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Metal: A Headbanger's Guide


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Ifølge wikipedia er Slipknot nu-metal. Det hjelper lite å linke til wikipedia, det som teller er hvem som har skrevet det.



Ifølge Metal-Archives som er en langt bedre side når det kommer til metal enn wikipedia, er Slipknot ikke metal.


Uansett er det mer interesant å diskutere skikkelig musikk uten slikt vas som dette.


Har nylig skaffa meg hele Judas Priest diskografien, har kost meg med Painkiller og Defenders of the Faith. Hva bør neste være?

Endret av Abigor
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Nå er jeg ingen stor fan av Iron Maiden, men fy faen så deilig og så sant! Nok fjas om skit og møkk. Hvis et band vil være metall, hvorfor ikke bare trå til og faktisk spille metall, og ikke sånn grenselandpiss som gjør at folk kommer i tvil?

Den sangen har så jævla fett åpningsriff.

Endret av CypheroN
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Robert, du har vist stor ignoranse og en tenårings stahet, derfor vil jeg straffe deg med en lang tilbake melding.

Nå har det seg slik at mange her inne ikke vil høre på Slipknot, ikke fordi det er fjortis eller ukult, men fordi mange mener det mangler musikalske kvaliteter. (suger rumpe.) Det betyr ikke at vi aldri har hørt på slipknot og man kan trekke paralleller til Narkotika.

Nå sier du sikkert at jeg er sprø men tenk lit over det.


Det begynner i det små med kaffe og kanskje sniffe litt på limtuben.

Nå prøver man Cannabis. Dette er inngangsbilletten

Så Amfetamin og tilslutt er man hektet på Heroin og det som verre er


Det begynner i det små med Depp purple, Pink floydog kanskje snuse litt på rammstein og S.o.a.d

Nå prøver man ut Slipknot, limp bizkit og Linkin park. Dette er inngangsbilletten.

Så prøver man Metallica, slayer, judas priest osv.

Og tilslutt er man hektet på Burzum, Ulver, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Anaal Nathrakh og det som verre er.


Så selv om du er sittende fast i suppen av Rapcore band som misbruker cleanvokalen til de grader, håper iallefall

jeg at du snart tar motet til deg og skaffer deg noe skikkelig stoff.

Har sett noen selge det billig på platabutikker

75kr for Burzum - Det som en gang var

105kr for Ulver - Bergtatt.


Så vær så snill ikke prøv og få oss hektet på Slipknot eller andre Nu-metal band

Flesteparten av oss har passert det stadie for lenge siden :)


Og tilslutt en go`bit fra en gruppe som ikke missbruker clean vokalen i sangene sinde og er i den eneste sjangeren jeg liker som slutter på -core.



Anaal Nathrakh - When The Lion Devours Both Dragon And Child


Se filmen hos Youtube



Endret av Nebuchadnezzar
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Det begynner i det små med kaffe og kanskje sniffe litt på limtuben. Nå prøver man Cannabis. Dette er inngangsbilletten Så Amfetamin og tilslutt er man hektet på Kokain og det som verre er Det begynner i det små med Depp purple, Pink floydog kanskje snuse litt på rammstein og S.o.a.d Nå prøver man ut Slipknot, limp bizkit og Linkin park. Dette er inngangsbilletten. Så prøver man Metallica, slayer, judas priest osv.

Og tilslutt er man hektet på Burzum, Ulver, Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Anaal Nathrakh og det som verre er.

:) Hehe. Bra innlegg, men ikke glem at smaken er som baken, kan gjerne mene at Slipknot er ræva, men kan ikke forlange at alle andre også skal synes det. Og som nevt før: "de fjorten år gamle jentene som skal være rebelske og gå med Slipknot t-skjorte for og plage morra si er en døende rase, kan i alle fall håpe det.", men greit. Har aldri hørt noe særlig på detta Slipknot opplegget heller, men synes All Hope Is Gone var bra i likhet med IOWA fra 2001.


Så selv om du er sittende fast i suppen av Rapcore band som misbruker cleanvokalen til de grader, håper iallefall

jeg at du snart tar motet til deg og skaffer deg noe skikkelig stoff.

Rapcore? Hva er det? Snakker vi ikke om metal her :hmm: Nå inrømmer jeg faktisk at jeg ikke aner hva dere snakker om :)

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Jeg synes War er en grom låt fra Varg Vikernes. Det er kanskje den mest rocka låten han har lagd. Den gir meg assosiasjoner til det legendariske svartmetallmiljøet og den sagnomsuste tiden.


Dagens tips: Nokturnal Mortum - My Journey To The Stars

Kan heller ikke skjønne hva som skulle være gæli med War, selv om Nattkjole-urin-plagiaten kanskje var litt gøyal.


