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Top Gear sesong 10

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Denne tråden er laget for at vi som ser på Top Gear skal få diskutere episodene i sesong 10, som starter søndag 7. oktober på BBC Two.

Det vil bli 10 episoder i denne sesongen!

Etter forrige sesong var det snakk om at de måtte finne seg et nytt sted, men de fortsetter på Dunsfold Park denne sesongen også.


Ut fra informasjon fra ulike steder kan vi i denne sesongen blant annet vente oss å se kryssing av den engelske kanal med amfibiebiler (liknende dem de laget i sesong 8), at de deltar i 24-timers løp på Silverstone med en BMW 330d som går på biodieselen de laget i forrige sesong, kappkjøring med bobiler, testing av flere lekre biler både i Europa og på Isle of Man, noe på Makgadikgadi-saltslettene i Botswana og Richard Hammond kjøre Bugatti Veyron mot en Typhoon Fighter Jet.



Liste over episodene, med skjult beskrivelse:

[10x01] 7. oktober 2007

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In the first of a new series Jeremy, Richard and James drive three lightweight supercars across Europe in search of the best roads. Plus Jeremy finds out what happens when you put a Bentley engine into a VW Golf, and Dame Helen Mirren is the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.
Jeremy clearly thinks the Volkswagen Golf needs a bit more power, (well, he would, wouldn't he?) so he's had one fitted with the engine from a Bentley. At least it's not a jet engine... More sensibly, Jeremy - along with Richard and James - take three 'lightweight supercars' to find the best roads in Europe.

The 'Oscar- winning' Star in a Reasonably Priced Car is the rather fruity Dame Helen Mirren.

On Sunday night's show you'll see Jeremy drive the awesome Golf W12 - VW's 641bhp present to itself to celebrate the GTi's 30th anniversary. It's a great piece of film - so good that we nabbed an exclusive little promo video for you to watch before Sunday's show.

The big film involves the latest crop of Atkins-diet supercars and a hunt for the world's greatest driving roads. It's a two-parter with Jeremy falling in love all over again with the Gallardo Superlegerra, Richard chasing hard in bright green Porsche GT3 RS and James trapped miles behind in an airconless Aston N24 race car.

This week's star in our reasonably priced car is A-lister Dame Helen Mirren and we also see a welcome, if slightly scorched, return of the Cool Wall.

[10x02] 14. oktober 2007

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In this week's programme, the presenters revisit their attempt to build amphibious cars, and face up to one of their biggest and choppiest challenges to date. Also, the Audi R8 attacks the Top Gear track and Jools Holland is the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.
More amphibious fun with the TG3 as they attempt to cross the Channel to France in their amphibious vehicles from series 8 (episode 3). Richard has a new, redesigned 'Dampervan' and Jeremy's 'Toybota' is replaced by a 'Nissank'.

Jeremy drives the rather sexy Audi R8 on the track, while Richard prefers the Porsche Carrera 2S. These will most likely be the only vehicles not to sink this week.

Jools Holland is the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.

[10x03] 28. oktober 2007

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In this week's show, Jeremy drives the smallest car ever made, Richard races a Bugatti Veyron against the RAF's Typhoon jet fighter and the Ferrari 599 rips up the Top Gear track. Plus, a car that can park itself, a sinister new Lamborghini in the studio, and Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood is the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.
Have you ever wondered which would win in a race between a Typhoon jet fighter and a Bugatti Veyron driven by Richard? Neither have I, but it's bound to be a giggle.

Have you ever wanted a car that could park itself and a Lamborghini that frightens children? If so, you're a strange and lazy person. Talking of things that frighten children - Jeremy gets to play with the new Ferrari 599 Fiorano; he also drives something much smaller and less sophisticated. This doesn't mean he will be getting a piggy back from Richard.

Coffin-dodging Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood is the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.





Top Gear isn't on this Sunday, as we've kindly given up our time slot so you can watch the snooker. But don't fret - full service will resume next week.

Then you can see the battle of the budget busters as the mighty Bugatti Veyron races the Eurofighter. Jeremy also takes commuting to bold new heights as he drives the world's smallest car to the Top Gear office.

Plus, James will be climbing aboard the new Rolls-Royce and probably having a thoroughly nice time. And the new Ferrari will be getting a comprehensive thrashing on the test track.

Also in the studio, Jeremy chats to Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones and we take an exclusive look at the new million-euro Lamborghini Reventon.




