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Metal: A Headbanger's Guide


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Acheron – Lex Talionis

Acheron – Rites Of The Black Mass

Adramelech – Spring Of Recovery

Amorphis – Disment Of Soul

Armagedon – Invisible Circle

Asphyx – The Rack

Benediction – Subconscious Terror

Brutal Truth – Need To Control

Cryptopsy – None So Vile

Deceased – Luck Of The Corpse

Demigod – Slumber Of Sullen Eyes

Demilich – Nespithe

Desultory – Into Eternity

Disastrous Murmur – Rhapsodies In Red

Dr. Shrinker – The Eponym

Dr. Shrinker – Recognition

Dr. Shrinker – Wedding The Grotesque

Gorguts – Considered Dead

Hellwitch – Syzygial Miscreancy

Impetigo – Buio Omega

Impetigo – Faceless

Impetigo – Horror Of The Zombies

Impostor – Still Not Satisfied

Icantation – Onward To Golgotha

Incubus – Serpent Temptation

Infester – To Te Depths, In Degradation

Iniquity – Serenadium

Lemming Project – Extinction

Lemming Project – Hate and Despise

Loudblast - Sensorial Treatment

Master – Collection Of Souls

Master – Master

Master – On The Seventh Day God Created… Master

Miasma – Changes

Molested – Bloddraum

Monstrosity – Imperial Doom

Nihilist – Nihilist (1987-1989)

Nocturnus – The Key

Obliveon – From This Day Forward

Pentacle - …Rides The Moonstorm

Phlebotomized – Immense, Intense, Suspense

Poison – Into The Abyss

Pungent Stench – Been Caught Buttering

Pungent Stench – For God Your Soul… For Me Your…

Repulsion - Horrified

Resurrection – Embalmed Existance

Revenant – Prophecies Of A Dying World

Ripping Corpse – Death Warmed Over

Ripping Corpse – Dreaming With The Dead

Septic Flesh - Mystic Places Of Dawn

Solstice – Solstice

Therion – Of Darkness

Unleashed – Where No Life Dwells

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Sånn pur dødsmetall fenger meg bare ikke..vet ikke helt hvorfor, liker jo den typen vokal, men det blir bare kjedelig å høre på syns jeg. Er vel rar jeg, da.

"Pur" Death Metal av typen Deicide og Morbid Angel er utrolig kjedelig, og gir meg ingen ting. Makan til kjedelig musikk må man helt til powermetallen for å finne. Jeg er dog kjempefan av mer teknisk kompetent og spennende Death Metal som Cynic, Atheist, Cryptopsy, Immolation, Suffocation og Necrophagist.

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