Moro tilfeldighet at jeg akkurat skaffet meg Visions-tributen til Burzum igår, passet jo bra med Nokturnals cover :o)


EDIT: Og btw så var den trappen fet; stemmer også^^

Endret av luser32
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*Tilbe Metal Archives*


*Søke etter Machine head*


*ikke funnet. PAIL*


Søke litt mer, ah det fant vi en anmeldelse gitt.





Machine Head - The Blackening (5,5/10) - USA - 2007


Genre: Neo Thrash Metal / Metalcore

Label: Roadrunner Records

Playing time: 66:01

Band homepage: Machine Head




1. Clenching The Fists Of Dissent


2. Beautiful Morning


3.Aesthetics Of Hate


4.Now I Lay Thee Down


5. Slanderous


6. Halo


7. Wolves


8. Farewell To Arms


9. Battery (Bonus Track)

Battery (Bonus Track)


Machine Head - The Blackening


The definition of a farce, as noted in The American Heritage Dictionary, is “A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.” Although the other definitions accompanying this one also bear some similarity to the musical situation that this term applies to here, this particular one is the most applicable as it explains not only the musical end result of “The Blackening” in it’s entirety, but also the manner in which most people seemed to react to it when it came out. To better understand the nature of why this album is somewhat pleasing musically, though entirely devoid of any sort of credible Thrash Metal merit, one has to take into account the nature of this band from its very inception.




MACHINE HEAD was, first and foremost, the creation of a musician who intended to remain an item on the airwaves, as opposed to someone who creates metal out of any knowable sense of individuality. Robb Flynn is essentially the archetype for a Thrash Metal hipster, as ridiculous as the concept may seem. Every album put out by this outfit, which he has always had full control over, has been an exercise in 2nd rate worship of whatever seemingly aggressive type of music was edging its way into the Top 40. After seeing the success of bands like TRIVIUM, who merged some elements of old school METALLICA with their own groovy brand of Metalcore, which happens to carry some similar roots with the Groove and Mallcore styles already emulated by this particular outfit, good ole Flynn decided yet again that one bandwagon is just as good as the last one, provided there is an established act that has already tested it and taken the risks beforehand.




In keeping with this, the musical nature of “The Blackening” succeeds in being original only in the sense that the newer style being utilized is multi-faceted enough to allow the band some compositional liberties between songs. It is now okay to play fast, provided that it’s not for the whole song and only for a certain amount of time between comical harmonized choruses and groovy, repetitive 2 or 3 note fits of buffoonery. Solos have actually become cool again so we have a golden opportunity for some lead guitar window dressing, so let’s bring in Phil Demmel and see if we can rope in some old fans of VIO-LENCE who would otherwise want nothing to do with this band. Although we now have the foundation of what would be something akin to a Heavy Metal meets Broadway style farcical satire, the true joke is only knowable to those third persons not watching just the show, but also the audience and seeing the punch line of the jest realized in how people foolishly laude this mediocre yet moderately enjoyable album as some sort of pinnacle of Metal music.




As a member of the true audience that is viewing all of these elements, my first giggle came in right square at the beginning of the album’s overlong opening track “Clenching The Fists Of Dissent”. Although this proves to be one of the more Thrashing songs and ultimately one of the better songs on here, the acoustic intro is utterly comical sounding. I take into account repetitive intros like that of METALLICA’s “Battery”, which strangely enough also appears on this album, clueing the listener in immediately of which creative well Flynn is going to, which happens to be one that’s been visited repeatedly for almost 2 decades. The next 3 minutes that follow are fairly decent Half-Thrash, definitely not of the quality heard on “Eternal Nightmare”, but close enough to get your head banging. Afterwards we get to a couple of groovy, PANTERA-like sections which are somewhat annoying vocally, but not overtly offensive, before getting back to the fury during the guitar solos. There’s a couple of goofy moments where Flynn’s vocals get so wrapped up in Phil Anselmo worship that they loose any identity they’ve ever had, minus one really cringe-worthy quiet section where we get a taste of the Metalcore nonsense that will plague most of the rest of this album, but otherwise this song tends to stay consistently solid.




From here on in, the album gradually deteriorates into an odd mishmash of METALLICA, PANTERA, TRIVIUM, and KILLSWITCH ENGAGE worship. “Beautiful Disaster” continues the Half-Thrash, groovy metalcore hybrid of the opener, but with a much greater emphasis on the latter. There are a couple of repetitive, though fairly decent Speed Metal riffs on here, but the vocal work on here is just downright revolting. Half of the time Flynn literally sounds like either Jonathan Davis or some other hack who sings like a bad version of Eddie Vedder and screams like a bitch being anally violated with the jagged end of a broken billiard cue. “Aesthetics Of Hate” sees the band redeeming itself a little with something resembling a Thrash song, although still coated with some pseudo-melodic breakdowns with annoying clean sung vocals and sporting 1 minute of pointless guitar noise in order to drag out a 5 minute song into something that appears to be more epic in scope.




