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Hei! jeg heter silje og går på ntnu, fikk en oppave på skolen som må godkjennes. jeg klarte den ikke på første forsøk, så jeg trenger litt hjelp. i teksten under skal man finne 24 feil, og forklare dem.. noen som kan hjelpe meg med å finne noen?



Identify, explain and correct the grammar, punctuation and orthography mistakes in the following text. (Note that you should not correct/comment on the use of commas). There are 24 mistakes all together (including the one pointed out below).



Holy orders tries cohabitation

Cohabiting monks and nuns – who has joined forces to prey, work, and live together under the same roof – have hailed their mixed convent trial as a success.


The solitary religiously life is probable a thing of the past, so their unusual arrangement, which has the blessing of the Vatikan, are being held up as a model for other cash-strapped religious orders.


“This is a sign of the times. This is the future,” say one of it’s adherents, Brother Paolo. “Men and women living a live of faith can create powerful, positive energy.” The orders convent on the outskirts of Rome, where three munks and 14 nouns live, was set up a year ago and have been judged a sucess.


Brother Paolo says noone have to live a cloistered life to live a holy life. He and his fellow italian nuns and monks, whose average age are only 33, surf internet, sturdy and stay on touch with their families. “We get a lot of question about it but we beleive that men and women working and praying together is a very powerful forse,” he says.


“It is absolutely no embarrassment about it for anyone involved.”


Line no. Correction Type of mistake Explanation

1 tries → try Grammar mistake The subject NP is in the plural and hence the verb must also be in the plural. Lack of number agreement between the subject and the finite verb.






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Du kunne jo ha nevnt de du har funnet, men ... Her er i hvertfall noe av det jeg mener er galt:


Holy orders tries cohabitation

Cohabiting monks and nuns – who has joined forces to prey, work, and live together under the same roof – have hailed their mixed convent trial as a success.


The solitary religiously life is probable a thing of the past, so their unusual arrangement, which has the blessing of the Vatikan, are being held up as a model for other cash-strapped religious orders.


“This is a sign of the times. This is the future,” say one of it’s adherents, Brother Paolo. “Men and women living a live of faith can create powerful, positive energy.” The orders convent on the outskirts of Rome, where three munks and 14 nouns live, was set up a year ago and have been judged a sucess.


Brother Paolo says noone have to live a cloistered life to live a holy life. He and his fellow italian nuns and monks, whose average age are only 33, surf internet, sturdy and stay on touch with their families. “We get a lot of question about it but we beleive that men and women working and praying together is a very powerful forse,” he says.


“It is absolutely no embarrassment about it for anyone involved.”

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Du kunne jo ha nevnt de du har funnet, men ... Her er i hvertfall noe av det jeg mener er galt:


Holy orders tries cohabitation

Cohabiting monks and nuns – who has joined forces to prey, work, and live together under the same roof – have hailed their mixed convent trial as a success.


The solitary religiously life is probable a thing of the past, so their unusual arrangement, which has the blessing of the Vatikan, are(skal det være is eller are her? isåfall hvorfor?) being held up as a model for other cash-strapped religious orders.


“This is a sign of the times. This is the future,” say one of it’s adherents, Brother Paolo. “Men and women living a live of faith can create powerful, positive energy.” The orders convent on the outskirts of Rome, where three munks and 14 nouns live, was set up a year ago and have been judged a sucess.


Brother Paolo says noone have to live a cloistered life to live a holy life. He and his fellow italian nuns and monks, whose average age are only 33, surf internet, sturdy and stay on touch with their families. “We get a lot of question about it but we beleive that men and women working and praying together is a very powerful forse,” he says.


“It is absolutely no embarrassment about it for anyone involved.”


i teksten nå har jeg funnet 20 feil av 24, så jeg mangler fortsatt noen.. også sliter jeg med å forklare feilene jeg finner. som f.eks denne setningen :The solitary religiously life is probable a thing of the past,

Endret av siljeNTNU
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munks -> monks, ja, den så jeg ikke.

