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EA kjøper BioWare og Pandemic

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Hvis EA oppfører seg som de pleier å gjøre, så kan vi si farvel til Bioware sitt "hemmelige" MMO spill (ialtfal for en stund)... tror neppe EA vil skape en konkurrent til UO (som er melkekua deres).

Utifra det jeg har lest rundt omkring, så har dette oppkjøpet vært i kortene *lenge*, dvs. flere år. Hehe, blir neppe noen flere oppfølgere av spill fra Obsidian heller nå... :p

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Tja... Kan dette ha noe å si for eventuelle oppfølger til Mass Effect? Bioware virker å være kjent for å lage bra spill, og jeg har allerde hørt snakk om en triologi av Mass Effect. Slik det ligger ann ser spillet ut til å selge bra, og da er det jo ikke helt utenkelig.... En aldri så liten konspirasjon der, men de er tross alt bare kjøpt opp. Kan jo være økonomisk lurt av Ea det.


Mass Effect var en planlagt trilogi lenge før det var noe snakk om EA.


EDIT: Leste litt feil, trodde du skreiv "...og jeg har aldri hørt snakk om..."




EA is often criticized for buying smaller development studios primarily for their intellectual property assets, and then making the developers produce mediocre games on these same franchises. For example, Origin-produced Ultima VIII: Pagan and Ultima IX: Ascension were developed quickly under EA's ownership, over the protests of Richard Garriott[6], and these two are considered by many[7] as not up to the standard of the rest of the series.[8][9]


EA is also criticized for shutting down its acquired studios after a poorly performing game.[10] [11][12]The historical pattern of poor sales and ratings of the first game shipped after acquisition suggests EA's control and direction as being primarily responsible for the game's failure rather than the studio. Magic Carpet 2 was rushed to completion over the objections of designer Peter Molyneux and it shipped during the holiday season with several major bugs. Studios such as Origin, Westwood Studios, and Bullfrog had previously produced games attracting a significant fanbase, and when they were closed down many top designers and programmers refused to stay with EA and formed rival studios. Many fans also became annoyed that their favourite developers were closed down, but some developers, for example the EALA studio, have stated that they try to carry on the legacy of the old studio, in this case Westwood Studios. EA has also received harsh fire from labour groups for their dismissals of large groups of employees during the closure of a studio (see below). Such was the case with the game GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. [13]


After releasing many products, the lack of support is notable in many games, assured by the fact that EA declared openly that they would no longer support relatively new but still buggy titles, like Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Need for Speed: Underground and some of the latest Command & Conquer[14] games.


Electronic Arts declined to support the Dreamcast in favour of Sony's PlayStation 2.[15]


EA has also been criticized for other aggressive business methods like the acquisition of 19.9 percent of shares of their competitor Ubisoft in what was called a "hostile act" by Ubisoft CEO, Yves Guillemot.[16] However, this has not materialized into anything hostile and Yves Guillemot later indicated that a merger with EA was a possibility.[17]


Tatt fra Wikipedia. Linker til kilder der - for dem som måtte være interessert i det - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Arts

Endret av BTK
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Hvis EA oppfører seg som de pleier å gjøre, så kan vi si farvel til Bioware sitt "hemmelige" MMO spill (ialtfal for en stund)... tror neppe EA vil skape en konkurrent til UO (som er melkekua deres).

Utifra det jeg har lest rundt omkring, så har dette oppkjøpet vært i kortene *lenge*, dvs. flere år. Hehe, blir neppe noen flere oppfølgere av spill fra Obsidian heller nå... :p


Den nye MMO melkekua til EA blir jo som sagt Warhammer Online. Jeg kan ikke se for meg at de kommer til å konkurrere med seg selv på egen mark, så noe sier meg at det kommer en type konsoll MMO fra Bioware i fremtiden. Da har vel EA så og si klart å dekke alle typer spill til alle plattformer, og kan sette seg ved siden av Microsoft, Google og alle andre multimilliardær konsern mens de driter leende på alt og alle. Når det gjelder spillindustrien, så er mange små/medium store kreative firmaer bedre enn haier som kjøper opp alt for å få monopol... Blir spennende å se hvordan spillbransjen er om 10 år.

