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Shadowmeld/prowl button

if your in cat form it prowls anything else and it will shadowmeld


/cast [nocombat, stance:3, nostealth] Prowl; [nocombat, nostealth] Shadowmeld


Faerie Fire / Faerie Fire (Feral) button

feral form feral faerie fire otherwise normal says it all realy



/cast [nostance] Faerie Fire; Faerie Fire (Feral)()


Barkskin > Hurricane

two presses of this button will pop barkskin and activate hurricane (GCD will have to be paid attention too)


/stopmacro [channeling:Hurricane]

/castsequence reset=55/combat Barkskin, Hurricane


Caster Form > Barkskin > Tranquility

title says all pops you to caster if you arent already, pops barkskin, starts the healing all in 3 clicks of the same button (GCD will have to be paid attention too)


/stopmacro [channeling:Tranquility]


/castsequence [nostance] reset=60 Barkskin, Tranquility


The stop doing that macro

Casts whatever ability we have in the current form to stop the target doing whatever it is they are doing that we dont want them too



/cast [nostance] Cyclone; [stance:1] Bash; [stance:3, stealth] Pounce; [stance:3, nostealth] Maim


Faerie Fire / Prowl

a second FF macro for you ferals for your cat bar, if your in combat casts FFF if not Prowls (will look into improving this later to merge the shadowmeld & FF macros into one super macro)


/cast [combat, nostealth] Faerie Fire (Feral)(); [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl


Prowl / Pounce

probably more useful than the FFF prowl but who knows


/cast [nostealth, nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Pounce


Ultimate shift button

all forms in one button, ctrl = cat, alt =bear, shift = either doomkin or TOL and the rest are enviromental defaulting to travel form



/cast [modifier:ctrl] Cat form; [modifier:alt] Dire Bear Form; [modifier:shift] <Moonkin Form/Tree of Life>; [swimming] Aquatic Form; [flyable, nocombat] Flight Form; [outdoors] Travel Form


Starfire / Moonfire > Insect Swarm > Wrath

Dont personally use castsequences myself but some people swear by them, start combat with a starfire, then bot and wrath cannon


/cast [nocombat] Starfire

/castsequence reset=12/target Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Wrath, Wrath, Wrath, Wrath


Trinket1 / Trinket2 > Ravage

pop your trinkets & ravage if prowling shred if not




/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/use 13

/use 14

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()


/cast [stealth] Ravage; Shred


Druid Stealth bar

this can probably be improved with use of some of the other macros above (also not sure how this will play with broken stealth)

Prowl + Change Actionbar


/cast [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl

/changeactionbar [stance:3, nocombat] 2



Unstealth + Change Actionbar


/cast [stealth] Pounce

/changeactionbar 1


Enrage + Feral Charge

Enrage apparently can be taken out of the GCD thing as follows, id also assume you could swap charge for Frenzied regen as you want to be popping them together anyway


/cast Enrage


/cast Feral Charge





Beast Mastery "I-Win button"

This macro will cast Bestial Wrath and Intimidation simultaneously. It requires a Beast Mastery spec and the appropriate talents.



/cast Bestial Wrath


/cast Intimidation



Dive / Dash -> Growl

This macro will cast Dive if you have an owl, Dash if you have a cat, or Growl if you have anything else.


/cast [pet:owl] Dive; [pet:cat] Dash; [pet] Growl


No Combat Feed / Combat Mend

This macro will cast Mend Pet when in combat and Feed Pet when out of combat.



/cast [nocombat] Feed Pet; [combat] Mend Pet

/use [nocombat] <food item>

Pet Attack queuing - Please confirm this works


In most games, you can queue up attack commands by using the shift key. You can now do this with your pet so that it will kill the targets sequentially in the order you give it.


This acts like a normal pet attack button, but when you hold shift and use it, your pet will attack your current target only once it is done killing all its already queued targets.



/focus [target=pettarget,modifier:shift]

/petfollow [nomodifier:shift]


/target [modifier:shift] focus

/petattack [modifier:shift]


Pet Attack / Follow toggle

Get your pet out of that boss' AOE faster by putting Pet Attack and Pet Follow on the same button. Here's a way to toggle them by holding any modifier key:


/petattack [pet,nomodifier]

/petfollow [pet,modifier]

Revive Pet -> Call Pet -> Mend Pet

This will revive your pet if it's dead, call your pet if you don't have him out, or mend your pet.



/cast [modifier] Revive Pet; [target=pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet


If your dead pet is out of range (i.e. cannot be found by the target command), you can hold down any modifier to force Revive Pet.


Call Pet -> Revive Pet

This macro will call your pet if you do not have one, otherwise it attempts to cast Revive Pet.



/cast [nopet] Call Pet; Revive Pet


The preceding macro won't work correctly if you died, or had to leave an instance without reviving your pet. If your pet's corpse is still around this one will revive it, or if you hold down alt. If you are not in combat, and hold down ctrl your pet will be dismissed, if you don't have a pet it will call pet.



/cast [modifier:alt] [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; [pet, nocombat, modifier:ctrl] Dismiss Pet


Aimed Shot -> Arcane Shot / Steady Shot

This macro is designed to maximize your single target ranged DPS. It rotates through Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, and Aimed Shot. It casts Aimed Shot if you are out of combat to start off the fight; then it spams Arcane Shot when it isn't on cool down and Steady Shot the rest of the time. Selecting the Macro Icon will show the icon for the next spell to be cast.


Note: You need to adjust the reset to equal the cool down on your Arcane Shot, and you need to wait for an auto shot to go off before casting each Steady Shot, to maximize your DPS.



/castsequence [combat] reset=5 Arcane Shot, Steady Shot,

Steady Shot, Steady Shot; [nocombat] Aimed Shot



This will cast Misdirection on the tank without loosing your target. Just replace "Tank" with your tank.



#showtooltip Misdirection

/cast [target=Tank] Misdirection


Another useful macro combination for one-button misdirecting. If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. If you haven't got a focus set, it will misdirect to your pet instead. Usage:


1. Select tank and click macro button. This will set your tank as focus target. If you dont have a focus set it missdirects your pet. You only have to do this once, until you want to change the focus to a different player.

2. Select the mob that you want to pull (and misdirect).

3. Shoot away!



#showtooltip Misdirection

/focus [help]

/stopmacro [help]

/cast [target=focus,exists] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists] Misdirection


Steady Shot -> Auto Shot

This macro will cast Steady Shot and Auto Shot in alternating order, preventing players from accidentally clipping Auto Shots while attempting to cast Steady Shot. The sequence will reset after obtaining a new target or after three seconds of idle time. If the target is a friendly target, you will assist the player before beginning the sequence, but only if you are in combat first. If the new target is still a friendly target, the macro will stop.



#showtooltip Steady Shot

/assist [help, combat]

/stopmacro [help]

/castsequence reset=target/3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot


Kill Command macro


As of 2.1, Kill Command is off of the global cooldown. However, it is still subject to the 0.5 second Auto Shot delay. This means using Kill Command can clip your rotation if your attack speed is too fast. It is very beneficial to a hunter's DPS to use the ability after every crit, so here are some macros to help with that. Furthermore change the reset time so it matches your weaponspeed, can be found in your caractersheet, this minimize the time between your shots, really good if you have a fast weapon.


The following macro combines Steady Shot and Kill Command into one action. It should be used as a replacement for the normal Steady Shot, so that Kill Command will be used as early as possible whenever it is available (ie. after a critical strike):


/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()


/cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command


/cast Steady Shot

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()


This macro will


* start casting Steady Shot

* give the Kill Command; in effect this will be only executed if it is actually available


The calls to the UIErrorsFrame method are not strictly necessary, but they remove possibly distracting error messages from the screen that would otherwise appear when Kill Command is not available. While the structure of the macro might seem overly complicated at first sight, it is indeed the only way to make the intended effect transparent to the player. The macro is intended to work as a replacement for Steady Shot, having it behave as closely to the original Steady Shot as possible.


If you want a "spamable" macro, use the following:


/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command

/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()


The above macro works very well if you spam it (i.e. cast repeatedly). An easy way to do this is by binding it to the mouse wheel (scroll the mouse wheel in the intended direction after clicking the Bind Key button; a mouse wheel click is treated like a mouse button click, so by scrolling the mouse wheel you can then spam the action in rapid succession).


