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Islamistene kun er et påskudd? (Pakistan)

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Kan ikke se noen tråd om det som skjer i Pakistan her.


Så her er et spørsmål : Handler det virkelig om islamistene? Eller er det riktigere som Juan Cole sier her.


Juan Cole argumenterer for at islamistene kun er et påskudd for Musharraf :


"...If Bush and Cheney are ever tempted into extreme measures in the United States, Musharraf has provided a template for how it would unfold. Maintain you are moving against terrorists and extremists, but actually move against the rule of law.


....See the important string of live-blogging posts by Barnett Rubin at our Global Affairs site. Rubin is in Islamabad. He points out that Musharraf has been invoking the need to fight Muslim extremism as a pretext for his coup. But in fact, he made the (further) coup because the Pakistani Supreme Court had unanimously decided that he was ineligible to run for president...


And he hasn't cracked down on the radio station of Fazlur Rahman in the north (one of the Pakistani clerics who trained the Taliban and who denies that al-Qaeda exists). He has cracked down on civilian Supreme Court justices, on lawyers, and other distinctly secular, middle class forces in Pakistani society (along with officials of the Jama'at-i Islami, the Pakistani equivalent of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has not for the most part been violent).


In fact, the Muslim extremists are in the tribal areas, and in the Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) and the hardscrabble towns and villages of northern Punjab. If you were worried about the extremists, you'd declare martial law in the NWFP and the tribal areas. Instead, Musharraf is said to be planning to give in to the demand in these northern areas that sharia or Islamic canon law be implemented! This is a defender of secularism? ..."



( November 05, 2007 )

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Kan ikke se noen tråd om det som skjer i Pakistan her.


Så her er et spørsmål : Handler det virkelig om islamistene? Eller er det riktigere som Juan Cole sier her.


Juan Cole argumenterer for at islamistene kun er et påskudd for Musharraf :


"...If Bush and Cheney are ever tempted into extreme measures in the United States, Musharraf has provided a template for how it would unfold. Maintain you are moving against terrorists and extremists, but actually move against the rule of law.



Eh... Dette har da Bush & Co. trofast brukt som strategi i flere år allerede?

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Jeg tror han klamrer seg til makta først og fremst, i kombinasjon med storhetsideér om egen uerstatlighet. Han maler opp et bilde der han liksom er den eneste som kan "redde" Pakistan fra (påstått fare for) undergang & kollaps.


Er vel det mange har sagt lenge; at "kampen mot terror" verktøyet kan (mis)brukes til mangt, og nå av Musharraf til å forlenge livet som president.


En annen interessant ting er hvor protestene kommer fra. Det er bl.a. fra advokater og dommere som er ute å demostrerer. Er vel ikke vanlig kost i land der det er uroligheter, som regel er jo etablisementet på sittende makthavers side. Denne faktoren kan kanskje medføre at Musharraf alikevel ikke vil lykkes særlig lang tid fremover? :hmm:

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Interessant, Clinton hadde avtale med statsminister Sharif i 1999, om å gå etter Bin Laden. Så kuppet Musharraf, og satte strek over avtalen :


"Bush was criticized then for applauding the overthrow of the democratically elected Nawaz Sharif government in the Oct. 12, 1999, military coup. His spokesperson at the time, Karen Hughes, said that Bush was encouraged by Musharraf's promise that he would hold early elections, restore "stability" to Pakistan, and ease tensions between India and Pakistan. (...)


What the world did not then know was that President Bill Clinton had negotiated a deal not long before with Prime Minister Sharif whereby Pakistan would deploy special operations troops to capture Osama bin Laden. When Musharraf took power in fall of 1999, he refused to honor the deal, since the operation was unpopular with the military's fundamentalist officers."



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When Musharraf took power in fall of 1999, he refused to honor the deal, since the operation was unpopular with the military's fundamentalist officers."


Han har vel blitt mere "effektiv" i så måte de siste åra, sett med USA's øyne. Han har kanskje rensket ut i hæren også? i alle fall kunne han jo "ustraffet" beordre et bombeangrep på en Koran-skole som vel kostet 150(?) landsmenn livet.


Men det er et rotete politisk bilde. Aktuelle alternative presidentkandidater har svinn på skogen også, og har muligens ikke noe bedre å by på.

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