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Kulturo: "Dark Knight" reiser til Hong Kong


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Batman-oppfølgeren flytter produksjonen til fjerne Østen.


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Så teit. Batman SKAL jo fåregå i Gotham City :nei:


hvorfor det? .. gjør det historiene dårligere om han utvider horisonten litt?

den beste Batman historien forgår jo på en annen planet :p



Hvilken historie er det?

Min favoritt Batman er uorginalt nok Hush... Men Elsker virkelig Jeph Loebs forfatter stil, og det, sammen med Jim Lee er virkelig gull.

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LONDON -- A special effects technician has been killed in a crash during production of the latest Batman film, Warner Bros. said Tuesday.


The studio said the man, who was not identified, died when a truck carrying a camera platform crashed into a tree while following a stunt vehicle on Monday. Filming on the movie, "The Dark Knight," was not taking place at the time, and no actors were involved in the accident.


The accident took place during a test run at a racetrack near Chertsey, south of London.


The studio said producers, cast and crew "are deeply saddened by this tragedy and their hearts and prayers go out to the family and loved ones of the deceased."


Britain's Health and Safety Executive said it was investigating the accident.


Directed by Christopher Nolan, "The Dark Knight" stars Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader and Heath Ledger as his nemesis the Joker. It's scheduled for release next year.

Tragisk hendelse her på tirsdag, filmindustrien er tydeligvis ikke så trygg!
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Batman-oppfølgeren flytter produksjonen til fjerne Østen.


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Så teit. Batman SKAL jo fåregå i Gotham City :nei:


hvorfor det? .. gjør det historiene dårligere om han utvider horisonten litt?

den beste Batman historien forgår jo på en annen planet :p



Hvilken historie er det?

Min favoritt Batman er uorginalt nok Hush... Men Elsker virkelig Jeph Loebs forfatter stil, og det, sammen med Jim Lee er virkelig gull.


Er vel ikke beste historie.. men beste Batman øyeblikk..

Suprman/Batman #12.. Batman slår Darkseid :p

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