Stings & Volleys

Put most of your stings on a single key. Use the icon and it will show which one is up:


#showtooltip [modifier:alt] Scorpid Sting; [modifier:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot; Serpent Sting

/cast [modifier:alt] Scorpid Sting; [modifier:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot; Serpent sting


Switch between Volley and Flare. Use the ? icon:


#showtooltip [modifier:alt] Flare; Volley

/cast [modifier:alt] Flare; Volley


Distracting Shot

Cast distracting shot, then stop attacking.


#showtooltip Distracting Shot

/cast Distracting Shot



Raptor Strike + Wing Clip

This is a very simple macro that queues a Raptor Strike for the next normal melee swing and uses Wing Clip. It acts a little funny if used while out of melee range, however. If your Raptor Strike is on cooldown, Wing Clip can be used alone. Although this macro contains two skills, it works because one attacks instantly and the other attacks on the next melee swing.


/cast Raptor Strike

/cast Wing Clip


Two Traps for the Price of One

Cut down on the number of buttons you have dedicated to traps. The stopcasting & stopattack will help keep you from breaking your own traps. You can also use Immolation/Explosive. Use the ? icon.


#showtooltip [modifier:alt] Frost Trap; Freezing Trap



/cast [modifier:alt] Frost Trap; Freezing Trap


Assist Focus

The Assist Focus macro is setup to assist and attack the target of the focus target; in this case, it is the main tank or main assist. You can use the Hunter's Mark / Focus Target macro to easily set your focus target; then use this macro to target his target from then on. So it is a main tank assist macro centered around the focus target. I bind this macro to T and use it exclusively to target and begin attacking.


/assist [target=focus, exists]

/cast [nocombat] attack;

/startattack [combat];


Aspect of the Cheetah / Pack by group status

This macro will cast Aspect of the Cheetah if you are not in a group, or Aspect of the Pack if you are.


/cast [group] Aspect of the Pack; Aspect of the Cheetah


Hunter's Mark / Focus Target

The Hunter's Mark macro will set the focus target if the target is friendly or it will cast Hunter's Mark if the target is hostile. use this macro with the Misdirection macro to set the recipient of aggro, typically the main tank, and with the Assist Focus macro to set the main assist.


#showtooltip Hunter's Mark

/cast [harm] Hunter's Mark;

/focus [help]


Hunter's Mark + Pet Attack

This will cast hunters mark and send your pet into attack if you use left click, right click will just do the hunters mark


#showtooltip Hunter's Mark

/cast [button:2] Hunter's Mark; Hunter's Mark

/stopmacro [button:2]



One-button reactive abilities

This will cast whichever is currently available (or both if both are), so you can just hit it reflexively when the yellow text pops up (if you have that option in the built-in floating combat text turned on) without having to read it.


/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

/cast Kill Command


/cast Mongoose Bite

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()


One-button aggro dump

Casts Feign Death on the first press, then Disengage on subsequent presses until your FD cooldown is up. (Remember, though: Disengage only works in melee range.)


/castsequence reset=30 Feign Death, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage





Pyroblast or Fireball

Casts Pyro if you're not in combat (as an opener), Fireball otherwise


/cast [nocombat] Pyroblast; Fireball


Arcane Explosion

When out of combat it will cast Arcane Explosion rank 1 for two reasons: It is useful for looking for stealthed enemies to conserve mana, as well as being helpful when protecting points of interest in PvP. In combat it will cast highest Arcane Explosion. It has /stopcasting at the end so that it doesn't *hold* casting and makes you unable to cast any other spell, which happens often when you AOE so many mobs and lag.


#Showtooltip Arcane Explosion

/cast [nocombat] Arcane Explosion(Rank 1); Arcane Explosion



Frost Nova / Cone of Cold

This will cast Frost Nova with your first press, then Cone of Cold on your second. This macro will then reset itself after 24 seconds.


/castsequence reset=24 Frost Nova, Cone of Cold


Frost Nova / Cold Snap

This will cast frost nova on first press. If frost nova is still in cool down it will cast cold snap on second press, and it will cast frost nova on third press. The stop casting is in case you want to use it to interrupt another spell(ie they run in close while casting frost bolt).



/castsequence reset=21 Frost Nova, Cold Snap


Ice Block / Cold Snap

This will cast Ice Block on first press. If Ice Block is still in cool down it will cast Cold Snap on second press, and it will cast Ice Block on third press. This useful so that ensures if Ice Block is on cooldown and Cold Snap is up, you can Ice Block again on the same button. Also it is worth noting you can spam this button and Ice Block will stay on unless you manually click off the buff.



/castsequence reset=240 Ice Block, Cold Snap


PoM, AP, Trinkets, and spell

You may want to add my UI errors thing from other macros around this


#show Pyroblast

/cast Presence of Mind


/cast Arcane Power


/use 13

/use 14


/cast Pyroblast


Quick Counterspell

Most people complain about having to cancel their current spells and then hitting Counterspell. This macro does it for you. It cancels any spell and instantly casts Counterspell.


#showtooltip Counterspell


/cast Counterspell


Quick Ice Barrier

Click once stops cast, click twice Ice barrier


#showtooltip Ice Barrier


/cast Ice Barrier


Polymorph(Enemy Sex, Level, Name)

This macro will cast Polymorph if the target is hostile, then stop the macro if the target is NOT hostile (i.e. if the polymorph didn't go off). Then emotes that it's target has been Sheeped, the sex and level of the target. Note that because of the '/stopmacro' command, if the target was not sheeped, the party would not be sent a tell (thus cutting down on unnecessary spam). You can change EMOTE in the macro to be PARTY for party chat etc.


/cast [harm] Polymorph

/stopmacro [noharm]

/script if UnitSex("target") == 1 then SendChatMessage("Sheeping Female " .. UnitLevel("target") .. " %t","EMOTE") else SendChatMessage("Sheeping Male " .. UnitLevel("target") .. " %t", "EMOTE"); end


sample output: Player Sheeping sex Level Target Name



Conjure or eat/drink

You can condense conjuring and drinking onto a single button using click-logic. In this macro, right-clicks summon water, and left-clicks to use it. The "#show" command will display the count of waters in your inventory on the button face, and if you use the "?" macro icon, it will also show the water-bottle icon on your tool-bar.


#show Conjured Crystal Water

/cast [button:2] Conjure Water

/use [button:1] Conjured Crystal Water


Conjure Mana Gems

Here is another easy conjure macro that you can use to conjure all 5 gems by just hitting the button 4 times in a row (remove any gems that you dont have yet or that you dont want to make)


/castsequence reset=45 Conjure Mana Emerald, Conjure Mana Ruby, Conjure Mana Citrine, Conjure Mana Jade, Conjure Mana Agate


If you like to have one button per gem for conjuring and casting you can use this macro for each of your gems. Rightclicking it conjures the gem. Any other way of activating the macro (button press or leftclick or something) uses the gem. Of crouse your replace the gem name with the gem you wanted to use. Downside is that if you use the questionmark icon for the macro, it only shows the gem icon if you have it in your inventory. The gem icon turns into a red questionmark when you log in or zone while not having the gem on you. Hope this gets fixed soon. Alternatively, you can select a fixed macro icon that resembles the gem.



#show Mana Citrine

/cast [button:2] Conjure Mana Citrine

/stopmacro [button:2]

/use Mana Citrine


Conjure/Use Mana Gem

This macro will conjure a mana gem if you do not already have one, or use one if you do:


#show Mana Ruby

/use Mana Ruby

/cast [nocombat] Conjure Mana Ruby


Replace "Mana Ruby" with whatever your highest level of mana gem is. The "nocombat" conditional ensures that you do not use the gem then immediately try to conjure another one while you are in a hot situation.



This will cast AI on self on right click, your target on left click, and your target's party if you are in a group (party/raid) and are holding the ctrl key on left click (mainly useful for not wasting your arcane powder unnecessarily)


#Showtooltip Arcane Intellect

/cast [target=player,button:2] Arcane Intellect

/cast [button:1] Arcane Intellect

/cast [modifier:ctrl,group,button:1] Arcane Brilliance


Better slow fall

It simply makes you slowfall but it dismounts you first. If you lack the manual dexterity to dismount and then slowfall when you accidentally drop down a cliff, this macro will help you lots. Also, this thing shows the number of light feathers you have left on the macro icon. Note: you will need to press this button twice to dismount and slowfall! Failure to do so in combination with un'goro or flying mounts can have bad consequences.


