games sections. The new update will allow for easier sorting by having everything break down with filters. Items will be added into sections like, All Games, Arcade, Demos, and Recent Downloads.


Some other changes include:



- Marketplace will be reorganized and reduced to four categories. The new categories will be "Recommended Content," "What's New," "Game Store," "and Video Store."


- Personal Profile added into Gamer Profile. This will allow you to add a brief introduction about yourself, your name, nationality, and country of origin.


- XBLA demos will also be deleted from Played Games and Gamercard listings.


Litt mer info...


"Video Store"? Vil det si at vi kan laste ned filmer for en slant MS points eller?

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Gjest Slettet-uVTr2vDm
For oss Europeere er jo denne updaten spesielt bra, siden vi endelig får leie video. Eller kommer det senere?


Tror det er fare for at det har blitt utsatt.


Kilde eller grunn for å si noe sånt? :]

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Tror det ble utsatt til den 12. desember, meningen var vel at det skulle komme i høst.


At Microsoft's E307 Media Briefing, Peter Moore announced that Xbox Live's Video Marketplace would be going worldwide, or more specifically, to Europe as well as Canada. Apparently, XBLVM will be available in these new locales this fall, a full year since the announcement and launch in November 2006 in the States.



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Xbox Video Marketplace coming to some European countries soon


A recently purchased Microsoft Points Card package confirms that Xbox Video Marketplace is soon to be launched in European countries soon. The card states that the service is only available in UK, Ireland, France, and Germany. It is expected that Tuesday's Dashboard Update will include the service in all relevant territories.




Nå er det jo ikke sikkert dette stemmer da, kan jo komme til Norge selv om det ikke er nevnt der...


Æ væt itj æ næi... :)

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Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL

Rekner ikke Norge er det første som får Video Marketplace. MS må inn i hvert land og få rettigheter til hva de vil selge på video marketplace, og da er det rent logisk de konsentrerer seg om de største markedene som UK og Tyskland. Forhåpentligvis kommer Norge med i klubben om ikke så lenge.

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