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Metal: A Headbanger's Guide


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Brus-kuluz taurzur bûrzu tiil-ob

Hush-ob dhurum agh ufum dhurum

Tor Vautu brus-troguz

Urgai-u gukh dûmp agh tiimor


Talaan-u rûk-ir tor urûk

Nauru-ir agh kragoru nûrsu grishûrz

Nork-ulu furtun agh goth

Mordor-ob bot-tuk


Ghaash agh akûl - Nazgûl skoiz

Mirdautas vras!

Karn ghaamp agh nût

Shaut Manwe quiinubat gukh




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Summoning - Mirdautas vras




...for oss særinger :)




Dark have been my dreams of late

Of secret doubt and secret fear

A thousand years have passed away

To lay down doom and terror


To north ride on, a thousand orcs

On wolves with giant bloody fangs

They take the storm and power

Of Mordor through the world


Fire and Ice, the Nazgûl fly

It is a good day to kill!

(Painted) red is Earth and sky

Even Manwë will bow down



NP: Summoning - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes

Endret av Astralnoise
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NP: Summoning - Long Lost To Where No Pathway Goes

Åh. Den er elsk :love:


Har du navn på bandmedlemma og eller? Shagrath har sikkert vært med på eit eller anna tidspunkt... :p



Protector: Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards

Silenius: Bass, Vocals, Keyboards


Guest musicians

Trifixion: Drums on Lugburz

Pazuzu: Vocal parts on Lugburz

Tania Borsky: Female Vocals on Stronghold

Endret av MrVegard
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Where forest stream went through the wood

and silent all the stens there stood

of tall trees, moveless, hanging dark

with mottled shadows on their bark


as faint as deepest sleeper's breath

an echo came as cold as death

Long are the paths, of shadow made

where no foot's print is ever laid


No moon is there, no voice, no sound

of beating heart; a sigh profound


once in each age as each age dies

alone is heard. Far, far it lies

the Land of Waiting where the Dead sit,

in their thought's shadow, by no moon lit.


Upon the plain, there rushed forth and high

Shadows at the dead of night and mirrored in the skies


Far far away beyond might of day

And there lay the land of dead of mortal cold decay

Endret av Nebuchadnezzar
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