Det skal være is, fordi verbet peker tilbake på arrangement, som er entall.

Religiously er et adverb og passer ikke inn i sammenhengen over. Det er sikkert noen som kan forklare dette litt bedre - jeg er ikke så flink til slikt.

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tusen takk for hjelpen da:)


nå har jeg 21 av 24 feil. har faktisk ingen aning om hvor de siste 3 feilene er..


noen flere som har peiling?


hva med setningen three monks and 14 nuns? skal det ikke være three og fourteen eller 3 og 14?

jeg er ikke helt sikker på regler med tall

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Fant et par feil til:


Det står "The orders convent on the outskirts of Rome, ...", men det riktige er "The order's convent ...", for det er snakk om samlingen til ordenen.


I siste setning står det "It is ...", men det skal være "There is ...". There is tilsvarer vel "det er, det finnes", mens it is brukes om vær og tid osv (It is cold, it is late).


Ang. fourteen vs 14: På norsk skriver man bokstaver til og med tolv, men deretter tall (..., elleve, tolv, 13, 14). Jeg tror dette gjelder i engelsk òg.

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Holy orders tries cohabitation

Cohabiting monks and nuns – who has joined forces to prey, work, and live together under the same roof – have hailed their mixed convent trial as a success.


The solitary religiously life is probable a thing of the past, so their unusual arrangement, which has the blessing of the Vatikan, are being held up as a model for other cash-strapped religious orders.


“This is a sign of the times. This is the future,” say one of it’s adherents, Brother Paolo. “Men and women living a live of faith can create powerful, positive energy.” The orders convent on the outskirts of Rome, where three munks and 14 nouns live, was set up a year ago and have been judged a sucess.


Brother Paolo says noone have to live a cloistered life to live a holy life. He and his fellow italian nuns and monks, whose average age are only 33, surf the internet, sturdy and stay on touch with their families. “We get a lot of question about it but we beleive that men and women working and praying together is a very powerful forse,” he says. “It is absolutely no embarrassment about it for anyone involved.”


Der har jeg funnet 24 feil... noen som er uenige, eller har jeg funnet de "riktige" feilene?


hvis noen har peiling på hvordan man forklarer enkelte feil på engelsk så er jeg glad for det:)

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De feilene som går direkte på verbtider kan du forklare ved at verbet ikke korresponderer med substantivet ("tries", "has", "say", "have", "have", "are"). For eksempel


"In English the verb must correspond with the subject (a noun). You have singular and plural forms, and with a singular subject (I, you, he, she, it, Mary, Mike, the nun etc.) you use a singular verb, and with a plural subject (we, you , they, the monks and the nuns) you use a plural verb. This rule makes the following wrong:


Holy orders tries - The subject "holy orders" is plural, so the verb should be plural too: try.


og bare forklar det sånn.


Rene stavefeil (prey = pray, munks = monks, nouns = nuns, sucess = success, noone = no one, sturdy = study, beleive = believe, forse = force) forklares rett og slett med at de er stavefeil.


The solitary religiously life is probable a thing... Her skal det ikke brukes adverb, men adjektiv i første feil og omvendt i andre:


It is not correct to use the adverb "religiously" in this sentence because it describes the noun, and should be an adjective: religious. The same rule applies with the second mistake in the senentce: "probable" in this sentence should be "probably", as it is an adverb, describing (et eller annet om måte som sikkert står i English grammar boken jeg aldri leste på Blindern).


Har ikke tid til mer nå, men lykke til!

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Går ikke oppgaven din igjennom filtre for å sjekke om det muligens ikke er kopiert. Da hadde jeg rådet deg til å redigere tråd-innholdet :), hvis du ikke har lyst på å få stryk da ;).


PS: Kjemi, matte og fysikk læreren vår har nettopp utdannet seg som sivilingeniør fra NTNU :). Litt OT, men har faktisk lyst til å studere der :D.

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