Endret av Jext
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Forøvrig så håpar eg at EA innser at dei har eit ansvar ovenfor BW gutane. Dei er fantastiske, og har laga noko av verdas vakraste spel-epos. La dei gjere tinga på sin måte, utan å tukle med det, og alt er vel.


Får håpe det, men de har aldri gjort det før. ex. Westwood

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EA vil neppe tillate de å lage spill for konkurrentene lenger.


Kan da bare glemme at Bioware lager Star Wars: KOTOR 3 i alle fall.


Samme med Star Wars: Battlefront-spillene til Pandemic.


Hvorfor kan ikke Bioware utvikle KOTOR 3? Mener du at George Lucas og EA er konkurrenter? Forstod jeg ikke.

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Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3

Jeg er en stor fan av BioWare, men ikke så veldig stor fan av EA, håper at BioWare får fortsette som de vil med det budskjettet du får av EA.

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EA has also been criticized for other aggressive business methods like the acquisition of 19.9 percent of shares of their competitor Ubisoft in what was called a "hostile act" by Ubisoft CEO, Yves Guillemot.[16] However, this has not materialized into anything hostile and Yves Guillemot later indicated that a merger with EA was a possibility.
Faen meg det einaste som manglar...


Då har EA total domination over EArth.


The question and answer section was particularly hot on which IPs will transfer over to EA, and the company noted that Mass Effect is published by Microsoft, but the intellectual property now belongs to Electronic Arts and would conceivably from here out be EA published.
We are royaly fucked. Endret av Gaz West
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As soon as EA announced it had acquired BioWare Corp. and Pandemic Studios, the Xbox community wondered what would happen to the Mass Effect trilogy, which BioWare intended to begin and end on the Xbox 360 platform.


First, Microsoft Game Studios has confirmed that EA’s acquisition of the developer of “Jade Empire” and “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic” won’t at all affect next month’s release of Mass Effect. However, future games in this franchise are facing a dark horizon:


Microsoft has not yet announced specifics regarding sequels to “Mass Effect” but we’ll be talking to EA and BioWare in the weeks to come. “Mass Effect” is the most anticipated role-playing game of the season, on any platform, and we are committed to the franchise’s long term success.


When we asked about the ownership of the intellectual property, Microsoft confirmed that--unlike the Halo and Project Gotham Racing IPs, which are owned by Microsoft and not the respective developers--BioWare Corp. owns the Mass Effect IP.

No håpar eg at Microsoft opnar pengesekken sin, og sikrar seg rettigheitene til dei to neste kapitla i denne forteljinga. Unreal Engine III fungerar så dårleg på PS3 at Sony kan vel berre spara seg for dei kronene - og Nintendo Wii? Nei.


We brought you an official statement from Microsoft regarding the Mass Effect trilogy. Now, following today's shocking news, BioWare Corp. gave an interview to Gamespot in which the Canadian developer addressed the EA buyout. Among other topics, the co-founders and co-CEOs of BioWare, Drs. Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeshcuk, also discussed the future of Mass Effect.


Mass Effect was billed as being this big booster for Microsoft's publishing efforts and as one of the biggest Xbox 360 exclusives. Will it remain a 360 exclusive?


Ray Muzyka: Microsoft is a great partner, a great publishing partner, and we're really excited to work with them. And we love the 360. One of the things we've talked about is getting multiple iterations of this franchise out during its lifetime, since it's such a great system to work with. And we see Microsoft as a long-term partner on Mass Effect.


Will Microsoft be publishing future iterations of Mass Effect or will EA be publishing it itself?


Greg Zeschuk: We can't predict the future. We'll see what happens. The key thing is we're making a trilogy of Mass Effect games, and we've got a great story arc.

Får håpa BioWare får gjennomslag på dette, og at EA klarar å ikkje fucke det heilt til. Ser for meg "The Sims" tilstandar med Mass Effect: Mote Stæsj... Endret av Gaz West
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Når ein tenkjer over det, så vil det jo være heilt tåpelig om ME2 blir multiplattform.


Spesielt med tanke på at MS har utgivar rettigheter til ME1. Men, det har jo skjedd før. Så ein får berre vente og sjå. No er det berre litt over ein månad til ME1 kjem - og den er såfall sikra.

Har ikke noe problem med om spillet blir multiplattform eller ikke, det som bekymrer meg mest er om Bioware får tid og frihet til å utvikle det slik de hadde tenkt.

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