By this point, the band has basically put forth enough Thrashing riffs to get away with resorting back to their groovy, radio friendly ways with “Now I Lay Thee Down”. There is basically no discernable distinction between this song and MACHINE HEAD’s founding credo of slowed down, dumb-down riff fragments and repetitive, mid-tempo Rock drumming with bad vocals. This song could have been a b-side to either of this band’s first two albums, and it seems that many professed fans of VIO-LENCE who otherwise don’t like this band don’t take notice between all the flashy Metalcore surrounding it. “Slanderous” definitely goes a little closer to a Speed Metal sound, although it takes a good while to get going. In fact, during most of this album the band seems to save their best riffs for when the guitar solos come in, which tends to defeat the purpose of having them at all.




The rest of this album sees the band resorting back to what gave a somewhat better impression at the beginning; increasing the song length and trying to get at least a few good ideas out in the process. The results are two overlong Groove Metal songs in “Halo” and “A Farewell To Arms”, both of which could be half as long and still be boring, and the best song on here “Wolves”. Say what you will about Flynn’s semi-decent Phil Anselmo vocal worship, this song manages to stay interesting throughout most of its duration, save a few lousy breakdowns here and there. The riffs all tend to be a little less memorable than that one principle riff on the album’s opener, but as a song this one is the most consistent and also the least Metalcore oriented. With better vocals, this might pass for some sort of epic variant on VIO-LENCE’s work on “Oppressing The Masses”. The cover of “Battery” basically goes through the motions, and other than a weak, flat as hell vocal job by Flynn, does not distinguish itself in any way, as if it’s on here just so the band can say they covered a METALLICA song. For someone who was once attached to a great Bay Area Thrash band, it’s embarrassing that Flynn gets his hat handed to him by ENSIFERUM, a band that plays Epic Folk Metal, when it comes to covering the band credited with pioneering the Thrash style.




Taking all of this into account, I am tickled pink at the pretentious nature of all these various music media outlets that were proclaiming this as some sort of new classic of the Thrash Metal revival, because this is not a Thrash album. At best, this is a half decent Metalcore album with bad vocals and a few amazing guitar solos. A couple of these songs aren’t bad, but as a whole, I can get more enjoyment out of hearing TRIVIUM’s “The Crusade”, which is in itself a testimony to the limited faculties of the metal genre they represent. Only someone with a limited knowledge of Thrash Metal’s origins or an all out disdain for albums that defined the genre in the mid 80s could lavish this album with so much moronic praise and call it a new Thrash standard.




The final and most ironic punch line that closes this metallic farce is that despite all of the glaring flaws present here, this is MACHINE HEAD’s greatest album to date. Despite the obvious mainstream pandering exhibited here, musically this is more enjoyable than “Burn My Eyes” or “The More Things Change”, let alone the garbage that followed them. If you can stomach albums like KILLSWITCH ENGAGE’s “Alive Or Just Breathing” or TRIVIUM’s “The Crusade”, or maybe even PANTERA’s “Reinventing The Steel”, you might like this. Just don’t mistake this for being what some have claimed it to be, namely a genuine return to the Thrash Metal style that is being properly realized by other acts to this day.


(Online October 10, 2008)


Jonathan Smith



Nå skal jeg ikke gå rundt og trolle Robert sine poster ,men ha et åpent sinn mot Machine Head og vente til andre

"troverdige" kilder verifiserer eller falsifiserer gruppen som BBAM (Best band after Metallica)


Og som du sier smaken er som baken, noen liker slipknot mens andre ville heller bli anal penetrert av en person med Afro-Amerikansk bakgrunn enn og høre en note til av gruppen.


Og Ja Iron maiden er skamfett

Hører ikke bare på ekstrem metal men kan slappe av med denne Godbiten


Har ikke Hørt Nae'blis eller Nokturnal Mortum så skal se litt nermere på dem. (Disse gruppene finnes tross alt på Metal Archives)


*/Tilbe Metal Archives *


Ja, der fant jeg vist gruppen gitt. Unnskyld, gruppen finnes vist i den o hellige metal-biblen


Burn My Eyes Full-length, 1994 [10 reviews, average 69%]

The More Things Change... Full-length, 1997 [2 reviews, average 58%]

The Burning Red Full-length, 1999 [5 reviews, average 37%]

Supercharger Full-length, 2001 [4 reviews, average 36%]

Through the Ashes of Empires Full-length, 2004 [9 reviews, average 67%]

The Blackening Full-length, 2007 [16 reviews, average 64%]

Endret av Nebuchadnezzar
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