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Metal: A Headbanger's Guide


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Det er min ærlige mening at katalogen til Megadeth slår katalogen til Metallica ned i støvlene samlet sett. Bare for å dra den sammenligningen siden Dave Mustaine var med i Metallica en gang for lenge lenge siden :cool:


Ett av mine absolutte favorittband, og Piece sells er en av mine absolutte favorittplater.

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Gidder ikke sammenligne dem. Megadeth er bra og Metallica er bra. Er ingen enten-eller i min verden.

Blir litt som når Guns n Roses fans dissa Metallica fans og mente det ene bandet var best og krangla og sto i (vi gjorde det på min ungdomsskole også)..også bare viser de fingern til oss og drar på megaturne SAMMEN. En double bill med Metallica og Guns. Pistol+rose logoen omrisset av black album-slangen. Feteste plakatene ever. Da fikk noen og enhver seg et lite sjokk.


"What, krangler ikke bandene også? Faen da blir det jo ingen vits".

Endret av Bytex
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Eg er jævla glad for at DM blei kasta ut av Metallica, så fikk vi to gode band istedenfor ett. Har vore like trofast fan av begge. Men Megadeth har vore mere trofast mot stilen enn Metallica har, og derfor sier eg at eg synest katalogen til Megadeth er sterkere enn katalogen til Metallica :whistle:


Men eg har det meste av begge i samlingen :thumbup:


Speaking of Metallica, noen som gleder seg til nyalbumet? Må si jeg er litt spent siden de sier det blir old-style.


Kerrang om den nye platen:

Metallica held a listening session in London today to preview a handful of tracks from their forthcoming, as yet untitled ninth studio album. And, we're happy to report, it RULES!


The metal kings have been hard at work with producer par excellence Rick Rubin (Slayer / System Of A Down / Red Hot Chili Peppers / Trouble) on the follow-up to 2003's St Anger. The results, predictably, are very heavy, and very metal.


"It's definitely Metallica, that I can tell you," commented drummer Lars Ulrich at a press conference last month. "There's a lot of variation, a lot of fast, slow, melodic... kind of hardcore, nutty super-fast speed stuff. It's a little more like how some of the earlier records were a little more dynamic within the songs."


Sure enough, the thrashing riffs, labyrinthine arrangements and in-your-face Metallica thrust are back with full force on the six tracks K! was played, taking in all the colours, moods and shapes of classic 'Tallica tunes like Master Of Puppets and One. And, best of all, the guitar solos are back!


There's no confirmed track names yet (or, at least, we hope Flamingo isn't a real title), but if you want to check out snippets of Metallica in the studio, head over to www.missionmetallica.com.


For the full lowdown, see next Wednesday's Kerrang! magazine.


Metal Hammer:

We've heard the album and there's more studio clips inside


Without doubt, the biggest metal event this year is going to be the release of MetallicaÂ’s new album, and everyone at Metal Hammer has been hit with feverish anticipation, having been invited to hear six tracks. Well, we've just gotten back, and we can answer you this:


Is it St Anger? No.


Does it suck? Fuck no!


Are the solos back? Fuck yes!


Click here to download the Metallica album review podcast


Does it sound like the pre-Load Metallica of yore? Mostly, but while the tracks we've heard call to mind some old albums, most of them clock in around the seven-minute mark, each one containing a number of different sections, so the band don't settle on any one riff for long. Bottom line? These songs are going to sound amazing live.


And how's Lars Ulrich's snare doing? Well, it's definitely there but then we weren't listening to mastered versions, so there's still hope that they won't end up sounding like they did on an album that rhymes with Faint, uh...Banger.


What else? There's no album title yet, and there are no individual song titles, but the album's been referred to as 'nine epics and one song', with ten tracks adding up to a total of 75 minutes. You do the math.


What do the songs sound like? Track one, which is only known by the cryptic working-title Flamingo opens up on thunderous rolling drums as lead guitar meets them head on, a flaring up in stop-start motion before it pulls itself together in rushes forward in classic thrash style, all crunching, Fight Fire With Fire riffs and drilling beats. It takes at least two minutes for James Hetfield's vocals to come in, and while they sound furious, this isn't the grittiest he's ever sounded, more open in tone, but while there's still a memorable vocal line for the 'chorus', and there is so much going on in the song, and so many ideas thrown in and discarded for the next one that it's hard on first listen to pick out one riff that you're going to remember it by. But with galloping riffs and the return of guitar breaks rising up from out of the grooves you can hear the true Metallica spirit, even though its as if reflected in mirrored mosaic.


Track two is at heart an anthemic ballad that recalls Fight Fire With Fire and Nothing Else Matters, with a chiming guitar intro, airy vocals and some slightly convoluted, progressive-style bridges that mutate into urgent riffing, more galloping riffs and guitar solos. Again, the song has a number of different sections, but it still sounds massive.


