Thor. Skrevet 8. november 2007 Del Skrevet 8. november 2007 Jeg har en liten shoutbox som jeg forsøker å redigere litt på. Den er nesten god nok for meg nå men jeg skulle gjerne fått lese av hva posteren's ip er og Om dere lurer så er inputen email fjernet fordi jeg har ingen bruk for den <?php ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Declare some variables // //Text file database $text_file = "db.txt"; //Fill in the URL to the shoutbox.php from the root $shoutbox_url = "/shoutbox.php"; //Where should the script go to after adding shout $referer_url = "/shoutbox.php"; // ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Add the shout to the database // if( isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "add" ) { if( $_POST['email'] == "Email address" ) $_POST['email'] = ""; $new_line = $_POST['name']."|".$_POST['email']."|".date("Y/m/d H:i")."|".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['message'])) . "\n"; if( ! $fp = fopen($text_file,"a") ) echo "Cannot open " . $text_file . "! Check the file rights."; if( flock( $fp, LOCK_EX ) ) { fwrite( $fp,$new_line ); flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); } else { echo "Couldn't lock the file " . $text_file . "!"; } header("Location: " . $referer_url ); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Function show_shoutbox. //This function will print the complete shout //box. // function show_shoutbox($height = 650,$width = 400,$per_page = 15, $border="border:1px #DDDDDD solid;", $font_family="verdana",$font_size=11 ) { //When there is requested a certain page if( isset( $_GET['shoutbox_page'] ) ) $shoutbox_page = $_GET['shoutbox_page']; //If there is no page then the default page is 1 if( empty( $_GET['shoutbox_page'] ) ) $shoutbox_page = 1; //The database (a little shorter) $file = $GLOBALS['text_file']; //Open the file and return error when fail if( ! $fp = @fopen( $file, "r" ) ) { echo "Cannot open database file for the shoutbox!"; exit; } //Init the output_buffer (string) and the shouts (array) $output_buffer = ""; $shouts = array(); //When the filesize is greater then null (file contains info) if( filesize($file) ) { //Read the file $fp = fread( $fp, filesize( $file ) ); //all the shouts per line $shouts = explode("\n",$fp); //total of shouts $total_shouts = count($shouts); //total number of pages $total_pages = ceil($total_shouts/$per_page); //set the shout_pointer from where the shouts must be shown $shout_pointer = (($total_shouts - ($shoutbox_page * $per_page))+$per_page)-1; //when the requested page is greater then the total_pages, set the page to 1 if( $shoutbox_page > $total_pages ) $shoutbox_page = 1; //create the page_numbers (the select box) $output_buffer .= page_numbers( $total_pages , $shoutbox_page ); } //Else use the default values... (empty shoutbox) else { $shouts = 0; $total_shouts = 0; $shout_pointer = 0; $output_buffer .= page_numbers( 1 , 1 ); } //Loop through the shouts. descending (Z to A) for( $i = $shout_pointer ; $i > ($shout_pointer-$per_page); $i-- ) { //if the value is greater then -1 if( $i > -1 ) { //if the shouts exists if( $shouts[$i] ) list( $name, $email, $date, $shout ) = explode("|",$shouts[$i]); //if the name is not empty if( !empty( $name ) ) { //empty the email_start and end $email_start = ""; $email_end = ""; //if the email is not empty if( ! empty( $email ) ) { $email_start = "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\">"; $email_end = "</a>"; } //add to output buffer $output_buffer .= "<strong>" . $email_start . $name . $email_end . "</strong>\n<br />" . $shout . "<br /><br />"; } } } ?> <table style="width:<?=$width;?>;"> <form method="post" action="<?=$GLOBALS['shoutbox_url'];?>?action=add"> <tr><td align="center" style="font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px;"><strong>Shoutbox</strong></td></tr> <tr> <td> <div style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px; height:<?=$height;?>; overflow:auto; padding:3px; width:100%;"> <?=$output_buffer;?