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Kunsten å bli banna

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Er det noen som har klart å bli banna? Hvordan klarte du å bli banna og hvor lenge ble du banna? Prøv å gi detaljer om den eksakte årsaken til at du ble banna og hvilken bedskjed du fikk fra blizzard. Hvis du å har en chat logg med en GM, så post den også.


Jeg har en kammerat som klarte å bli banna, husker ikke detaljene, men han snakket stygt med nesten alle han traff. Han ble kontaktet av en GM som bad han pent å slutte. Som svar ble GM fortalt at han var seksuellt forvirret og burdte plage noen andre.


Det var jo jævlig smart å utfordre autoriteten til en GM på den måten, tror du ikke han ble banna lenge eller? :p


Anyway, er det noen som har noen lignende historier hvor dere husker litt mer detaljer?

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Jeg brukte 1 år til 51 på min første druid, prøvde hare å tjene penger på ah.

Så ble folk sjalu pga en 51 hadde mere penger den dem på 60 så dem rapporterte meg som gullkjøper. Så kom GM og sa "greetings, jeg tar kontoen din for etterforskning

så hadde de den i 8 mnd , trege ja Så fikk jeg den tilbake sånn den var med en unnskyldning men da hadde jeg jo kjøpt en ny konto og hadde en 60 prest og rogue så nå er den flyset.


Siste uken har mange jeg kjenner blitt bannet for gullkjøp uten annet bevis en postkasa.

Og flere har blitt bannet pga powerlevling selv bare noen få lvl uten boting.

Forskjellig IP har dem plutselig blitt veldig ops på nå.

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@ samebob: Du ble banna pga spam? eller betyr "L t A A f" noe?


@ War: Hvordan forstod folk at du hadde tjent så mye spenn? Har du tatt vare på brevene fra blizzard? Jeg elsker sånne over høfflige brev  :D



Tror L t A A f betyr N i G G a eller noe

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@ samebob: Du ble banna pga spam? eller betyr "L t A A f" noe?


@ War: Hvordan forstod folk at du hadde tjent så mye spenn? Har du tatt vare på brevene fra blizzard? Jeg elsker sånne over høfflige brev  :D



Tror L t A A f betyr N i G G a eller noe


N i g g a, glemte å skrive det :p

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Gjest Slettet-p4PIYwb6

Når vi fikk ned Onyxia for første gang sto vi i Orgrimmar ved hodet.


Da ropte en i guildet "fuck you" eller noe sånt til Onyxia, og ble bannet i en liten stund :hmm:

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@ rulator og Syncronautus: Har dere tatt vare på e-mailen dere fikk fra blizzard som forklarte hvorfor dere ble banna? Hvis ja, post den her.


@ Paulex: Hva betyr twaticuss? Fant ut hva twat er, men ikke med det siste "icuss". Forresten, fikk du noe brev fra blizzard som du har beholdt i inboxen din?

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Klarte ikke å bli banna, men fikk meg en warning for å bruke auto mouse click og auto-queue/join BG addons (char'en min sto vel i en ukes tid og grinda inn honor for seg selv i AV)


Account: xxxx

Date of violation: xxxxx

Character name involved: xxxxxxx

Type of violation: Intended Exploitation

Details of incident: Player was witnessed gathering honor without participating in the Alterac Valley match.

Consequences for account: Warning placed on account


Greetings Mr ,


We are writing to inform you that we have, unfortunately, had to add a warning to your World of Warcraft account. It is with regret that we take this type of action; however, it is in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole and for the integrity of the game.


Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.


We strongly suggest you review our current Rules and Polices to avoid further action in the future, these can be found at:



Please do not reply to this email as you will receive an automated response. If you have any further enquiries regarding your account status, please send them to: [email protected].




English Game Master Team

Blizzard Europe


Det morsomme var at jeg selv var bortreist i denne perioden når jeg fikk denne e-posten. Kom ikke hjem før 4 dager senere, og char'en min stod fortsatt og grinda honor av seg selv. Blizzard har med andre ord kun sendt warning pr. epost, men ikke disconnecta meg eller noenting. Nådde målet mitt, fikk inn alle Veteran epics på 1 uke + talisman of the horde osv =)


Now flame me!

Endret av bidz
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Tar ikke noe credit for dette, men noe jeg fant da jeg browset litt tidligere.




Character name involved: Quisling

Type of violation: Created an offensive character name.

Consequences for account: Name change required, warning placed on account and

account suspended for 72 hours.


Greetings Mr *******,


We are writing to inform you that one or more of your character names are in

violation of our Naming Policy. The Naming Policy is part of the Terms of Use

that govern your play in World of Warcraft and, as such, must be adhered to. As

a consequence of this breach of our Naming Policy, your account has been

suspended for 72 hours, and a warning has been placed on your account. Please

note that, should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this

incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to

your account.


When you next log-in with the character named above, you will be prompted to

select a new name. Please review our Naming Policy before selecting this new

name. This can be found at:



Please do not reply to this email as you will receive an automated response. If

you have any further enquiries regarding your account status, please send them

to: [email protected].




English Game Master Team

Blizzard Europe






How on earth are you going to ban me for naming one of my characters

Quisling? Have you even read up on that name, the history of Vidkun Quisling

and what meaning that now lay in that word?

I am from Norway, beleave me I should know. Quisling is synonymous with

"betrayer of ones home country". And that is bannable? If I had named my

character "betrayerofhomeland" would you have banned me? Or my guild "the

home country betrayers"? While I do not care if i will have to change the

name on one of my low lvl characters which I never really have played much

on (hell i do not even know what server he is on) you are welcome to ask me

to do so, but a 72 hour ban. A 72 HOUR BAN for a naming a char "Traitor"?

You do realize that I PAY to play this game?

I have supplied a link to you.


Now open my account.




Hello *********,


Thank you for your mail.


The name itself does not mean "Traitor" although it has been taken for use as

that in recent years.


I apologise if you are unfamiliar with Norwegian History , as this may mean you

were not certain of the meaning of the name when you took it.


But due to the World War 2 Politician of this name, it is considered extremely

inappropriate and can often be used to incite racial hatred.


Due to this a 72 hour suspense is appropriate for use of this name.





Senior Game Master

Endret av Hachon
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Han eide deg på den siste der.


"But due to the World War 2 Politician of this name, it is considered extremely

inappropriate and can often be used to incite racial hatre"




Var visst en mail til som var sendt, og fyi : det er ikke meg.


How on earth are you able to send me an answer like that in response to my mail? Did you even read it?

You know what, screw it. You guys are so obviously uninterested, dead tired or straight up retarded, so I guess I will just have to accept my riddiculously overdone punishment. Cause you ain't gonna actually comprehend what I am trying to complain about anyway.

I was thinking about sending some coffee to wake you guys up but I am uncertain about where in India this tech support of yours lie. Have fun being a bunch of inbred retards who do not read complaint mails and by doing so failing hard at your job. I will now write a new mail where I shall ask Blizz Entertainment to replace the lot of you with Mexican refugees so you can earn the unemployment you deserve.


Venter fortsatt på svar.

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