Top Gear is back on your screens this Sunday at 8pm on BBC Two, and the third episode in the new series features one of the, erm, smallest challenges we've ever undertaken.

Think 'small car' and you might think the original Mini or Fiat 500. Well frankly you'd not be thinking small enough, because in the Sixties an Isle of Man-based company called Peel came up with what is one of the smallest cars ever made.

If you don't believe us, have a closer look at those photos.

But although the Peel is less than four-and-a-half feet, even a lofty chap like Jeremy could insert himself into it and drive it around.

The only problem, of course, would be getting him back out. So we kept him in there. For a whole day.

Will Jeremy - and the Peel - survive? See the results for yourself this Sunday at 8pm on BBC Two.

The silly men in waistcoats have put away their balls and bits of wood, so Top Gear is returning to your screens. Episode Three of the new series airs this Sunday at 8pm on BBC Two, and it's set to be an absolute cracker.

The Big Race sees Hammond and a Bugatti Veyron take on a jet fighter. Yep, that's plane versus car in the most horsepower-packed challenge we've ever undertaken. Don't miss it.

Jeremy has finally lured the Ferrari 599GTB down to the Top Gear test track, but how will the front-engined V12 supercar's lap time measure up?

James, as is his wont, has been sampling something a little more refined: the Rolls-Royce Drophead Coupe. That's 6.7-litres of delicious British goodness... driving a convertible Roller. Sorry.

We've also got the self-parking Lexus LS600h in the studio (absolutely no potential for disaster there, naturally), as well as Lamborghini's awesome Reventon: the million-Euro special-edition Murcielago that looks like a jet fighter and goes like one too.

Rolling Stones legend Ronnie Wood is the Star in the Reasonably Priced Car, while Isle of Man local Jeremy squeezes himself into the Isle of Man's finest export: the Peel car. Never heard of it? Google it, then prepare to be amazed.


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(26. september) Dette skal være bilder fra opptak til sesongen.

(30. september) Den første traileren er ute!

eller her. TopGear.com skal også legge ut saker i løpet av uken. Den første er visst ute allerede. Endret av TrulsHE
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Ja, det kommer vel tydelig fram i førsteposten. Beklager, jeg hadde ikke sett godt nok. Det er selvfølgelig ikke de samme bilene, men de er vel laget veldig like dem de brukte sist.


Nå har det imidlertid kommet en ny beskrivelse av første episode på Radio Times:

Motoring magazine show with Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. In the first of a new series Jeremy, Richard and James drive three lightweight supercars across Europe in search of the best roads. Plus Jeremy finds out what happens when you put a Bentley engine into a VW Golf, and Dame Helen Mirren is the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.

Det var litt motstridende opplysninger om noen av episodene i forrige sesong også, men her var det ikke mye likt. I løpet av sesongen får vi ihvertfall sett begge deler :D

Endret av TrulsHE
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Håper virkelig de kutter en del av de usaklige konkurransene fra sist sesong, for noen år siden var Top Gear et bilprogam, nå er det bare usaklig (men morsom) undeholdning. Jeg håper på flere bil tester enn "challenges"


Top gear har uysansynlige høye seeretall nettop fordi de blader poengløs humor med bil

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Jeg oppdaterte førsteposten for et par dager siden, men det dukker jo ikke opp som nye innlegg, så her er en oppdatering for dere som ikke har sett det:


Den første traileren er ute! Se den


TopGear.com skal også legge ut nye previews hver dag denne uken. Her er de tre første:


TGTV preview: Veyron vs jet fighter


There are just six days to go until the new series of Top Gear returns to your Sunday night on BBC Two.


Throughout the week, we'll be counting down to lift-off with sneak previews of the biggest challenges, races and stunts that you can look forward to in the new series.


And races don't come much bigger than this one: the Bugatti Veyron against the RAF's new Eurofighter Typhoon jet.


See, when Jeremy raced Richard and James across Europe - him in a Veyron and the other two in a washing-machine-with-a- propellor-on-the-front - a few of the boys from the RAF got a bit upset that it wasn't a fair fight.


They had a point, in fairness - the finest piece of automotive engineering in history versus a clattery Cessna 182 was only ever going to end one way.


So the RAF offered up their base for a proper race: a two-mile sprint between the Veyron and a jet fighter.


That's a mile to the end of the runway and back for the Veyron, while the jet plane - being able to fly and all - had to go a mile straight up in the air and then, well, a mile straight back down again.


A fair fight? Of course not. A close race? You'll just have to wait until Sunday to find out.