#show Light Feather


/cast Slow Fall


Portal/Teleport on one button

The following macro will teleport you if you are alone and will open a portal if you are in a party or raid, unless you override it by holding down a modifier key (shift/ctrl/alt). Use the red question mark icon to see which spell will be cast when you use the macro.


/cast [group,nomodifier] Portal: Shattrath; Teleport: Shattrath

/stopmacro [nogroup][modifier]

/p << Shattrath Portal Incoming >>


All 3 Armors on one button

Left click for Molten Armor, right click for Frost Armor, and alt-click for Mage Armor. Very handy for conserving hotbar space and the like. You can edit the first line to have it display whichever armor's tooltip you prefer, simply change the name of the spell.


#showtooltip Molten Armor;

/cast [button:2] Frost Armor; [nomodifier:alt] Molten Armor; Mage Armor;


Arcane Spec Macros

This macro will make it so if you hit the arcane missiles key while casting arcane missiles, nothing happens, but if you are not casting them then you will begin to cast them.


#Showtooltip Arcane Missiles

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Arcane Missiles


This macro allows you to spam a non-channeled spellkey while channeling arcane missiles and not interrupt the channel (trinket included to show you can also add them in)



#Showtooltip Arcane Blast

/use [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] 13

/cast [nochanneling:Arcane Missiles] Arcane Blast


You should also do this to your scorch and/or fireblast spells in order to spam them, as casting AM and scorch/fireblast only gives you .5 seconds to again cast arcane blast before you lose the "buff/debuff"





Righteous Defense

Casts Righteous Defense on your current target if they are friendly and on your target's target if your current target is not friendly.



/cast [help,nodead][target=targettarget,help,nodead] Righteous Defense;


This one will activate the Righteous Defense in three cases:

1. When the mouse is over a living friendly target -> Righteous Defense on the mouse indicated target

2. When your selected target is a living friendly -> Righteous Defense on your selected target

3. When your target is unfriendly -> Righteous Defense on the target's target if it is living and friendly




/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][target=targettarget,help,nodead] Righteous Defense;


Judgement of Light

Casts a Spell sequence to put a Judgement of Light on an unfriendly target. Press shift key to reset sequence or is reset on target change.



/castsequence [harm] reset=target/shift Seal of Light, Judgement


Judgement --> Seal of Righteousness

This will simply cast judgement and instantly put your Seal back.


#showtooltip Seal of Righteousness

#show Judgement

/cast Judgement


/cast Seal of Righteousness


Single/Greater Blessing (replace "Might" with your blessing)

Casts the greater blessing if you hold down shift while clicking the button or pressing the hotkey, and the normal blessing otherwise. It allows you to bind both blessings to the same key.


/cast [modifier:shift] Greater Blessing of Might; Blessing of Might



This macro will attempts to cast on your target's target before casting on yourself. Allows you to target a mob and automatically Cleanse or heal whatever its current target is. Also added functionality for alt-selfcast.


#showtooltip Cleanse

/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Cleanse; [target=mouseover,exists,help] Cleanse; [target=target,help] Cleanse; [target=targettarget,help] Cleanse; [target=player] Cleanse;


Retribution Combo

(Retribution only) Cast Seal of Command before spamming this. by


/castsequence reset=10 Crusader Strike, Judgement, Seal of Command


Seal of Command Multi-Rank

Casts rank 1 of Seal of Command when you press alt, control, and trigger the macro. Otherwise casts highest rank.


/cast [modifier:alt][modifier:control] Seal of Command(Rank 1); Seal of Command


Consecration Multi-Rank

Casts rank 1 of Consecration when you press alt and trigger the macro. Otherwise casts highest rank.


/cast [modifier:alt] Consecration(Rank 1); Consecration


This variation will cast Consecration (Rank 1) when out of combat, or your highest level Consecration when in-combat. Great for defending an area against stealthed targets.


/cast [nocombat] Consecration(Rank 1); Consecration


Fast Freedom (Important to PvP)

Bind this key to your middle button or somewhere fast, then use it when you're slowed or rooted, etc.! by



/cast [target=player] Blessing of Freedom


1 Button JotC/JoR/JoC Macro

A 1 button macro ( with modifier ) for Judgeing Crusader, then using Seal of Righteousness or Seal of Command based on your weapons. Hold shift ( or any modifier you choose ) to seal and judge Crusader, then if you have a shield equipped it will SoR, or a 2 handed weapon will SoC.


/castsequence [modifier:shift] reset=30,target/combat Seal of the Crusader, Judgement;[equipped:Shields] reset=30 Seal of Righteousness, Judgement;[equipped:Two-Handed Swords/Two-Handed Maces/Two-Handed Axes/Polearms] reset=30 Seal of Command, Judgement



Resurrect your target and warn the group. Stop the macro if the target is hostile/not dead.


#showtooltip Redemption

/cast Redemption

/stopmacro [nohelp,nodead]

/gr Resurrecting %t.


Preventing Runners (seal of justice)

Since Judgement is not effected by the global cooldown, this instantly forces mobs to stop running- I like to use this as soon as the emote that they begin running appears, forcing them to run back to you.


/cast Seal of Justice


/cast Judgement





Greater Heal mob's target or friendly target

This macro will cast Greater Heal on your target if your target is friendly; if your target is an enemy, it will cast Greater Heal on your target's target.


/cast [help] Greater Heal; [target=targettarget] Greater Heal

Use this macro to heal yourself when holding down alt, use the icon and it will show the tooltip for Greater Heal. These also work with any other heal.


#showtooltip Greater Heal

/cast [help, nomodifier:alt] Greater Heal; [nomodifier:alt, target=targettarget] Greater Heal; [modifier:alt, target=player] Greater Heal


Left click Fort, Right Click Group Fort

Left click casts single Fort, Right click casts Group Fort. Works with Divine Spirit, Shadow Protection, Mark of the Wild, Arcane Intellect, or any of the paladin blessings.


/cast [button:2] Prayer of Fortitude; Power Word: Fortitude



Resurrection if able to, announce to raid if it works on target

Does not execute if you're in combat or in Shadowform. Selects resurrection for casting on next click if your target is not friendly or not dead.


/stopmacro [stance:1][combat]

/cast Resurrection

/stopmacro [nohelp][nodead]

/ra Resurrecting %t.


Shadowform Cancel

With this macro you can get out of Shadowform and cast a Holy spell with one button. Press twice to use.


/cancelaura Shadowform

/cast Spellname(Rank X)


Shield Self without losing healing target

On one button press you can use Power Word: Shield on yourself without losing your current healing target.


/cast [target=player]Power Word: Shield


One Button Renew or SW:Pain

This macro casts either Renew (friendly) or Shadow Word: Pain (hostile) on whoever is hovering under your mouse that exists and is not dead. If you're not hovering, it does either Renew (friendly) or Shadow Word: Pain (hostile) on your selected target that is not dead. If all of the above are false, you will Renew yourself.


/cast [target=mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Renew; [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead] Shadow Word: Pain; [help,nodead] Renew;

[harm,nodead] Shadow Word: Pain; [target=player] Renew


Rebuff yourself

This macro rebuffs the player. Multiple clicks are required (keybind to mousescroll)


/cancelaura [stance:1] Shadowform

/castsequence [target=player,nostance] Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection, (Racial Priest Spell), Shadowform


Change stance and cast depending on target reaction

This macro will look at your stance and your current target. If the target is hostile and you are in Shadowform Mind Blast will be casted, if you are not in Shadowform it will put you in it. Will do the same for flash heal if the target is friendly and change your stance accordingly.



/cast [stance:1,harm] Mind Blast; [stance:1,help] Shadowform; [nostance,help] Flash Heal; [nostance,harm] Shadowform





Sinster Strike => Riposte

This will cast Sinster Strike on a normal click, and when Riposte becomes available, Right-click to use Riposte. I use this because the S. Strike + Riposte listed above seems buggy, and sometimes wont reset, so you're stuck trying to do Riposte over and over, when it's not available.


