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Ernst Zundel og Hitler


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Ernst Zundel is a Jew! Hitler was too!


Hitler dressed some prisoners up as Polish soldiers, placed them by the border and shot them dead. He claimed Poland had attacked and used that as an excuse to invade Poland.


False Flag Operaion = Jewish Operation



Clinton bombed Iraq in 1998 because Saddam allegedly had WMD. Bush did the same in 2003. Democrats and Republicans pretend to disagree to give the impression that there's democracy in the US. But they follow the same Jewish manuscript. Larry Jew Silverstein and Paul Jew Wolfowitz own The White House Theatre and The World Bank.



In September 2000 Paul Jew Wolfowitz said we needed a catastrophic and catalyzing event. Any man who says we need a catastrophe has got his head screwed on upside down. 3/31-2005 he became the 10th president of The World Bank.



The Pentagon, which is formed as the center of a pentagram, which is a Jewish symbol of evil, had its groundbreaking ceremony on 9/11-1941. Exactly 60 years later, the massmurderer Larry Jew Silverstein blew up his buildings killing the Gentiles in them.


"According to Jewish myth, the King of Jews will bring all Gentile nations, cultures and religions to ruins through world wars."


The King of Jews, whom the Jews call "Messiah", will then rule the world from Jerusalem.



9/11 was planned before the WTCs were built. Wolfowitz saying we needed a catastrophe just the year before is one of many diversions. Still, it shows us what kind of a maniac we're dealing with. We'd like to avoid catastrophes. That's not up for discussion.



Cannabis was made illegal in 1937 so that oil would seem like a plausible motive for going to war. Jewish Hearst was behind "Reefer Madness".



Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.


Baba Mezia, 114b. The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.


Sepher Ikkarim III c 25. It is permitted to take the body and life of a Gentile.

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