The new series of Top Gear starts this Sunday at 8pm on BBC2.









TGTV: Aston Roadster vs Jet Man


Just five days until the new series of Top Gear kicks off and Sunday nights become great again - and we're counting down each one with an exclusive preview.


Today's is even madder than the Euro-fighter versus Veyron lunacy we brought you yesterday - a race on the Top Gear test track between an Aston V8 Vantage and... a man.


The man in this case is German and he is also a fiend on rollerblades who holds the world record for skating from Frankfurt to Munich in under 24 hours. He's also been clocked at 175mph hanging on to the back of a ZX-12R Kawasaki.


For this challenge, though, he's strapped a rucksack with real, actual jet engines to his back. And if you think that sounds insane, wait until you actually see it.


Check back every day this week for more previews and video. The new series starts on Sunday October 7 at 8pm on BBC Two.







Wet Wet Wet


Top Gear does not give up easily. Unless it's too difficult, then sometimes we do. But when it comes to building amphibious cars we weren't going to be beaten.


Our previous attempt ended in ignominy, near drowning and the feeble sight of James's rubbish water-tortoise Herald technically crossing the line first, but that wasn't going to put us off.


So, each presenter had to build a refined version of their original aquatic masterpiece and then embark on one of our most ambitious challenges yet. If we tell you that it begins in Dover, you might get a sense of how big this is...


Check back every day this week for more previews and video. The new series starts on Sunday October 7 at 8pm on BBC Two.







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TGTV preview: 24 hours of Top Gear


There are just three days until the new series of Top Gear kicks off. Our exclusive preview of the biggest challenges and races continues... with our shot at 24 hour racing.


Now, you might remember that in the last series we planted the seeds to grow our own fuel. Well, those seeds turned into crops, and those crops turned into fuel, and our thoughts turned to what the hell we were going to do with it all.


The answer was a simple one: burn it off by driving round and round in circles at high speed. In other words, we'd go motor racing.


Not Mickey Mouse motorsport, either - using a specially prepared BMW 3-Series, and with a little help from His Stigness, we would tackle the punishing Britcar 24hr endurance race at Silverstone.


You might have read the abject and utter fibs in the papers about Hammond's 'crash' during the race, but what you won't know is how demanding, how exhausting and how exciting endurance competitions can be.


That's why you should make sure you watch this one, but don't worry - the actual item isn't 24 hours long.


Check back every day this week for more previews and video. The new series starts on Sunday October 7 at 8pm on BBC Two.










Info om andre episode er også lagt inn i førsteposten.

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TGTV preview: Clarkson and the 641bhp Golf


Just two days to go until Top Gear returns to your screens to make Sundays all better again.


Our exclusive series preview continues with a look at Jeremy getting behind the wheel of one of the daftest cars ever to come out of Germany: the VW Golf W12.


Watch the Golf W12 preview video


Yes, it's a Golf... with a six-litre twin-turbo W12 wedged in the back. That means 641bhp going to the road through the rear wheels, and a lot of interested looks from passers-by.


You won't find the W12 on your local VW dealer's forecourt, though. Not yet, anyhow. It was put together by the VW Silly Engineering Department (which may not be its actual name, but you get the idea) to celebrate 30 years of the Golf GTi.


And, unlike most of these concepts put together to wow the punters, the W12 actually works. Not just in a 'puttering around at walking speed' way, either - this crazy Golf (you knew that phrase was going to pop up somewhere) can do the proper Millennium Falcon hyperdrive thing.


So who better to play Han Solo than our own JC? Tune in this Sunday at 8pm to BBC Two to find out what Clarkson thought of the W12.







Next episode-siden der vi fikk info før hver episode i forrige sesong er også oppdatert igjen, med litt info om hele sesongen:

As we take the tyre-warmers off a new series of Top Gear, the wait’s almost over. We’ve got ten whole episodes of excellent-ness ready to unleash on your Sunday night viewing schedule, and you simply won’t believe what Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May have been up to over the past couple of months.


So, for one night of the week at least, you can banish cookery and home-improvement programmes from your screen and enjoy some good old-fashioned petrol-based fun.


In episode one, we decided to find the finest driving road in Europe. Coincidentally, Lamborghini, Porsche and Aston Martin have recently seen fit to release a brace of new lightweight road-racers in the form of the Gallardo Superleggera, 911 GT3 RS and V8 Vantage N24. To quote Hammond, I think you can see where this is going.