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="name" value="Navn" style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px; width:100%;" onfocus="this.value = '';" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Navn';" ><br /> <input type="text" name="message" value="Melding" style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px; width:100%;" onfocus="this.value = '';" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Melding';" ><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px;"><br /> <a href="http://www.***.net" target="_blank" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 9px;">Tilbake til hjemmesiden</a> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Function page_numbers //This function will create the select box //with page numbers to change the page // function page_numbers($total_pages,$current = 1) { //Get the URL from the address bar $url_bar = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //Remove the shoutbox_page=XX from the URL bar $url_bar = preg_replace( "/(&shoutbox_page=[1-9]+)/","", $url_bar ); //Create a buffer to output this later. $buffer = "<div align=\"center\">Page: <select onchange=\"java script: location.href='" . $url_bar . "&shoutbox_page='+this.value;\" style=\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\">\n"; //Loop through the number of pages. for( $i = 1 ; $i <= $total_pages ; $i++ ) { //None selected $selected = ""; //If the current page is $i, select this option if( $current == $i ) $selected = "selected=\"selected\""; //Add output to the buffer $buffer .= "<option value=\"".$i."\"" . $selected . ">".$i."</option>\n"; } //Close the output buffer $buffer .= "</select></div><hr size=\"1\">\n"; //Return the buffer return $buffer; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// show_shoutbox(); ?> Lenke til kommentar
CruellaDeVille Skrevet 8. november 2007 Del Skrevet 8. november 2007 Lese UT eller INN? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] inneholder iallfall IP. <ikke det du spurte om>Btw. lite tips: Usannsynlig lang funksjon. kan med fordel deles opp</ikke det du spurte om> Lenke til kommentar
Thor. Skrevet 8. november 2007 Forfatter Del Skrevet 8. november 2007 Jeg vil hente ip en til den som klikker på submit knappen og lagre den i db.txt. Og aller helst skjule den så den ikke blir vist ovenfor de andre som bruker shoutboxen. Ip en bør skrives på samme linje/linjen under slik at jeg kan se hvem det var som skrev meldingen Og jeg kan lite om php. Jeg driver et phpbb3 forum eneste men det finnes ingen fungerende shoutbox som kan bygges inn så langt. Derfor fant jeg en shoutbox på hotscripts som fungerer til sitt bruk Lenke til kommentar
alec1 Skrevet 8. november 2007 Del Skrevet 8. november 2007 (endret) Denne koden skriver inn IP'en til brukeren. Det eneste som er forandret er merket med bold. <?php ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Declare some variables // //Text file database $text_file = "db.txt"; //Fill in the URL to the shoutbox.php from the root $shoutbox_url = "/shoutbox.php"; //Where should the script go to after adding shout $referer_url = "/shoutbox.php"; // ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Add the shout to the database // if( isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "add" ) { if( $_POST['email'] == "Email address" ) $_POST['email'] = ""; $new_line = $_POST['name']."|".$_POST['email']."|".date("Y/m/d H:i")."|".stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['message'])) . "|" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"; if( ! $fp = fopen($text_file,"a") ) echo "Cannot open " . $text_file . "! Check the file rights."; if( flock( $fp, LOCK_EX ) ) { fwrite( $fp,$new_line ); flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); } else { echo "Couldn't lock the file " . $text_file . "!"; } header("Location: " . $referer_url ); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Function show_shoutbox. //This function will print the complete shout //box. // function show_shoutbox($height = 650,$width = 400,$per_page = 15, $border="border:1px #DDDDDD solid;", $font_family="verdana",$font_size=11 ) { //When there is requested a certain page if( isset( $_GET['shoutbox_page'] ) ) $shoutbox_page = $_GET['shoutbox_page']; //If there is no page then the default page is 1 if( empty( $_GET['shoutbox_page'] ) ) $shoutbox_page = 1; //The database (a little