loathsome Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Anbefaler Eschaton og The Codex Necro Veldig gode skiver, det. Har i det siste hørt veldig mye på Domine Non Es Dignus også, men liker de to førstnevnte best. Lenke til kommentar
McBitch Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Hører på Pandemonic-klippet du postet på Trøndertreffettråden (pju) Glint, noe mer jeg burde høre fra den kanten? 9660276[/snapback] Ohyes! Start med førsteplata, The Codex Necro, som den låta er henta fra. Brrrrrutale saker. Etter det heller de mer mot grindcore og death metal, men fortsatt med en fot godt planta innafor black metal. Kommer ny plate den 29. oktober. http://www.myspace.com/anaalnathrakh 9660619[/snapback] Aaa, det var Anaal Nathrakh ja. Har forsåvidt kjennskap til de, men har bare hørt det nyeste. Ser også at jeg har det klippet fra før. Jævlig brutale saker. Slik vi liker det Lenke til kommentar
Loerand Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Barathrum - The Blasphemer. BM-anbefaling til alle. Riffet som kicker inn etter 40 sekunder er utrolig! Lenke til kommentar
McBitch Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Meget fett kostym det der. Dette synes jeg er dritfett også. Lenke til kommentar
Tuttebobo Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Enig. Han finner på mye rart, mens de andre 3 er slik dem alltid har vært Lenke til kommentar
Herpeederpee Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Forbanna stilig kostyme Atilla hadde. Synd jeg gikk glipp av dag 1 på Motstøy, hadde likt å sett Mayhem og Keep of Kalessin.. =/ Men fikk møte Atilla, Hellhammer, Necrobutcher, Demonaz, Abbath, Apollyon, Horgh og Frost da. Det var sinnsykt fett. Tok en del bilder med dem etc.. =) Ikke nok med det, spiste middag med Abbath også. : D Forøvrig jævlig bra festival, likte ikke A.C.T og Pain of Salvation så mye, men 1349 og Immortal sparka jævlig hardt. Lenke til kommentar
McBitch Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Enig. Han finner på mye rart, mens de andre 3 er slik dem alltid har vært 9662969[/snapback] Kanskje like greit. Kan ikke gjenoppfinne bandet totalt heller. Også blir det kanskje litt overkill hvis alle i bandet må finne på noe luddig. Lenke til kommentar
fbassbassbass Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Noen som har hørt In Vain her? Kjøpte deres ene album i stad, temmelig heftig Lenke til kommentar
Tuttebobo Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Enig. Han finner på mye rart, mens de andre 3 er slik dem alltid har vært 9662969[/snapback] Kanskje like greit. Kan ikke gjenoppfinne bandet totalt heller. Også blir det kanskje litt overkill hvis alle i bandet må finne på noe luddig. 9663074[/snapback] Der sier du noe. Lenke til kommentar
Deadringer Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Morsomt. Viser seg at Vicious Art skal sove her etter konserten deres på garage 27. oktober. Hele gjengen. Sandström og Co. Og jeg er på gjestelista på konserten. Ikke dårlig nei. Off to Killswitch Engage konsert med meg. Lenke til kommentar
Fanta4free Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 hva slags metal sjanger er chimaira?? Lenke til kommentar
aemil Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 (endret) Ikke at jeg har hørt noe særlig av de, men ser de er forma i nyere tid og er amerikanske, så setter pengene mine på metal/etellerannet -core. Endret 8. oktober 2007 av AnR Lenke til kommentar
Programvare Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 (endret) Driver med sjangeropprydning nå og google og wikipedia sier mye rart så jeg lurer på om noen gidder å hvertfall kikke på noen av albumene og rette litt på sjangrene. Det er mye som ikke er metal der, men dere trenger ikke bry dere om det andre, men jeg blir veldig glad hvis dere retter på noe av det andre også. Takk ps. Det er et svært dokument, og det står sortert etter album. Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor Artist Album Genre Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Windir 1184 Folk Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal Skid Row 40 Seasons - The Best of Skid Row Hair Metal 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Life and Death Metal Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death Metal Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death Metal Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death Metal Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death Metal Iron Maiden A Matter of Life and Death Metal AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk One) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock AC/DC AC/DC Live (Disk Two) Rock Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Timbuktu Alla vill till himmelen men ingen vill dö Hip-hop/Rap Anthrax Among the Living Thrash Metal Anthrax Among the Living Thrash Metal Anthrax Among the Living Thrash Metal Anthrax Among the Living Thrash Metal Anthrax Among the Living 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Ambient Sunn 0))) Black One (CD 2) Ambient Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance Technical Death Metal Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack Black Thrash Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack 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Progressive Death Metal Opeth Deliverance Progressive Death Metal Opeth Deliverance Progressive Death Metal Opeth Deliverance Progressive Death Metal Opeth Deliverance Progressive Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Behemoth Demigod Death Metal Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Burzum