/cast [button:1] Sinster Strike; [button:2] Riposte


Backstab if mainhanding a dagger, Sinister Strike otherwise

This will backstab if you have a dagger in your mainhand, or sinister strike if you have a fist weapon. This is useful for situations such as the Flame Wreath in the Shade of Aran encounter where you have to spend prolonged periods in front of a mob unable to move behind it to backstab. Just click your fist weapon on your bar and then sin strike a few times while you wait so you don't waste energy


The reason you have to do it this way is you likely have a dagger in your offhand, so the macro will just keep trying to backstab if you say [equipped:Daggers] [noequipped:Daggers] instead


Note: You'll have to change "Fist Weapon" to "Sword" or "Mace" as appropriate if you don't have a fist weapon



/cast [noequipped:Fist Weapon] Backstab; /cast [equipped:Fist Weapon] Sinister Strike


Ambush if Stealthed else Backstab

This will cast Ambush if the player is stealthed, Backstab if not.


/cast [stealth] Ambush; Backstab


- OR -


/cast [nostealth] Backstab; Ambush


Ambush if Dagger else Cheapshot

This will ambush your target if you have a dagger equipped, and cheapshot them otherwise.


/cast [equipped:Daggers] Ambush; Cheapshot


Note that [equipped:Daggers] will evaluate true if you have a dagger in either hand. So if you are wielding a mace in your main hand, and a dagger in your off hand, then this macro will attempt to Ambush, give you an error message, and do nothing.


Equip Dagger and Ambush

This will equip your dagger if you have something else equipped, and ambush your target otherwise.


/equipslot [stealth,noequipped:Daggers] 17 Dagger of Pwnage

/cast [stealth,equipped:Daggers] Ambush


If nocombat Stealth else Ghostly/Sinister Strike

When you're not stealthed and not in combat, it will stealth you. When you're in combat and not stealthed it will pop ghostly strike whenever it's cooldown is up and Sinister Strike otherwise (in theory at least).


/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth

/castsequence reset=20 Ghostly Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike


Note: This macro has a weakness. Since every press of the macro will reset the 20 second timer you can easily get "out of sync" with the ghostly strike cooldown. Imagine it takes you 10 seconds to kill a target after which you move on. At this point the 20 second reset timer of the macro has just been reset. This means that attacking a new target within the next 20 seconds would NOT result in a Ghostly Strike opener even though cooldown is ready.


Stealth => Sinister Strike

This macro will...


Stealth you if you have a dagger equipped and are not in combat.

Equip your dagger if you are not stealthed, not in combat, and not wielding a dagger (change "Dagger of Pwnage" to the name of your dagger.

Equip your sword/whatever if you are in combat and are wielding a dagger (remember to change the name of the weapon in the macro).

Hit your target with Sinister Strike otherwise.



/cast [equipped:Daggers,nocombat] Stealth

/equipslot [nostealth,nocombat,noequipped:Daggers] 17 Dagger of Pwnage

/equipslot [combat,equipped:Daggers] 17 Sword of Pwnage

/cast Sinister Strike


Apply Poisons

With this macro, you can left click to poison your main hand, right click to poison your offhand, hold down the alt button when you do it to use crippling poison or the ctrl button to use mind-numbing.


/use [nomodifier] Instant Poison IV; [modifier:alt] Crippling Poison II; [modifier:ctrl] Mind-numbing Poison III

/use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17


Blind Mouseover

This lets you blind mobs/players without changing target but simply by hovering your mouse over them. Because your cursor is being used to select a target, you will need to have this macro bound to a key. (the focus stuff is so you can check the blind had effect and when it wears off)



/cast [target=mouseover] Blind

/focus [target=mouseover]

/stopmacro [target=focus, noharm]

/p %f has been blinded. DO NOT TOUCH!


Stealth -> Cheapshot => Hemorrhage


/cast [nostealth] stealth

/cast [stealth] cheap shot

/cast [combat] Hemorrhage


Cold Blood => Eviscerate

One Button Press Cold Blood -> Eviscerate


/cast Cold Blood


/cast Eviscerate


Trinket => Evasion => Adrenaline Rush

13 is top trinket slot, 14 is bottom. If Evasion is not up, Adrenaline Rush will not come out. There is no way to bypass this at the moment, unless you want to /castrandom and get those abilities out randomly.



/use 13

/castsequence Evasion, Adrenaline Rush


This is the /castrandom version and is very effective in bypassing the restriction above:



/use 13

/castrandom Adrenaline Rush, Evasion


Premeditation => Cheapshot

Premed/CS in One Button Press Without Global CD


/cast Premeditation


/cast Cheapshot


Super Preparation

Burn all your preparable abilities before using Preparation. Since you're going to be resetting all the CDs anyway, you might as well dodge a little more and move faster for a little bit.


/cast Evasion


/cast Sprint


/cast Preparation


You can put Vanish in there too... but it can mess you up in a solo mob fighting situation, and may blow an unnecessary Flash Powder.


Ghost Strike Hemorrhage

Ghost Strike/Hemo. 5 hemos for every ghost strike is plenty. This for me works better than /castrandom Ghost Strike, Hemorrhage, you can try both versions and see which one you prefer.


/castsequence reset=6 ghostly strike, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage


Stealth => Shadowstep => Premeditation => Ambush => Hemorrage

Stealths if not stealthed and not in combat. Shadowstep and apply Premed if its up. Ambush. Hemorrhage spam during combat. Great with the new Shadowstep.. can be a bugger when attempting on a moving mounted foe.


/cast [nostealth] stealth

/cast [stealth] Shadowstep

/cast [stealth] Premeditation

/cast [stealth] Ambush

/cast [combat] Hemorrhage


Pick Pocket + Ambush

If you use this macro it will Stealth you and Pick Pocket your mob netting you a few extra silver and the occassional Locked Box. You should(!) enable Autoloot in your Interface-Menu. If you are stealthed when using the macro, it will just Pick Pocket and use the opener. Instead of Ambush you can use every other Opener of course.


/cast [nostealth] Stealth


/cast Pick Pocket


/cast Ambush


Too Autoloot ONLY when pickpocketing use



/cast [nostealth] Stealth


/script SetAutoLootDefault(1)

/cast Pick Pocket

/script SetAutoLootDefault(0)


/cast Ambush


One-button shoot/throw

This macro will throw a throwing weapon or shoot your bow/gun/crossbow depending on which you have equipped.


/cast [equipped:Thrown] Throw; Shoot


Equip throwing weapon + Deadly Throw

This macro will equip your throwing weapon & cast Deadly Throw (requires two button presses, about a 1 second delay due to global cooldown). Handy if you want to keep a bow/gun/crossbow equipped due to better stats.


/equipslot [noequipped:Thrown] 18 My Thrown Weapon

/cast [equipped:Thrown] Deadly Throw


Deadly Throw + Throw (1-button ranged attack)

It'll use deadly throw if you have the combo points, otherwise it'll just throw/shoot.


/cast Deadly Throw

/cast [equipped:Thrown] Throw; Shoot



Sap + Pick Pocket

Needs Autoloot option enabled

WARNING: There is a small chance that your sap misses AND your pickpocket gets resisted!

Almost guaranteed pick pocket even in laggy situations and on moving mobs. It has its weakness in world PvP though, your enemy can easily know you're there.



/cast Sap


/cast Pick Pocket


Too Autoloot ONLY when pickpocketing use



/cast Sap


/script SetAutoLootDefault(1)

/cast Pick Pocket

/script SetAutoLootDefault(0)



Gouge => Bandage

Automatically Gouges the target and begins bandaging yourself. Be warned that if your Gouge fails, this will still expend a bandage. Replace Netherweave Bandage with the name of whatever bandage you wish to use with this macro.


/cast Gouge


/use [target=player] Netherweave Bandage


Vanish if combat - Stealth if nocombat

Place in your non-stealth bar, normal Stealth in same slot on in-stealth bar.


/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth

/cast [nostealth,combat] Vanish


Trinket => Blade Flurry

This casts your trinket and Blade Flurry in one mashable macro. Replace "Bladefist's Breadth" with your trinket. It will also auto attack if you haven't started attacking yet.


