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Hva kommer ordet Coke av?


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Den ble ikke laget med kokain, som noen sier.


Coca Cola er laget av kola nøtter som inneholder et virkestoff som gir samme virkning som kokain. Tidligere ble ikke dette stoffet fjernet fra nøttene slik som det gjøres idag.


Colaen ble forøvrig i starten solgt som medisin :)


Andy (som må nøye seg med pepsi (hysj) i øyeblikket..)

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Den ble ikke laget med kokain, som noen sier.


Coca Cola er laget av kola nøtter som inneholder et virkestoff som gir samme virkning som kokain. Tidligere ble ikke dette stoffet fjernet fra nøttene slik som det gjøres idag.


Colaen ble forøvrig i starten solgt som medisin :)


Nesten riktig. Det heter Coca Cola fordi det var cola nøtter og coca blader i den originale drikken. Coca brukes i dag til å utvikle kokain, men har kun en mild euforisk virkning i u-"foredlet" form. Cola nøtter har også en viss virkning, men den er ikke det samme som kokain. Man blir litt nummen i gummen, men resten av kokainrusen mangler.

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On May 8, 1886, Atlanta druggist Dr. John Styth Pemberton (former Confederate officer) invented "Coca-Cola" syrup using melted sugar, water and other ingredients. It was mixed in a 30-gal. brass kettle hung over a backyard fire. It was marketed as a "brain and nerve tonic" in drugstores. Sales averaged nine drinks per day.

Frank M. Robinson, Pemberton's bookkeeper, was the person who suggested the name "Coca-Cola", which was chosen because both words actually named two ingredients found in the syrup. They were the coca leaf and the Kola nut. Robinson spelled Kola with a “C” to make it look better in advertising.

The first year's gross sales were $50 and advertising costs were $73.96.

The original formula included extracts of the African kola nut and coca leaves, both strong stimulants. "Coca-Cola" was one of thousands of exotic patent medicines sold in the 1800’s that actually contained traces of cocaine.

One summer, in 1886, a customer walked into a drugstore complaining of a headache and requested a bottle of "Coca-Cola" syrup. To get instant relief, he asked the "soda jerk" to mix up a glass on the spot. Rather than walk to the other end of the counter in order to mix it with cold tap water, the clerk suggested using soda water. The man remarked it really tasted great, and soon after "Coca-Cola" was in fizzy, carbonated form.

"Coca-Cola" was first sold for 5¢ a glass as a soda fountain drink at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia.

In 1888, Asa Griggs Candler bought the company from Dr. Pemberton. Later that same year, Dr. Pemberton died. By 1914, Candler had acquired a fortune of some $50 million. Baseball hall of famer Ty Cobb, a Georgia native, was another early investor in the company.

In 1891, Coca-Cola produced its first calendar.

In 1894, Joseph A. Biedenharn, owner of the Biedenharn Candy Company in Vicksburg, Mississippi, first bottled "Coca-Cola."

By 1903, the use of cocaine was controversial and "Coca-Cola" decided to use only "spent coca leaves." It also stopped advertising "Coca-Cola" as a cure for headaches and other ills.

In 1919, after his death, Griggs Candler's family sold the interest in "Coca-Cola" to a group of businessmen led by Ernest Woodruff for $25 million. Woodruff was appointed president of "Coca-Cola" on April 28, 1923 and stayed on the job until 1955.


Resten kan du lese her http://www2.netdoor.com/~davidroy/cocacola.html


Hentet fra en annen side om Coca-Cola: Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut.

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