Track three kicks off on a stop-start riff flecked with Eastern touches, as other bustling guitar lines play off each other and Hetfield's vocals retain the power of old, like some monolithic prophet overlooking events as mid-paced, chugging riffs come in, sounding like an army on the march, methodically shooting anyone in their path.


Track four is reminiscent of Master Of Puppets with more than a touch of heads-down Slayer pacing thrown in. After an artillery-lobbing drum-led intro, it quickly sets off on marching, thrash mode, HetfieldÂ’s spat vocals taking melodic digressions, as he roars 'Bow down, surrender unto me'. The song's groove carries you along as it opens up into guitar atomospherics that bring Led Zep to mind. It isn't quite the kind of irresistible monster they've created before, but Metallica still prove they can still sound lean and epic at the same time, and when the track drops out into the grove mid-way though, you can imagine the chants coming from the crowds live.


Track five has another strong opening, with an uncharacteristic bouncing groove not a million miles away from Rage Against The Machine making appearances throughout setting off sharp riffs that come up against an irregular barrage of percussion that sets it off briefly on a more melodic path and builds up once again into a thrilling riff-fest mayhem.


Track six is the 'song', considerably shorter than the others, but full of clinically sharp riffing, more Slayer-esque parts and galloping grooves, all hustle and bustle with a tinge of Eastern melody thrown in once more.


Initial impressions is that this is an album that's going to get our blood chugging, but whether it's all we hoped for is going to take more plays to answer. Ultimately we're hugely relieved and pretty damn thrilled, and we can't fucking wait to hear the rest. Horns up.


To hear more about Metallica's new album as well as a chat with Download's first Urban superstar Lethal bizzle, be sure to check out the forthcoming edition of the Metal Hammer podcast.


Metallica have also released yet more studio footage from their forthcoming 9th studio album. Check the clips out below to see how it's all sounding at the moment.


As of yet, there is still no release date or title for Metallica's forthcoming album but the band will be headlining this year's Reading and Leeds festivals from August 22nd-24th.

Endret av Dragavon
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Dave var nok litt i villeste laget for 'tallica-karene i starten. Han ble jo hivd ut fordi han bare trøblet overalt, og alltid skulle være den som kasta tv'r ut hotellvindu så bandet måtte betale osv.


Han var også en junkie, og han ble kastet ut fordi han smalt ned Hetfield uten noen som helst grunn. Dagen etter kom han gråtende til gutta og ville inn i bandet igjen, men fikk avslag.


Selvsagt gleder vi oss til den nye Metallica-skiva. Imens kan vi kose oss med ordentlige klipp fra Rock am Ring 2008 med Metallica. Blodtight, har ikke hørt Metallica så bra siden 90-tallet.

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Jeg så det MTV sendte live av Rock Am Ring-konserten. Det låt jo helt vanvittig bra. Ingen nye låter såklart, men klassikerne hørtes minst like fete ut som de gjorde rundt Black Album-turneen. Tror de sendte halve konserten helt live 06.06.08. Men jeg var på Valle Hovin ifjor, da, der var de også balletighte og James hørtes snerrende og "sinna" ut igjen. Ikke sånn "nå-har-jeg-tatt-sangtimer-og-skal-passe-på-stemmen" James som han var på Load-turneene. Ser ut som avrusing og psykolog har hjulpet ham tilbake til sitt beste. Selv om han ser ut som en trailersjåfør nå :)

Endret av Bytex
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De krangla vel som værst rundt 2000 tror jeg..har en bootleg som heter "Where the fuck is James?" der James rett og slett ikke dukka opp til en arenakonsert, og Lars må stå og be om unnskyldning til 10000 fans og si at James er syk og ikke kunne komme, at han aldri har dumpa en konsert før og blablabla. Så kommer folk fra de forskjellige oppvarmingsbandene og leker vokalist på hele konserten istedetfor. Med veldig forskjellig resultat. Han ene greier å synge dobbelt så fort som bandet på Master of Puppets og blir jaga av scenen igjen :)


Konserten er fra 07.07.00 og vokalistene er Fieldy (Korn), Jason, Kid Rock, Darren (System of a Down). De spiller 16 låter med masse tulleprat imellom.

Endret av Bytex
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Har ikke link nei. Men kan legge opp førstesporet som heter Announcement.

Det er Lars og Jason som snakker til fansen før konserten starter skikkelig. De slenger ikke dritt om James på noe vis.




Jeg har lest intervju med lars der han svarer direkte på spørsmål om den konserten, da svarte han rett frem at "he just didn't show up and we couldn't reach him".

Endret av Bytex
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Ah hører litt nå..det er 2 takes av Master of puppets, i Take 1 ber de en fra publikum komme opp og synge låten med bandet. Han tar litt for mye av og fucker opp hele greia, synger alt for fort og falskt. Så de tar fra ham mikken og mobber ham litt før de sender ham ut igjen. Så tar Darren fra SOAD over og de spiller låten pånytt.

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