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Synes dette var knallbra jeg!


Ikkeno Riks-TV på meg ihvertfall :!:




Edit: Det sto noe om at det skulle være reklamefinansiert. Popper opp noen små reklameikoner i ny og ne. Men hittill virker det mindre forstyrrende enn reklamepausene på TV3 og co.


Edit2: Var visst noen små reklamepauser her også...

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Faar bare COMING UP paa alle kanaler jeg prover. Ikke noe bilde, nothing, zip, nada.




Hva gjør jeg galt? Funker det fint hos dere? Could somebody help me out here?




Greit. Har naa greid aa streame 2 minutter av en musikk video. Det funker, men er forelopig ufattelig tregt.

Endret av Stian89
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Det er vel et drøyt halvt år siden jeg signa opp uten invitasjon, så jeg tror aldri det har vært sperra på noen som helst måte.


Foreløpig funker det så som så, med ok kvalitet. Forventer litt mer etterhvert som det får litt medieomtale nå fremover.

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For at dette skal være aktuelt for meg, må det først komme en Linux-klient.



Venter ogsaa paa en linux versjon. Flaut som det er har jeg dessverre en liten windows partisjon paa den baerbare maskinen, saa hvorfor ikke prove.



Huff, det var flaut. Den synes jeg du burde slette med en gang, og heller vente til noen gidder å lage en linux-klient.

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hadde vært bra noe de sikkert vil få etter vær... er om de hadde fått inn flere serier for eks (HEROES) etc og ikke alle de dær jala jalla kanalan som ingen gidd og se på... :dribble:







andreas90.tk :thumbup:


Endret av andriesa
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Jeg ville aldri rørt dette programmet. Men nå er jo jeg stad da... så ja.....


Information We Collect About You and How It is Used


We only collect personal information that we believe will improve our ability to offer this service to you. We consider all of the following categories to be your personal information:


    * Personal Attributes/Interests: We ask for your gender, age/date of birth, country, and your likes/dislikes. We use this information to suggest programming, to deliver advertisements, to learn about our audience, including through non-personally identifiable statistics (e.g. percentage of male viewers aged 35-44), and to apply what we've learned to improve the service.

    * Viewing History: We collect information on viewed e-mails, web pages, programming and advertisements and use this information for the same purposes as described for Personal Attributes/Interests and also for troubleshooting. Here are more details:

          o Viewing E-mails: E-mails we send you may allow us to determine whether you have opened the e-mail or clicked on a link within the e-mail. Additionally, many of these e-mails are HTML based and collect information similar to the way most web sites collect information (see "Viewing Web Pages" below).

          o Viewing Web Pages: As with most web sites, your computer sends information that gets logged by a web server when you browse our site. This typically includes your computer's IP address, operating system, browser name/version, the referring web page, requested page, date/time, and sometimes a "cookie" (which can be disabled using your browser preferences) to help the site remember your last visit. If you are logged in, this information is associated with your personal account. The information is also included in anonymous statistics to allow us to understand how visitors use our site. Additionally, the joost.com website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google").  Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and Internet usage.  Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.  You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of the joost.com website.  By using the joost.com website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

          o Viewing Programming and Advertising: As with browsing web pages, when you watch programming and advertising on the Joost™ Software, most of the same information is sent to us (including, IP Address, operating system, etc.); but, instead of page views, your computer sends us information on the program or advertisement viewed by the installed software and the associated channel and time.

          o Community & Support: We'd love for you to help us make the Joost™ Software and service the highest quality online television service with the very best community support. If interested, you have the option to submit bug reports, feature requests, and other feedback to our engineers; you can also post questions and answer other user questions in our community forums. Our chat service allows you to participate in our television community; to do so, we maintain information, such as your nickname, contact list, and status messages, including what show you are currently watching (if you explicitly choose to enable this option). In addition, these and similar services in the future may require us to maintain your account name and password.

    * Email Address: We ask you for your email address. We, and companies that we may engage from time to time to provide products and services to us or otherwise act on our behalf, use this information to (i) send you newsletters that keep you updated about the Joost™ Software or its service, including, information about available upgrades, functionality, features, and/or programming, (ii) ask you to participate in surveys that help us make the Joost™ Software and service better, (iii) respond to or confirm your requests, and (iv) notify you of service issues and unusual account actions (e.g. password resets). We will assume you are interested in receiving e-mails from us (or from companies who we may engage from time to time to act on our behalf) and will allow you to "opt-out" if you are not interested.

