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Tråden for The Eye of Judgment


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The only flaw in this system we could find was that the game will mistake a high-quality, color copy of a card for the real deal, meaning a sneaky gamer could print off pictures of cards they don't have and duel online with those. While this is regrettable, it doesn't necessarily damage the gameplay, since they still have to follow the rules when actually engaged in a match - they just don't own the cards they're using.



Så da tar det ikke lang tid før vi finne alle kortene som pdf på nett, og onlinespilling mot folk med mange "very rare"-kort blir en hverdagslig sak.


Å huffameg!

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Så da tar det ikke lang tid før vi finne alle kortene som pdf på nett, og onlinespilling mot folk med mange "very rare"-kort blir en hverdagslig sak.


Å huffameg!

Les hele :)


Eye of Judgment also works hard to protect against cheating. When playing online, you must scan every card you want to use beforehand with the Eye, including multiple copies of the same card at once, so it registers all of them. Once your deck is registered, the computer will randomly draw your cards for you during online play, which means you can never secretly draw from your deck to tip the battle in your favor. The computer keeps track of every card in your deck and hand, ensuring that duels are played fairly.

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spec-ops, kanskje du som burde lese ka folk skriver spør du meg, du toucher inn på¨ett helt annet tema.spec-ops, kanskje du som burde lese ka folk skriver spør du meg, du toucher inn på¨ett helt annet tema.

Ja jeg vet. Fordi det kan umulig være sånn at spilldesignerene har implementert noe sånn at du spiller mot noen som har en like god kortstokk som deg selv. Tenk deg hvor gøy det er da hvis en 10 år gamel gutt får spillet til jul også blir han bare satt mot folk som har de beste kortstokkene du kan lage... (Burde jeg copy-paste sånn at jeg får frem meningen min to ganger?)

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Så da tar det ikke lang tid før vi finne alle kortene som pdf på nett, og onlinespilling mot folk med mange "very rare"-kort blir en hverdagslig sak.


Å huffameg!


Så lenge alle egentlig har muligheten, er det greitt for meg:P


Vet iallfall at jeg kommer til å gjøre det for lokalt spil.

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Poenget mitt var det ikke er vits for meg å "sløse" penger på boosterpacks, når man sikkert møter folk som har 15 "very rare" kort i sitt deck, fordi de har printet PDF-filer og aldri betalt for hverken blekket eller papiret de skrev ut på.


Så hvis jeg i en boosterpack får et godt "very rare" kort, så kan jeg scanne det, og printe det 2 ganger til.

Så registerer jeg et og samme sjeldne kort 3 ganger i mitt deck.

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Poenget mitt var det ikke er vits for meg å "sløse" penger på boosterpacks, når man sikkert møter folk som har 15 "very rare" kort i sitt deck, fordi de har printet PDF-filer og aldri betalt for hverken blekket eller papiret de skrev ut på.


Så hvis jeg i en boosterpack får et godt "very rare" kort, så kan jeg scanne det, og printe det 2 ganger til.

Så registerer jeg et og samme sjeldne kort 3 ganger i mitt deck.

Jo, men akkurat som jeg skrev tidligere så trekker EoJ kortene som du skal bruke online for deg altså du kan ha 1 milliard rare kort, men spillet vil sannsynligvis lage et balansert utdrag for deg og kanskje bare velge 1 rare kort. Eneste det fører til er at folk som driver å laster ned ting ulovelig(som spill osv. Musikk er generelt ikke på samme plan) kan skaffe seg kort som vi dødlige må bruke våre hardt ervervede midler på :)


Hvis folk vil jukse vil det alltid være muligheter for det. Her er bare muligheten veldig lett tilgjenelig for mannen i gata(er det egentlig så mye vanskligere å gå inn på en jukse side og hente koder til f.eks GTA?)

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Jo, men akkurat som jeg skrev tidligere så trekker EoJ kortene som du skal bruke online for deg altså du kan ha 1 milliard rare kort, men spillet vil sannsynligvis lage et balansert utdrag for deg og kanskje bare velge 1 rare kort.


Jeg er ikke enig med deg.

Jeg mener å huske at innen du skal i gang med et spil, så registrerer du et deck kort.

La oss si at jeg registrerer et deck kort med 20 very rare kort, noe mana og 5 std kort.

Så vil jo mitt deck være 66% very rare.

Altså, PS3 kan ikke velge mellom 1 million kort, nå jeg kun har registrert at jeg spiller med de 30 kortene, og 20 av de er very rare.

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Shack: Could you explain exactly how online deck registration works?


Christy Newton: You actually have to take your 30 cards after you decide which cards you want in your deck. You're going to go into a deck-builder mode. It works really quickly--you just lay your cards down in front of the eye and you're going to register that deck.


Shack: Is there any mechanism keeping players from registering the same powerful card multiple times to increase the likelihood they'll draw it during the game?


Christy Newton: If your opponent was trying to cheat and take a rare card and say, "Oh look, I've got it once, I've got it twice, I've got it three times," it's not going to work. Any duplicates you have in your deck--and you could theoretically have three of anything unless you have a deck limit on it--you actually have to show those three cards all at the same time, and they'd register all at once.


And another thing they've done to make sure that your opponent wouldn't cheat is when you get into the game itself, the PS3 will actually tell you what you draw into your hand. So there's no stacking the deck.


Shack: Are there actual deck limits for cards, or can you do 30 of a single card in a deck?


Christy Newton: There are a couple of cards that do have deck limits. I think we played today with the Cubics, which allow you to sacrifice the Cubic to summon anything. Those have a deck limit. There's only one Cubic per deck of 30 cards that you can play.


Otherwise there's a deck limitation of all creatures that you can only have three of the same card in your hand.


Shack: How does the Eye distinguish between a true card and say an illegitimate color copy of one on thick paper?


Christy Newton: You cannot color photocopy the cards and have them read. It has to do with the technology and how they're printed both. And that's really all I want to say about that in terms of that end of it.


I can promise you that on the Wizards of the Coast side of the business, obviously one of the first things we did was try to play around and break things. Ultimately, there's probably nothing in the world that can't be accomplished if someone wants to spend enough time to go break something down. I think the goal of it is, let's make it difficult enough that it prohibits people from cheating.


And truthfully, card games tend to be very social in nature. And we know that essentially shame keeps people from cheating. You show up with a photocopied card--I'm guessing your opponent's gonna have a little bit to say about that.


Shack: There's a little less shame when it's online. Actually a lot less shame. Look at Xbox Live.


Christy Newton: There is a little less shame, except that I think you'll find that it's going to be cumbersome enough and the card prices are low enough--for somebody to make the effort, it doesn't tend to be worth it.



Shack: During Comic-Con, we were told Sony is looking into tournament support online. Are there any further plans in that area?


Christy Newton: For card games to get rolling, one of the things that's really important is to have a way to build community, and so we're looking at lots of way to leverage the technology to build community.


Tournaments are one way to build the sense of community, but it's not the only way. And I think we're going to find with global online play from day one, you're going to be able to find someone to play and have those relationships online as a big part of it. Whether there are tournaments as we know them today with say Magic: The Gathering--to be determined. But definitely there will be that sense of community. There will be a lot of stuff at EyeOfJudgment.com that will sort of help them build that going forward.





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