shorter) $file = $GLOBALS['text_file']; //Open the file and return error when fail if( ! $fp = @fopen( $file, "r" ) ) { echo "Cannot open database file for the shoutbox!"; exit; } //Init the output_buffer (string) and the shouts (array) $output_buffer = ""; $shouts = array(); //When the filesize is greater then null (file contains info) if( filesize($file) ) { //Read the file $fp = fread( $fp, filesize( $file ) ); //all the shouts per line $shouts = explode("\n",$fp); //total of shouts $total_shouts = count($shouts); //total number of pages $total_pages = ceil($total_shouts/$per_page); //set the shout_pointer from where the shouts must be shown $shout_pointer = (($total_shouts - ($shoutbox_page * $per_page))+$per_page)-1; //when the requested page is greater then the total_pages, set the page to 1 if( $shoutbox_page > $total_pages ) $shoutbox_page = 1; //create the page_numbers (the select box) $output_buffer .= page_numbers( $total_pages , $shoutbox_page ); } //Else use the default values... (empty shoutbox) else { $shouts = 0; $total_shouts = 0; $shout_pointer = 0; $output_buffer .= page_numbers( 1 , 1 ); } //Loop through the shouts. descending (Z to A) for( $i = $shout_pointer ; $i > ($shout_pointer-$per_page); $i-- ) { //if the value is greater then -1 if( $i > -1 ) { //if the shouts exists if( $shouts[$i] ) list( $name, $email, $date, $shout ) = explode("|",$shouts[$i]); //if the name is not empty if( !empty( $name ) ) { //empty the email_start and end $email_start = ""; $email_end = ""; //if the email is not empty if( ! empty( $email ) ) { $email_start = "<a href=\"mailto:" . $email . "\">"; $email_end = "</a>"; } //add to output buffer $output_buffer .= "<strong>" . $email_start . $name . $email_end . "</strong>\n<br />" . $shout . "<br /><br />"; } } } ?> <table style="width:<?=$width;?>;"> <form method="post" action="<?=$GLOBALS['shoutbox_url'];?>?action=add"> <tr><td align="center" style="font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px;"><strong>Shoutbox</strong></td></tr> <tr> <td> <div style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px; height:<?=$height;?>; overflow:auto; padding:3px; width:100%;"> <?=$output_buffer;?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="name" value="Navn" style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px; width:100%;" onfocus="this.value = '';" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Navn';" ><br /> <input type="text" name="message" value="Melding" style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px; width:100%;" onfocus="this.value = '';" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Melding';" ><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" style="<?=$border;?> font-family:<?=$font_family;?>; font-size:<?=$font_size;?>px;"><br /> <a href="http://www.***.net" target="_blank" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 9px;">Tilbake til hjemmesiden</a> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// //Function page_numbers //This function will create the select box //with page numbers to change the page // function page_numbers($total_pages,$current = 1) { //Get the URL from the address bar $url_bar = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //Remove the shoutbox_page=XX from the URL bar $url_bar = preg_replace( "/(&shoutbox_page=[1-9]+)/","", $url_bar ); //Create a buffer to output this later. $buffer = "<div align=\"center\">Page: <select onchange=\"java script: location.href='" . $url_bar . "&shoutbox_page='+this.value;\" style=\"font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;\">\n"; //Loop through the number of pages. for( $i = 1 ; $i <= $total_pages ; $i++ ) { //None selected $selected = ""; //If the current page is $i, select this option if( $current == $i ) $selected = "selected=\"selected\""; //Add output to the buffer $buffer .= "<option value=\"".$i."\"" . $selected . ">".$i."</option>\n"; } //Close the output buffer $buffer .= "</select></div><hr size=\"1\">\n"; //Return the buffer return $buffer; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////// show_shoutbox(); ?> Endret 8. november 2007 av alec1 Lenke til kommentar
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