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Men med det andre stykket blir det litt annerledes.




Fordi 2 og 3 er såkaldte "anngrensende" verdier, noe som betyr at vi må ta hennsyn til de også, vi får da  






Siden de i utgrnagspunktet var anngrensende, følger vi her Gruth' teorem, og må konkretisere grunnverdiene her, noe som gir følgende;




Og ved oppgradering av grensverdiene, slår vi da sammen.




Siden x og y er ukjent, blir det dermed






Lord Thaniel




Der gikk det ett par sikringer i skapet mitt, gitt.


Du sier altsaa at:


1=x/y => x og y er 1 ?


Hvordan faar du da x og y til aa bli 17 saann helt automagisk?


Google har foeroevrig dette interessante aa si om Gruth Theorem

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Ellers fant jeg noe mer om gode gamle Gruth:


In 1060, a warrior called Gruth the Slayer attempted to kill the King of Corinthia after King Garmund tore Gruth's brother apart with his pet demons.  Gruth was caught and made to fight as a gladiator.  Gruth's family was sold into slavery.  This included his two sons, his mother, and his daughter.  Gruth's daughter, Salomay, was bought by a kindly old man who set her free once he left the borders of Corintha.  Salomay was left to do as she would.  She opted to stay with the old man and learn the ways of magic so that she could free her family.  Gruth the Slayer became a popular gladiator who won hundreds of matches against other gadiators and wild animals.    


King Garmund wed again in late 1060 to another daughter of a baron of Corinthia.  She was beheaded in 1061 when King Garmund found her in bed with another woman.  King Garmund then wed a princess of Ingara, the daughter of the Ingaran king Liandius Allamahiny.  The next year, King Garmund tired of his Ingaran princess and had her sold into slavery.  When the king of Ingara heard of this he hired a band of adventuring warriors to rescue the princess.  The princess was never heard from again.  King Liandius then went to war with Carinthia.  Savage battles on the sea drove the Corinthian ships back to their ports.  The Ingarans devastated the Corinthian navy and pillaged several coastal towns.  The top warriors from the Ingaran school marched across the Corinthian fields, burning and destroying all that they could.  But they were outnumbered by the Corinthian warriors, who drove the Ingaran invaders back to the sea.  Ingara soon allied itself with the kingdom of Nyandar.  King Laindius swore that the Corinthian King Garmund would kie as a result of Ingaran interference.  


King Garmund of Corinthia wed yet again in early 1063.  This queen soon fell in love with Gruth the Slayer.  


King Laquomva Kanahge, the king of Nyandar, was killed by a jeolous baron, Atsatsisago, who usurped the throne in 1063.  King Atsatsisago attempted to restore northern Winged Folk citizens to slavery, but he was not successful in this endeavor.  


The Nyandarian King Atsatsisago agreed to allow to two red dragons to move into Nyandar.  They settled in the mountain at the end of the Someni River.  


In 1064 King Garmund Discovered his wife was having an illicite affair with his most popular gladiator, Gruth the Slayer.  He ordered both her and the warrrior thrown into the games to be torn apart by demons.  Gruth slew the demons, but he could not save his love.  


King Garmund abandoned his Black Robed Order and donned the red clothing of his own order.  Grindill attempted to destroy the Red Order, but Garmund used his own magic to successfully defend himself and his order from the Archmage Sovereign.  


King Liandius of Ingara sent several of his best soldiers into Corinthia to rescue the young Gruth from captivity and to help him destroy King Garmund of Corinthia.  


Clervau Carera, lord of the Dagam, died after offending a priest of Yogath Hob.  It is said that Lord Clervau Carera was transmogrified into a tree.  The priesthood put a powerful priest of theirs on the throne in 1067 and he reigned as Oetzi Kaman.  


In 1068 Gruth the Slayer escaped his prison with the help of the Ingarans and killed King Garmund the Wizard.  Gruth gave the throne of Corinthia to his daughter, Salomay.  Queen Salomay entered into a peaceful treaty with Ingara.  Garmund's star shaped castle was abandoned and neglected due to fear that his ghost would be haunting the castle.  


Kilde: http://www.geocities.com/vincentdarlage/fifth4.html' target='_blank'>


Han var nok en jaevel med matte ogsaa, gode gamle Gruth.

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Her er noe annet du kan bryne deg på:


Caroline jobber noen ettermiddager på et fiskemottak. Hun kan velge mellom to betalingsformer. Enten kan hun få 30kr per time pluss 0,50kr for hver kasse fisk hun sorterer, eller ingen fast inntekt, men 2kr for hver kasse hun sorterer.


a) Sett opp et uttrykk for hvor mye hun tjener (y kr) dersom hun sorterer x kasser ved begge betalingsformene.


B) finn ved regning hvor mange kasser hun må sortere i timen for at timelønna skal bli den samme ved begge betalingsformene.



Og med det sier jeg LYKKE TIL!



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Dette er da bare å sette opp i en funksjonstabell og tegne grafisk....

mener jeg (trøtt)



TI-89 er din venn. Don't leave home without it, en vet aldri når en får behov for å integrere over en 5. grads flate eller.no.




Liker Ti-89'en min jeg. bare synd at godtatt kalkulator er en RÅTTEN HP-30s som ikke er grafisk en gang.




P.S har to hp'er da den første konka på matte 1 eksamen....:evil:


brukte den på natta men død på dagen...

takk gud for studentservice...:woot:

tok den til Tapir og fikk beskjed om at det var noe som kunne skje. det var bare å la den ligge uten batterier over natta så skulle den være i orden igjen,,, noe en har tid til på eksamen...

jeg kjøpte en til bare i tillfelle...

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P.S har to hp'er da den første konka på matte 1 eksamen....:evil:


brukte den på natta men død på dagen...

takk gud for studentservice...:woot:

tok den til Tapir og fikk beskjed om at det var noe som kunne skje. det var bare å la den ligge uten batterier over natta så skulle den være i orden igjen,,, noe en har tid til på eksamen...

jeg kjøpte en til bare i tillfelle...

Fikk du ny kalkulator under eksamen? Trodde dette rett og slett ikke var mulig..

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Løs ligningsettet grafisk. Kontroller derretter løsningen ved regning regning.






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Caroline jobber noen ettermiddager...





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