Det Som Engang Var Industrial Dimmu Borgir Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Dimmu Borgir Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Dimmu Borgir Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Dimmu Borgir Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Old Man's Child Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Old Man's Child Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Old Man's Child Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Old Man's Child Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Old Man's Child Devil's Path/In the Shades of Life Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare Black Metal AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Rock Adam and Andrew Diverse sanger Unclassifiable Aerosmith Diverse sanger Other Afroman Diverse sanger Rap Alice Cooper Diverse sanger Metal Ayumi Hamasaki Diverse sanger Instrumental B.B King Diverse sanger Other Bare Egil Band Diverse sanger Other Bedehusmassakren Diverse sanger Black Metal Ben E. King Diverse sanger Oldies Bob Dylan Diverse sanger Country Braveheart Diverse sanger Instrumental Caramel Diverse sanger Trance Caramel Diverse sanger Trance Carl Orff Diverse sanger Classical Chuck Berry Diverse sanger Oldies Chuck Berry Diverse sanger Other Daler Mehndi Diverse sanger Other DDE Diverse sanger Danseband DDE Diverse sanger Danseband Dean Martin Diverse sanger Christmas Deep Purple Diverse sanger Rock Deep Purple Diverse sanger Metal Dick Dale Diverse sanger Other Dimmu Borgir Diverse sanger Black Metal Dio Diverse sanger Metal Dirty Oppland Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap Divinyls Diverse sanger Pop Dragon Force Diverse sanger Power Metal Eagles Diverse sanger Other Edvard Grieg Diverse sanger Classical Eric Clapton Diverse sanger Rock Eric Clapton Diverse sanger Other Eric Johnson Diverse sanger Other First Dates Diverse sanger Other Guns N' Roses Diverse sanger Hard Rock Hans Zimmer Diverse sanger Other Hans Zimmer Diverse sanger Soundtrack Harry Gregson-Williams Diverse sanger Soundtrack Hugo Montenegro Diverse sanger Soundtrack Iron Maiden Diverse sanger Metal James Brown Diverse sanger Rap Klovner I Kamp Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap Klovner I Kamp Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap Live Crew Diverse sanger Humor Lynyrd Skynyrd Diverse sanger Other Marilyn Manson Diverse sanger Metal Marvin Gaye Diverse sanger Jazz MC Hammer Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap MC Hammer Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap Metallica Diverse sanger Metal Metallica Diverse sanger Metal Metallica Diverse sanger Metal Michael Jackson Diverse sanger Pop Michael Jackson Diverse sanger Other Minnie Riperton Diverse sanger Humor Motorhead Diverse sanger Metal Mozart Diverse sanger Classical Mozart Diverse sanger Classical Mungo Jerry Diverse sanger Other Nat King Cole Diverse sanger Jazz Ole Ivars Diverse sanger Danseband Otto Jespersen Diverse sanger Other Otto Jespersen Diverse sanger Other Outkast Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap Ozzy Osbourne Diverse sanger Heavy Metal Pantera Diverse sanger Heavy Metal Pantera Diverse sanger Heavy Metal Pantera Diverse sanger Groove Metal Richard Wagner Diverse sanger Other Right Said Fred Diverse sanger Pop Santana Diverse sanger Other Santana Diverse sanger Other Scorpions Diverse sanger Metal Sepultura Diverse sanger Metal Snoop Dogg Feat. Pharrell Diverse sanger Hip-hop/Rap Stevie Ray Vaughan Diverse sanger Other Survivor Diverse sanger Rock Tenacious D Diverse sanger Rock Tenacious D Diverse sanger Rock The Shadows Diverse sanger Oldies Tom Waits Diverse sanger Unclassifiable Toto Diverse sanger Rock Twisted Sister Diverse sanger Metal Vardr Diverse sanger Black Metal Warrant Diverse sanger Rock Wham! Diverse sanger Pop White Zombie Diverse sanger Metal Yes Diverse sanger Progressive Rock Yes Diverse sanger Progressive Rock Øystein Sunde Diverse sanger Other Thorr's Hammer Dommedagsnatt Doom Metal Thorr's Hammer Dommedagsnatt Doom Metal Thorr's Hammer Dommedagsnatt Doom Metal Thorr's Hammer Dommedagsnatt Doom Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Troll Drep de Kristne Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Anorexia Nervosa Drudenhaus Black Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Dusk... And Her Embrace Heavy Metal The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock The White Stripes Elephant Rock Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Graveworm Engraved in Black Black Metal Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Black Metal Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Black Metal Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Black Metal 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Bodom Follow the Reaper Power Metal Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper Power Metal Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper Power Metal Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper Power Metal Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper Power Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal Dimmu Borgir For All Tid Black Metal AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For Those About To Rock We Salute You Rock AC/DC For 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K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook J. K. Rowling Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Audiobook 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal 1349 Hellfire Black Metal AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC High Voltage Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock AC/DC Highway to Hell Rock Ásmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø Folk Metal Ásmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø Folk Metal Ásmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø Folk Metal Ásmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø Folk Metal Ásmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø Folk Metal Ásmegin Hin Vordende Sod & Sø Folk Metal Ásmegin 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Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion Symphonic Black Metal Old Man's Child Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion Symphonic Black Metal Old Man's Child Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion Symphonic Black Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Dream Theater Images and Words Progressive Metal Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In Absentia Progressive Rock Porcupine Tree In 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Diaboli Black Metal Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli Black Metal Dimmu Borgir In Sorte Diaboli Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Gorgoroth Incipit Satan Black Metal Slipknot Iowa Jegersåsinna-musikk Slipknot Iowa Jegersåsinna-musikk Slipknot Iowa Jegersåsinna-musikk Slipknot Iowa Jegersåsinna-musikk Slipknot Iowa 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Melodic Death Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Metallica Kill 'em All Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Iron Maiden Killers Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Black Label Society Kings of Damnation: Era 1998-2004 Metal Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Folk Metal Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Folk Metal Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Folk Metal Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Folk Metal Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Folk Metal Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja Folk Metal Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin IV Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock AC/DC Let There Be Rock Rock My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 1) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 2) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 2) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 2) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 2) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 2) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 2) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Live Shit Binge And Purge (CD 3) Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Load Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Metallica Master Of Puppets Metal Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Slipknot Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat Rock Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal Dream Theater Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal System of a Down Mezmerize Nu Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Midian Heavy Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Finntroll Midnattens Widunder Folk Metal Opeth Morningrise Progressive Death Metal Opeth Morningrise Progressive Death Metal Opeth Morningrise Progressive Death Metal Opeth Morningrise Progressive Death Metal Opeth Morningrise Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Opeth My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Death Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal Satyricon Nemesis Divina Black Metal The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk The Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bollocks Punk Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Nirvana Nevermind Rock Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Iron Maiden No Prayer for the Dying Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Storm Nordavind Folk Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Heavy Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Octavarium Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (1 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Dream Theater Once in a Livetime (2 of 2) Progressive Metal Amon Amarth Once Sent From the Golden Hall Viking Metal Amon Amarth Once Se Endret 8. oktober 2007 av Metalheart Lenke til kommentar
Deadringer Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Tror de er groove eller nu metal. Lenke til kommentar
Neslepaks Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 (endret) Bruk metal-archives.com, metalheart. Endret 8. oktober 2007 av Neslepaks Lenke til kommentar
Snurreleif Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 (endret) Metal-archives says: groove/post-thrash/metalcore. Om Chimaira that is. Endret 8. oktober 2007 av NiXx Lenke til kommentar
Haarvekst Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Neurosis kan gå under progresiv metal. Chimaira er ikke nu metal! de var metalcore men er nå blitt et veldig brutalt groove metal band etter min mening. 1 Lenke til kommentar
Azagrath Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 8. oktober 2007 ^ Neurosis har ingenting med progmetal å gjøre. Skulle man plassert de ville de hørt langt mer hjemme under Doom. Lenke til kommentar
Tuttebobo Skrevet 9. oktober 2007 Del Skrevet 9. oktober 2007 Jeg begynner å bli litt lei all sjangerhoringa nå jeg... Lenke til kommentar
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