#show Blade Flurry


/use Bladefist's Breadth

/cast Blade Flurry


Dagger <=> Sword switching

This macro switch the weapon in your main hand. Useful if want to start with a dagger and switch to your sword after opening. Can be used to switch your main hand with your off-hand too.


/equipslot [equipped:Sword] 16 Dagger

/equipslot [equipped:Dagger] 16 Sword


First click will equip a dagger if main hand isn't a dagger, second click will equip a sword in main hand is a dagger.


Switch main and off hand

This macro will swap the weapons equipied in your main and off hand. Usefull to switch between sword and dagger. When you do this instantly with other ability you may even trick the global cooldown. Note that you must have the "one hand" weapons equippied, not "main hand"


/script PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupInventoryItem(17);



This will make one button for stunning a target. It will perform Cheap Shot if stealthed, Kidney Shot otherwise


/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot; Kidney Shot





One Button Totems

Just change arround the totems in that with the exact name and punctuation of your totems you want on the macro.

**NOTE: this is just to tidy all your totems into one button that you can spam (and keybind) and it will cast them in order. it will not cast them all on the first click**


/castsequence reset=6 Searing Totem, Mana Spring Totem, Grounding Totem, Strength of Earth Totem


Heal Self


/cast [target=player] Lesser Healing Wave


/cast [target=player] Healing Wave


Instant cast Healing Wave

This will cast an instant Healing Wave on your target if Nature's Swiftness is ready.


/cast Nature's Swiftness


/cast Healing Wave


Assuming you have two healing trinkets with a "use" function, this will use them both, interrupt whatever spell you're casting at the moment, and instant cast Healing Wave. If you're not in combat, the macro will not waste your trinkets or Nature's Swiftness and simply cast Healing Wave.



#showtooltip Healing Wave

/cast Healing Wave [nocombat]

/stopmacro [nocombat]


/use 13


/use 14


/cast Nature's Swiftness


/cast Healing Wave


Instant cast Chain Lightning

This will instantly cast Chain Lightning on your target if it is hostile.



/cast [combat,harm] Nature's Swiftness


/cast [harm] Chain Lightning


The [combat] modifier allows you to avoid "wasting" Nature's Swiftness when out of combat.


This macro will function similarly to the above one, except that it will also activate your trinkets and use Elemental Mastery. You'll need to be targeting someone/something that you can cast Chain Lightning on for this macro to work. Substitute Lightning Bolt for Chain Lightning if you would rather the macro cast Lightning Bolt.



/stopmacro [nocombat,noharm]

/use 13


/use 14


/cast Elemental Mastery


/cast Nature's Swiftness


/cast Chain Lightning


Cure poison/disease

The below macro has many fallbacks to cover what happens if you're not mousing over a target. In order, it tries to cure your mouseover target first, then it attempts to cure your target if they're friendly, then the target of your target if they're friendly, then finally yourself.



/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists] [target=help,exists] [target=targettarget,help,exists] [target=player] Cure Disease


works for Cure Disease and Cure Poison.


This macro works well while in a party and you aren't assigned to curing. If you right click (mouse button 2) it will cure disease effects on you. If your target is hostile, you will cast Earth Shock. If it's friendly, it will cure the target from a disease. Saves space on your action bars.


#showtooltip Earth Shock

/cast [button:2,target=player] Cure Disease; [harm] Earth Shock; [help] Cure Disease

/startattack [harm]


A similar macro, but for poisons:



#showtooltip Stormstrike

/cast [button:2,target=player] Cure Poison; [harm] Stormstrike; [help] Cure Poison

/startattack [harm]


Bloodlust/Mana Tide notification


#showtooltip Bloodlust

/stopmacro [nocombat]

/script local u,m = IsUsableSpell("Bloodlust") if u and not m and GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 then SendChatMessage(" >>> BLOODLUST! <<<","PARTY") end

/cast Bloodlust


This simple macro will send a message to your party members that you have activated Bloodlust. The message will only a appear if you are a member of party/raid. The stopmacro command will cause the macro to do nothing unless you are in combat.



#showtooltip Mana Tide Totem

/stopmacro [nocombat]

/script local u,m = IsUsableSpell("Mana Tide Totem") if u and not m and GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 then SendChatMessage(" >>> Dropping Mana Tide <<<","PARTY") end

/cast Mana Tide Totem


Smart Target Selection (Friendly)


Casts the specified spell on the most appropriate target. In order of priority: target (friendly), mouseover (friendly), player


Allows you to keep your current target while healing a friendly (mouseover them or their profile) or yourself (do nothing), while still acting like a normal cast (friendly targets have priority).


#showtooltip Lesser Healing Wave

/cast [help,exists] [target=mouseover,help,exists] [target=player] Lesser Healing Wave


This macro can also be used on other spells (like Cure Poison and Cure Disease), and could even be negated for offensive spells (mouseover a mob's totem and take it out without losing current target).



Mana Spring / Healing Stream merge

This macro merges the Mana Spring Totem and Healing Stream Totem into one button (use the ?-symbol for the macro). This saves button space - which a shaman may always find useful, as shamans have a lot of spells. In addition if you use the last line of the macro and have the addon Natur EnemyCastBar installed you will see timer how long the totem will exist. If you don't use NECB or don't need the timer just ommit the last line. On alt-press the macro tooltip will show the Healing Stream Totem and cast it on click, no alt-press and click will cast Mana Spring Totem. The tooltip will be the one of Mana Spring Totem.



#showtooltip [nomodifier:alt] Mana Spring Totem

#showtooltip [modifier:alt] Healing Stream Totem

/cast [nomodifier:alt] Mana Spring Totem

/cast [modifier:alt] Healing Stream Totem

/necb countmin 2 Mana Spring/Healing Stream Totem


Elemental Pet Healing

Holding alt while using this macro will first drop your Earth Elemental, and upon second press target and focus it. You may then procede to spam this macro, casting Lesser Healing Wave on the Greater Earth Elemental without losing your current target.



#showtooltip Earth Elemental Totem

/cast [target=focus,nomodifier:alt] Lesser Healing Wave

/stopmacro [nomodifier:alt]

/cast Earth Elemental Totem

/target Greater Earth Elemental



Below is a similar macro for the Greater Fire Elemental.



#showtooltip Fire Elemental Totem

/cast [target=focus,nomodifier:alt] Lesser Healing Wave

/stopmacro [nomodifier:alt]

/cast Fire Elemental Totem

/target Greater Fire Elemental



Lenke til kommentar



Pet management

Both your warlock and pet can engage the same target at the same time, given a long-casting opener and a modifier key.


/petattack [modifier]

/cast Shadow Bolt

Pet Attack Toggle

Pet attack toggle button.


/petattack [target=pettarget,noexists]

/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]


Pet Attack => Grind

This one also makes sure your pet is attacking the target; useful to take some of the finger-work out of grinding. You'll want to fine-tune the sequence depending on your level, spec, and the mobs you're fighting.



/castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Curse of Agony, Life Tap, Drain Life, Shoot


Pet Attack => Grind => Drain Soul

If you want to cram even more functionality into that grinding button, here's the above macro, plus the feature that if you hold Alt while pressing it, it will cast Drain Soul instead.


/petattack [nomodifier]

/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=target/combat Corruption, Curse of Agony, Immolate, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shoot

/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul


Pet Attack => Cast DoT's in Sequence => Hold Alt to nuke

Sends your pet to attack, and casts immolate. Press again for Curse of Agony, and again for Corruption. Then hold alt, and nuke away. If you're not grouped, and have a voidwalker out, you will alternate between Shadow Bolt and Searing Pain when holding alt. I suggest you keep Immolate first as it gives you time to cast without interrupts, and lets your demon cast or attack in time to build up aggro.



/castsequence [modifier:alt,nogroup,pet:Voidwalker/pet:Felstalker] Searing Pain, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt

/cast [modifier:alt] Shadow Bolt

/castsequence reset=combat/target Immolate, Curse of Agony, Corruption


Voidwalker Sacrifice / Succubus Seduction / Felhunter Devour & Spell Lock

This macro will do the following. If you have your Voidwalker summoned and are out of combat it will cast Consume Shadows, or Sacrifice if you are in combat. If you have your Succubus summoned it will cast Seduction on your focus or if you have no focus then it will cast Seduction on your current target. If you have your Felhunter summoned it will cast Devour Magic on your focus.