Also in the first programme, Jeremy takes to the test track in an improbably powerful VW Golf, and we put a monarch (sort of) in our reasonably priced car when Dame Helen Mirren comes to visit.


Later in the series, we’ll treat you to a selection of massive challenges and stunts. You’ll see the glorious return of the amphibious cars, in a voyage that makes the crossing of a reservoir look a tiny bit feeble. We put the biofuel we grew last series to seriously good use. And we spend an entire programme in Africa as our intrepid presenters attempt one of our wildly over-ambitious, but cheap, races.


Also: it was massively delayed, gave some of the finest engineering minds in Europe nervous breakdowns, and is too expensive for all but the richest Arab potentates - and that’s just the car. Find out what happened when the Bugatti Veyron met the Eurofighter.


It might surprise you to know we’ve even thrown in some road tests and reviews of the most exciting and interesting cars to hit the road - including the latest Ferrari, Porsche-baiting new Audi R8 supercar and hotly tipped Caparo T1.


So, stop the clocks, silence the dog with a juicy bone and cancel anything you were planning to do on Sunday evenings for the next ten weeks - Top Gear is back!

Afrika-racet kan nok bli kult og det blir spennende med Caparo T1 :dribble:


Det har også dukket opp noe vi ikke har hørt om tidligere. Virker veldig morsomt :D Denne artikkelen skal ha stått i London-avisen Evening Standard:

Top Gear race at rush hour sinks public transport


Clarkson uses speedboat, Hamster a bike and Stig goes by bus.


It's a sight to make commuters green with envy and green activists white with fury. In the middle of a Monday morning rush hour, Jeremy Clarkson zooms along the Thames at 60 knots in a racing boat. That's about 69.1mph, rather quicker than the 5 mph managed by the average London driver. Clarkson's conversion from wheel-based to water-bound transport was part of a stunt for the latest series of Top Gear. He and his fellow hosts on the BBC show pitted various forms of transport against one another in a race from Kew to London City Airport to see which was quickest.


James May took to the streets in a huge Mercedes GL500 off-roader. Richard Hammond, perhaps unwilling to risk a repeat of his nearfatal 300mph dragster smash last year, opted for a carbon fibre mountain bike.


Stig, the professional racing driver who appears anonymously on the show, was relegated to public transport. He was also compelled to retain his disguise of helmet and jumpsuit, even on the bus. Clarkson, as Top Gear's top dog, got the streamlined, powerful Honda 255 raceboat. As these exclusive pictures from Motor Boat And Yachting magazine show, he built up a good head of speed, despite having to slow down occasionally for such obstacles as bridges, shopping trolleys and the occasional, slower river-user. There were, he said afterwards, moments when the boat was airborne, adding: "I'm ashamed to say that I lifted the throttle going under Tower Bridge." Yet the race result was not a totally foregone conclusion.


By river, the journey is 25 miles but there is an eight-knot speed restriction between Kew and Wandsworth Bridge and a lock to pass through on the way into the City docks.


By road, the distance is only 17 miles. But then, Monday morning traffic can be very bad. And "Hamster" Hammond's legs are very short. Those wishing to know who won will have to tune into the new series of Top Gear but the Evening Standard can reveal that it wasn't Stig.


We can also tell you that, having reversed the boat at speed into the lock wall, Clarkson fouled his propeller on a submerged rope on a run back up the Thames to shoot extra footage and had to be rescued by the following camera boat. You don't get that sort of problem on the roads, Jeremy.

Også litt nytt her (fet skrift):

But first, this week. On Sunday night's show you'll see Jeremy drive the awesome Golf W12 - VW's 641bhp present to itself to celebrate the GTi's 30th anniversary. It's a great piece of film - so good that we nabbed an exclusive little promo video for you to watch before Sunday's show.


The big film involves the latest crop of Atkins-diet supercars and a hunt for the world's greatest driving roads. It's a two-parter with Jeremy falling in love all over again with the Gallardo Superlegerra, Richard chasing hard in bright green Porsche GT3 RS and James trapped miles behind in an airconless Aston N24 race car.


This week's star in our reasonably priced car is A-lister Dame Helen Mirren and we also see a welcome, if slightly scorched, return of the Cool Wall. If give away any more details, they won't let us in next week.

Folk som var på innspillingen sier også at Cool Wall og møblene i studioet brant opp da en lagringsplass TG brukte brant opp tidligere i år.


Dette tror jeg blir en fantastisk sesong. Jeg gleder meg veldig!

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