    * Beta Tester Selection: While in a limited beta testing stage, we ask for your website/blog address, self-described user category (e.g. TV addict or blogger), and anything else you choose to tell us. This information helps us select the right mix of beta testers.




We take many precautions to keep your personal information secure from unauthorized access, such as encrypted transmission between your computer and our servers and internal corporate policies to limit access to systems that store your personal information. We continue to store your personal information for so long as it is necessary to provide you our service and periodically destroy old personal information in accordance with our company policies, including when it is no longer essential to our ability to offer you the same high quality service. In most cases, we will keep one archival copy of your information to allow us to comply with laws or respond to legal processes.

Sharing of your Information with Others


We will never sell or rent your email address or any of your personal information! Unless we get your explicit approval in advance, we will only share your personal information as we believe is necessary to:


    * keep you updated, respond to, confirm or fulfill your requests, and notify you of service issues and unusual account actions;

    * enforce our Terms of Service or the Joost End User License Agreement;

    * protect personal safety;

    * comply with laws or respond to legal processes;

    * allow for a change of ownership of Joost and associated transfer of all personal information to the new owner of Joost, in which case your information still remains protected under this Privacy Policy;

    * allow third party suppliers, vendors, contractors and other parties to provide products and services to us or otherwise act on our behalf (this may include, without limitation, us authorizing such third parties to email our users regarding updates, surveys and other inquiries regarding their experience with the Joost™ Software and service);

    * allow for advertising and other audits, and surveys to, among other things, validate the size and composition of the viewing audience, and understand its experience with the Joost™ Software and service. This may require, among other things, disclosing your viewing history and/or disclosing records showing which advertisements were viewed by which IP addresses.


We will also share statistical and demographic information about our users and their use of the Joost™ Software with suppliers of advertisements and programming. This would not include anything that could be used to identify you or to discover individual information about you.



We, and third parties, may from time to time make small software applications – that we call "widgets" – available for your use on or through the Joost™ Software. These widgets may separately access, and allow a third party to view, your identifiable information, such as your name, your Joost name, your computer's IP Address or other information such as what you are watching during any given session. Additionally, these widgets may ask you to provide additional information directly to third parties. Third party products or services provided through widgets are not owned or controlled by Joost. You are encouraged to read the terms and other policies published by such third parties on their websites or otherwise.

Using Your Personal Information in Other Countries


Your country's privacy laws may require your consent before your personal information can be exported to countries with weaker privacy laws. Our Terms of Service requires your consent to this practice so that we can enhance our service quality by operating in multiple countries. No matter where your information is processed, this privacy policy will remain in effect.

Access to Your Information


You can access and update most of your personal information through the Joost™ Software. If you wish to review and/or correct any other personal information not yet available through the client software, please send a request to [email protected]. We will accommodate your request to the maximum extent practical.

Information on Children


The Joost™ Software is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or maintain any personal information or non-personally-identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 nor is any part of our website, software or service directed to children under the age of 13. We will close any accounts used exclusively by such children and will remove and/or delete any personal information we believe was submitted by any child under the age of 13.

EU Safe Harbor Compliance


Our US affiliates adhere to the European Safe Harbor principles as set forth by the United States Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personally identifiable information collected from citizens of the European Union.


For more information, please visit http://www.export.gov/safeharbor.

Changes to this Policy


We will place a notice on our web site when any significant changes are made to this privacy policy.



It is extremely important to us that your privacy is treated with the utmost respect. If you have any concerns, questions, or ideas on how we can do a better job at this while offering our unique personalized television service, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

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Har hatt det liggende siden starten av året elns - invite.


Grunnen til at det er gratis er fordi det er reklamefinansiert, er endel reklamer i videoene/klippene/showene som de tjener fett på :)



Et ganske godt konsept hvis de klarer å få inn gode serier, har ikke kikket der siden vinter, skal ta en titt nå å se hva nytt som er kommet inn.

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jeg har prøvd joost en stund, og har både gode og dårlige erfaringer.



Bra konsept, mange bra shows.

Fint at man kan se når det passer deg, og at den husker hvor du var sist gang.

Lekkert interface



Det er crap kvalitet

Det meste av utvalget er crap.

Programmet er dårlig kodet og tregt tregt tregt.

Har en stygg tendens til å crashe på merkelige måter

Adressen jeg signet opp med ble mailbombet herfra og til månen med spam.

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Gjest Slettet+8745264

Kult, etter en stund mener nå programmet at jeg ikke har en internettforbindelse.. Åpnet porter, men nei. Ikke at jeg fikk opp en kanal i utgangspunktet, den stod bare å hang i loading-bildet..

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