/cast [pet:voidwalker,nocombat] Consume Shadows; [pet:voidwalker,combat] Sacrifice

/cast [pet:Succubus,target=focus] Seduction; [pet:Succubus] Seduction

/cast [pet:Felhunter,target=focus] Devour Magic

/focus [target=focus,dead]


Note If you assign the Question Mark button to it it will change the graphic to match whatever spell your current pet will use and will show the correct tooltip on mouseover.


Imp Dark Pact / No Imp Life Tap

Dark Pact if you have an Imp out, Life Tap if you don't have an Imp out. Depending on your playstyle, this may let you get by with only 1 keybinding for both Dark Pact and Life Tap.


/cast [pet:imp] Dark Pact; Life Tap


Devour Magic off Target else Yourself

Devour Magic on your target, Devours off of you when right clicked.


/cast [button:2,target=player] Devour Magic; Devour Magic


Fel Domination + Summon Pet

If you are demonologist and have Fel Domination it will cast it and summon the pet you want. Just change "pet you want to summon" with the name of your desired minion, for example /cast Summon Voidwalker (Summon).


/cast Fel Domination


/cast Summon [pet you want to summon](Summon)


4 Demons on 1 button

One button, 4 Demons. Left = Felhunter, Right = Voidwalker, Shift click = Imp, Control click = Succubus. Saves bar space.


/cast [modifier:shift]Summon Imp(Summon); [modifier:ctrl]Summon Succubus(Summon); [button:2]Summon Voidwalker(Summon); Summon Felhunter(Summon)


Focus a Target out of combat, then attack in combat

This macro will set a focus on your target outside of combat and when in combat will command your pet to either assist the focussed target if it is friendly or attack the focussed target if it is hostile. Can be modified to clear focus when used or can be made so that focus is kept so pet can be juggled between 2 targets in combat. Also, if out of combat can send you pet to attack once a focus is set. There's really a lot of ways someone can tweak with this so figure out what works for you and change to your liking.


/focus [nocombat]

/petattack [target=focus, exists,harm,combat]; [target=focustarget,exists,harm,combat]; target


Voidwalker management on one button

1. If you do not have a Voidwalker out it will summon it.

2. If you have a Voidwalker and ARE NOT in combat, will cast Consume Shadows and heal Voidwalker.

3. If you have a Voidwalker and ARE in combat, will Sacrifice Voidwalker.



/cast [nopet:Voidwalker] Summon Voidwalker

/cast [pet:Voidwalker,nocombat] Consume Shadows

/cast [pet:Voidwalker,combat] Sacrifice


A variant Voidwalker Summon/Sacrifice macro: If in combat and pet is Voidwalker, cast Sacrifice, otherwise Summon Voidwalker.



/cast [target=pet,dead] Summon Voidwalker; [combat,pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; Summon Voidwalker


Note: The "[target=pet,dead]" part is necessary to keep from getting a "Your pet is dead" error when resummoning shortly after casting Sacrifice.



Two-button Total Pet Control

With two buttons (macros) you can have total pet control if you make them context sensitive. The point of this is that a keyboard can become utterly cluttered, and requiring more than 2 buttons for 5-6 functions on your pets results in more buttons than preferred being in an unreachable place. Before the macro I'd bind pet function 1 (attack) and 5 to two buttons, but occasionally the situation comes up where the pet needs to be recalled, or needs to be told to stay in a position in sentry mode. Using the mouse + pet bar for these more advanced techniques wastes valuable time, multiple buttons waste valuable pet space. I therefore wrote a macro to bring it all down to two buttons, based on having a target selected or not.


Macro 1:





/petattack [harm]


Macro 2:



/petfollow [pet:succubus]

/cast [harm] Spell Lock

/cast [help] Devour Magic

/cast Seduction

/cast Sacrifice

/cast Intercept

/petstay [noexists]

/petdefensive [noexists]


This allows you to do the following things:


* Send your pet to attack pressing button 1 while targeting an enemy

* Get your pet to return to you immediately by deselecting any targets and pressing the same button again

* Have your pet use its special attack (Seduce, Sacrifice, Intercept, Spell Lock) when you target an enemy with the second button

* have your pets (other than the Voidwalker) stay in one place and become aggressive when pressing the second button and no target is selected

* Have them return again to you and become passive again pressing the first button again

* You can now re-seduce without the succubus being blocked by an ongoing seduce

* The Felhunter will attempt to devour Magic on targeted friendlies, and spell lock targeted enemies.


Basically everything you ever need to do with your pet in 2 buttons.


Summon All Pets

This one is a very simple macro that allows you to summon any pet you wish to summon. Just left click to summon an Imp. Hold alt and left click to summon a Succubus. Hold ctrl and left click to summon a felhunter. Hold shift and left click to summon a Voidwalker. Right click to summon a Felguard. Hold shift and right click to summon a Felsteed. Hold alt and right click to summon a Dreadsteed. That covers every possible summon, includes the mounts. Even if you don't have some of the summons it doesn't matter because it'll just mean that you can't use that one until you get the spell. So lets say you don't have a Felhunter and you ctrl right click, nothing will happen. Yet all the other summons will work fine. So no matter what level you are it will work with whatever pets you have.


/cast [button:1,nomodifier] Summon Imp

/cast [modifier:alt] Summon Succubus

/cast [modifier:ctrl] Summon Felhunter

/cast [modifier:shift] Summon Voidwalker

/cast [button:2,nomodifier] Summon Felguard

/cast [button:2,modifier:shift] Summon Felsteed

/cast [button:2,modifier:alt] Summon Dreadsteed


Focused Seduction

* Upon use, the macro will Focus your target, and have your succubus Seduce it.

* When used for the second time, and your Focused target, i.e. the Seduction target, is alive, it will re-seduce it, regardless of what your current target is. It will not focus your current target, and seduce that; it will re-seduce it's focused target.

* If used during Seduction, it will break the seduction and re-seduce the focused target.

* If clicked while "Alt" is being pressed, it will cancel the previous focus and assign a new focus on your current target.



#show Seduction

/clearfocus [modifier:alt]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]

/clearfocus [target=focus,help]




/cast [pet:succubus,target=focus,exists,harm] Seduction; Seduction


Devour Magic - 3v3 Arena Style

* On use, this macro will cast Devour Magic on the target specified without breaking your current target.

* Useful for 3v3 Arenas, requires a middle mouse button.




/cast [pet:Felhunter,button:1,target=party1] Devour Magic;

/cast [pet:Felhunter,button:2,target=party2] Devour Magic;

/cast [pet:Felhunter,button:3,target=(yourself)] Devour Magic;



Wand/Spellstone use on 1 button

This will allow you to turn your wand's auto-shoot on or use your equipped Spellstone with one button.


/cast [equipped:Wand] Shoot; Master Spellstone


Two Macros to Switch between Wands and Firestone

These two macros will allow you to attack with your Firestone in hand (or go back to combat equipment after fishing) and swap it out to use your wand.



/equip <Name of you main hand weapon>

/equip <Name of your off hand item>

/equip Firestone



This second one will equip your wand with the first press, and shoot your wand with the second one.




/equip <Name of your wand>

/cast Shoot


Soulstone Macro

This macro will on right click make a soulstone (change for appropriate level), left click, use it and on alt left click cast it on yourself.


#showtooltip Minor Soulstone

/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Minor Soulstone; [button:1] Minor Soulstone; [button:2] Create Soulstone


2 healthstones on one button

One button, 2 Healthstones. Left click to discharge a Major Healthstone, right for Greater Healthstone. Shift click to create a Major, Control click for Greater. While one can have multiple healthstones of differing rank in one's inventory, they will share the same cooldown. Hence, this macro is more useful for longer fights.


/cast [button:2] Greater Healthstone; [modifier:shift] Create Healthstone; [modifier:ctrl] Create Healthstone; Major Healthstone


Healthstone and Healing Potion

Note: It is currently impossible to write a macro that will have you use a healthstone if you have one and a potion if you do not.


* Left-click uses a Healthstone; right-click a potion named in the macro

* If you choose an icon for the macro rather than allowing the program to choose one for you, the macro button in your action bar will be grayed if you do not have a healthstone.

* In all cases, only the cooldown for your healthstone will be shown.




/use [button:1] Healthstone; [button:2] Superior Healing Potion


Healthstone use/summon, Ritual of Souls in group

This will allow to use a healthstone with one click, summon with another, however in groups you will cast Ritual of Souls rather than a single summon.


#showTooltip Master Healthstone

/cast [Group, Button:2] Ritual of souls

/cast [button:2] Create Healthstone

/use [button:1] Master Healthstone


When you first log in it'll show you a red question mark icon until you make your first stone. You can change the first line to "#showTooltip Create Master Healthstone" to fix this, however it will display the number of soulshards remaining instead of healthstone.



Motaba's Grind Macro

This is intended for grinding. The assumption is that you have the following spells: Curse of Agony, Corruption, Drain Life, Health Funnel and Drain Soul. You should have some level of these spells by level 12. After that point, the macro will just use the most advanced version of each spell (except Drain Soul). The Voidwalker or Felguard are good pets when using this macro.


To use, simply press the button when each spell is finished. To drain the soul (and create a soul shard)hold down the <Alt> key while pressing the button.




/cast [nocombat] Curse of Agony

/castsequence [nomodifier,combat] reset=target/combat Corruption,Life Tap,Drain Life,Health Funnel,Shoot

/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul(Rank 1)


Here is the same macro with Amplify Curse (in case you have it)




/cast [nocombat] Amplify Curse

/stopcasting [nocombat]

/cast [nocombat] Curse of Agony

/castsequence [nomodifier,combat] reset=target/combat Corruption,Life Tap,Drain Life,Health Funnel,Shoot

/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul(Rank 1)


Chain-Fear Focus Macro


* If you do not have a focus it will set focus on your mouseover target.

* It will cast fear on your focus.

* If you do not have a focus, it will cast fear on your target.

* Will null your focus if you click the macro button with the control key held down, or if your target is dead.




/focus [target=focus, noexists][target=focus, dead] mouseover

/cast [nomodifier, target=focus] Fear

/stopmacro [nomodifier]

/clearfocus [modifier:ctrl]


Note that if you select the macro picture Question Mark the first line of the macro will make this icon the fear spell, and will allow your usual tooltip to display


Amplify Curse with Curse

Will do a one click Amplify Curse (if its up) with the curse of your choice. If Amplify Curse is not up, it will just cast the curse as normal.



#showtooltip Curse of Agony

#show Curse of Agony

/cast Amplify Curse


/cast Curse of Agony


#showtooltip Curse of Exhaustion

#show Curse of Exhaustion

/cast Amplify Curse


/cast Curse of Exhaustion


Added: #showtooltip Curse of Agony ---> shows curse of agony's tool tip on macro mouseover


#show Curse of Agony ---> use ? icon and it will show CoA icon and cooldown (as in removes Amplify curse cooldown from button)


Announce your summon to /raid or /party


/script local C; if(GetNumRaidMembers()==0) then C = "PARTY" else C = "RAID" end SendChatMessage("Summoning %t to << "..GetMinimapZoneText().." >>. Please assist.", C)

/cast Ritual of Summoning


Stop Attacking / Drain Soul

Useful if you wish to quickly stop attacking or casting to get in a Drain Soul before a mob dies to pick up a soul shard. Right clicking will stop autoattack or stop casting, while left clicking will cast Drain Soul.


/stopattack [button:RightButton]

/stopcasting [button:RightButton]

/cast [button:LeftButton] Drain Soul(Rank 1)


Note that if you use this macro while attacking with a wand, stopping your attack is not immediate; you still have to wait for the universal cooldown to complete. May not work with channeled spells.


Drain Soul and Destroy Shards

If you're affliction specced and use Drain Soul to gain mana back due to the talent Improved Drain Soul you might have the problem of building up many more Soul Shards than needed and losing precious inventory room. This macro will stop everything from casting, destroy the first shard in your bag and then cast Drain Soul Rank


1.It relies on your shard bag being the furthest left bag on your action bar(the F8 bag). If your shard bag is not in the F8 slot it will NOT delete items in the bag there.


As of 2.3, the recalling of a pet is no longer necessary to ensure a "kill proc" from an ability. With this in mind I have created a new macro to perform these basic actions, ensure the item being destroyed is a soul shard, and that the bag is in fact full of shards before attempting to delete an item. This is necessary since soulbags work in a "last in, first out" behavior. Will ONLY destroy Soul Shards.




/script if GetContainerNumSlots(4)==GetInventoryItemCount("player",23) then PickupContainerItem(4,1); local a,b,c=GetCursorInfo(); if a=="item" and b==6265 then DeleteCursorItem(); else ClearCursor(); end; end

/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)


Banish Rank 1/2

This macro will cast Banish (Rank 2), which lasts for 30 seconds, if clicked with no modifiers. However, if you want a shorter Banish, then shift-clicking the macro will cast Banish (Rank 1), which lasts for 20 seconds.



/cast [modifier:shift] Banish(Rank 1); Banish





Retaliation, Shield Wall or Recklessness

One macro to make one button handle your special long cooldown moves. When using Retaliation it's often advisable to swich to defencive stance and use challenging shout.


/cast [stance:1] Retaliation; [stance:2,equipped:Shields] Shield Wall; [stance:2,noequipped:Shields] Battle Stance; [stance:3] Recklessness


/cast [stance:1,modifier:ctrl] Defensive Stance


Shield Bash or Pummel

Will use the Shield Bash ability if you have a shield and are in the correct stance, otherwise will place you in Berserker Stance and use Pummel.


/cast [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel


This can be combined with Spell Reflection. If you are out of range to Shield Bash or Shield Bash is on cooldown you try to use Spell Reflection with this macro. Since Spell Reflection does not work on Berserker Stance and you are clearly meeting a caster if you use it I have made it swich from Berserker to Battle Stance if you have a shield equiped.


/cast [nostance:3,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel; Berserker Stance;

/cast [nostance:3,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection


/cast [stance:3,equipped:Shields] Battle Stance



This macro will Charge the target outside of combat, Intercept when in combat and switch to the appropriate stance to do so.


/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept


All in one charge

If you are in combat, this macro will make sure that you are in berserker stance, then cast intercept. If you are not in combat, you will be placed into battle stance, then charge. The icon will also change to indicate which skill will be used. Either way, if you are using a shield, you will be placed in defensive stance. Delete the last line if you don't want to be placed in defensive stance.



#show [combat] Intercept; Charge

/cast [stance:1/2,combat] Berserker Stance; [stance:3,combat] Intercept; [stance:2/3,nocombat] Battle Stance; [stance:1,nocombat] Charge


/cast [equipped:Shields] Defensive Stance



Puts you in Defensive Stance if you aren’t in it already, then checks to see if the target is friendly & if so casts Intervene. If you are targeting a mob, then it targets the target (your teammate) and casts Intervene.


/cast [nostance: 2] Defensive Stance; [help] Intervene; [target=targettarget, help] Intervene;


From Defensive Stance this macro will swich to Battle Stance if you are out of combat. If you are in combat and you have /focus on a party/raid member you will intervene to him (eg. usefull on Murmur). If you don't have focus on a partymember or have ctrl down the macro intervene to your target if in party/raid and else to your targets target.



/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance; [target=focus,raid,nodead,nomodifier:ctrl] Intervene; [raid] Intervene; [target=targettarget,raid] Intervene


Heroic Strike/Charge

Activates Heroic Strike for your next Melee attack and charges the enemy. If you wish to see the icon and tooltip for whichever is active (depending on combat status), leave the macro as is. If you wish to see one or the other, modify the first line accordingly (for instance, #showtooltip Charge) so that you can either watch the cooldown on your charge/intercept or you can change it to have your heroic strike tooltip to show you the damage bonus.




/cast [nocombat] Charge; [stance:3,modifier] Intercept

/cast Heroic Strike


Charge/Intercept and Hamstring

This is a nice combination for PvP. Assign this macro to a key on your keyboard, then use your mouse software to assign the side thumb button to the key. Double click the mouse button as needed for fast rundowns and hamstrings. Single click after the fight is over to pop back into Battle stance.


#show [combat] Intercept; Charge

/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,stance:3] Intercept; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance


/cast [stance:1/3] Hamstring


Target then Charge and Bloodrage

Targets a nearby enemy or assists a fellow player and Charges if out of combat, or casts Bloodrage once you enter combat.


/targetenemy [noexists]

/assist [help]

/cast [exists,nohelp,nocombat] Charge

/cast [combat] Bloodrage


Target then Charge, or Throw with Bloodrage, or Overpower in combat

Targets a nearby enemy, or assists, and charges. Or if ALT is held down, then cast Bloodrage and hurl a throwing weapon. Also enters attack mode if not attacking. When in combat, use Overpower if available. I use a extra menu bar above this and put Overpower there so I can see when it is available (otherwise hit it after the enemy dodges).



/targetenemy [noexists]

/assist [help]

/stopmacro [noharm]

/cast [nomodifier:alt, nocombat] Charge

/startattack [harm]

/cast [modifier:alt] Bloodrage

/stopcasting [modifier:alt]

/cast [modifier:alt] Throw; Overpower


Boss Starter

This macro allows you to easily charge a boss for extra rage and threat, then switch back to defensive stance and bloodrage. This makes it easy to start off a boss fight with tons of rage as well as a good amount of threat. Stacking sunders will now be a piece of cake.



/script CancelPlayerBuff("Blessing of Salvation")

/cast charge


/cast defensive stance


/cast bloodrage



Charges the target and immediately switches to Defensive Stance. Not useful once in combat.


/cast [stance:1,nocombat] Charge


/cast [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance



Intercepts the target and immediately switches to Defensive Stance.



/cast [stance:3] Intercept


/cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance; Berserker Stance


Mocking Blow/Stance

Activates battle stance with the first use (if not in it) and uses mocking blow on the second.


/cast [stance:1] Mocking Blow; Battle Stance


If you are already in Battle stance the following macro will use Mocking Blow and switch to Defensive Stance with one key press.



/cast [stance:1,combat] Mocking Blow


/cast Defensive Stance


Defensive Stance/Taunt

Activates defensive stance on first use and taunts on second.


/cast [stance:2] Taunt; Defensive Stance


Berserker Stance/Berserker Rage

Activates berserker stance and uses berserker rage on second click.


/cast [stance:3] Berserker Rage; Berserker Stance;


Berserker Rage/Defensive Stance

Once in the Berserker Stance, this macro activates Berserker Rage and immediately switches to Defensive Stance.


/cast [stance:3] Berserker Rage


/cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance; Berserker Stance


Always Overpower

Overpowers the target after switching to Battle Stance (if necessary).


/cast [stance:1] Overpower; Battle Stance



Activates Berserker Stance and Intercepts the target followed by using Hamstring on the target.


/cast [stance:3] Intercept; Berserker Stance


/cast [stance:3] Hamstring


Bloodrage & Berserker Rage

Will use both skills at the same time, 1 button press.


/cast Bloodrage


/cast Berserker Rage


Sunder & Shield Block

This is a nice tanking macro if you are trying to establish aggro and get some early damage mitigation.


/script CancelPlayerBuff("Blessing of Salvation")

/cast [stance:2] Sunder Armor


/cast Shield Block


Mouseover Sunder Armor

This macro will let you sunder a mob by simply putting the mouse over it, its unitframe, or its health bar (the 'v' key) without losing your current target and without interrupting your swing timer or auto-attack. This macro can be applied to all warrior instant attacks to do things like Mortal Strike, Shield Slam, Shield Bash, Revenge, Hamstring, Intercept, etc. something while targeting something else. You can also use it to sunder crowd controlled mobs without breaking the crowd control (sunder causes 0 damage and you aren't auto-attacking the CC target).


/cast [target=mouseover, exists, harm] Sunder Armor; Sunder Armor




This macro will cast Devastate, unless you are holding control, or mousing over a live hostile target. If you are holding control or mousing over a live hostile target, it will cast sunder.


/cast [modifier:ctrl,harm,nodead]Sunder Armor;[target=mouseover,harm,nodead]Sunder Armor;Devastate


Sunder Armor, Devastate and Revenge are all on the 1.5 sec global cooldown. Shield Block and Heroic Strike are not. If you have plenty rage as in some boss fights a mouseover macro can be combined with burning rage moves that is not on the global cooldown. Spamming it with unlimmited rage will make all your normal attacks be Heroic Strikes and make you use Shield Block everytime it's not on cooldown. The 1/3 chance that you use Revenge is enough to use it fairly quickly everytime it's up. When your target has 5 Sunder Armors applied you simply stop mouseing over it. At the same time the macro can be used to apply sunders to other mobs than your main target.



/castrandom [target=mouseover, exists, harm, nodead] Sunder Armor; Devastate, Devastate, Revenge

/cast Shield Block


/cast Heroic Strike


Arms Spec AoE Spam

An arms spec warrior might find this useful to spam when a large number of targets are available and crowd control is not an issue.



/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Sweeping Strikes


/castsequence reset=6/target [stance:1/2] Thunder Clap, Cleave, Demoralizing Shout

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()


Nobrain dps spam

The following macros is simply no brain spam your desirable dps moves macros for diffrent specs.


Protection spec.


/castrandom [stance:1] Overpower,Devastate; [stance:2] Revenge,Devastate; [stance:3] Whirlwind,Devastate

/cast Bloodrage


/cast Heroic Strike #only desirable if plenty rage or low dmg Devastates



Arms spec.


/cast [modifier:ctrl] Sweeping Strikes


/castrandom [stance:1] Overpower,Mortal Strike; [stance:2] Revenge,Mortal Strike; [stance:3] Whirlwind,Mortal Strike

/cast Bloodrage



Fury spec.


/castrandom [stance:1] Overpower,Death Wish,Bloodthirst,Rampage; [stance:2] Revenge,Bloodthirst,Rampage; [stance:3] Whirlwind,Death Wish,Bloodthirst,Rampage

/cast Bloodrage



Arms/Fury spec.


/cast [modifier:ctrl] Sweeping Strikes


/castrandom [stance:1] Overpower,Death Wish,Bloodthirst; [modifier:ctrl] Death Wish; [stance:2] Revenge,Bloodthirst; [stance:3] Whirlwind,Death Wish,Bloodthirst

/cast Bloodrage



2 hand/1 hand + shield switch

Useful macro for switching your gear around depending on the situation. Switch depends on right click or left click of mouse. Between brackets enter the name of the weapons you want to switch around.


#show [noequipped:shield] <second weapon here(1 hander)>; <first weapon here (2 hander)>

/equip [button:1] <first weapon(2 hander)>

/equip [button:2] <second weapon(1 hander)>

/equip [button:2} <shield or other offhand>



Edit: Denne guiden ble lagd av en i guilden min, og jeg kan ikke garantere at alle fungerer, men samtlige skal virke ;)

Endret av daruu
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ja veldig bra, jeg klarer nemlig ikke å gå til http://www.wowwiki.com/Useful_macros/*insertclass* trykke på ctrl-c og deretter på ctrl-v for så å gå til dette forumet, lage en ny tråd om noe som er blitt nevnt og linket til hundre ganger i en allerede eksisterende macro tråd.



og til edit'en din: den guiden ble laget på wowwiki.com, kodingen og forklaringene står regelrett etter siden. fortell guildien din at han er sinnsykt god på å kopiere og leke wannabe-coding ekspert.

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enig at det er flott å legge det ut her også, men ma spørr seg selv:

1) trenger dette en ny tråd?

2) burde jeg si at dette kommer rett av wowwiki så folk kan gå rett til kilden neste gang de leter?

3) har jeg gjort noe som helst av dette selv?


imo så er dette, "øøh nei jeg fikk det av broren til en venn av en kar på et forum sin bestmor sin sønnesønn på brorsiden, som skerv alt dette selv og er kjempesmart azz." litt svakt :|

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Synes det var greit at den fikk en ny tråd... Gidder aldri følge med på macrotråden, siden anhver post der er spørsmål om spellreflectmacro, eller våpenbytte osv. Her var det veldig oversiktlig og greit, og med macroer du kanskje ikke hadde kommet til å tneke på selv... Sticky sier nå jeg^^

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