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Onlinekampanje fører til trusler og oppsigelse

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Jeg fikk følgende mail fra Labourstart i dag:

England: Massiv onlinekampanje fører til trusler og oppsigelse


Sist uke ba vi om din støtte til kampen ansatte i en privatisert hjemmehjelpstjeneste i nord-London fører mot lønnskutt på 30%. I løpet av noen timer ble postkassa til direktøren i selskapet Fremantle oversvømt med tusenvis av protester. Mer enn 5400 (hvorav 235 fra Norge) har fulgt oppfordringen til nå.


Selskapet reagerte raskt. Sist fredag ettermiddag sendte de e-post til Eric Lee i Labourstart og truet med å trekke oss for retten med beskyldninger om ærekrenkelse (”libel”). I England fungerer det sånn at det er den anklagede (LabourStart) som i så fall må bevise at påstandene er korrekte, og injurielovgivningen brukes ofte av selskaper for å undertrykke avvikende meninger.


Et par dager seinere ble Fremantle enda mer aggressiv, og ga Unisons tillitsvalgte, Andrew Rogers sparken.


Vi er blitt fortalt at denne bøllete oppførselen er typisk for hvordan dette selskapet fungerer. Fremantle har bedt oss stoppe kampanjen, å stoppe med å si negative ting om dem, og stoppe med å sende e-postprotester.


Vi sier: La oss overflømme Fremantle med flere tusen nye meldinger. Gi selskapet svar på tiltale.


Hvis du ennå ikke har sendt avgårde melding -- det vil ta deg noen sekunder – så gjør det nå her.


I dag setter LabourStart i gang en stor reklamekampanje på Google for kampanjen vår for å sette enda mer press på selskapet. Kampanjen koster penger – og vi ber deg gi en skjerv ved å klikke her.


Hvis Fremantle bestemmer seg for å følge opp trusselen om å saksøke oss, hvis dets jurister sender oss brev i posten om dette, vil vi gjøre som følger: Legge brevet ut på eBay for auksjon, og invitere alle våre støttespillere til å by.


Vi vil ikke bli bøllet med eller truet. Kampanjen fortsetter.

Mer info: http://barnetunison.blogspot.com/


Hva synes du om saken? Sender du en mail?

Endret av kkt1986
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Jeg skulle gjerne likt å vite hvilken grunn firmaet brukte for å si opp tillitsvalgte.


Edit: Jeg sendte akkurat et brev, men ikke standardbrevet fra siden. Jeg tok meg tid til å klippe det ut og sende fra min egen mail konto med endret tittel og noe endret innhold slik at posten ikke blir automatisk filtrert ut.

Endret av BlueEAGLE
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Så barnslig.


Tror dere virkelig at dette fører til bedre samarbeid ved å plage sjefen med flere tusen eposter?


21 november 06:

Thirteen days ago, we asked you to send off your messages in support of the 1,700 office cleaners in Houston, Texas who had been on strike since October 23.


Your email messages -- more than 3,000 of them -- were delivered to the chief executive officer of oil giant Chevron, whose offices were being cleaned by people earning around $20 per day.


Last night, that campaign resulted in a huge victory for working people.


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More than 5,300 Houston janitors won a massive pay increase (more than doubling over the course of the contract), an increase in hours from four to six, affordable health insurance (for only $20 per month for an individual), and paid time off from work, something which many of these workers have never experienced in their lives.


It's a huge victory for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and not the first of its kind this year.


A few minutes ago, I interviewed the SEIU's property services division director Stephen Lerner about the significance of the Houston victory.  You can hear the interview -- it's only 2 minutes long -- here:




You can read the SEIU's statement announcing the victory here:



15. februar 2007:

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First of all, I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to the 5,967 new subscribers to this list who have joined in the last three weeks.  I'd also like to welcome all those who are now reading these messages not only in English but in Norwegian, French, German, Spanish and Italian -- and thanks to the translators for doing a great job.


The phenomenal growth of LabourStart's mailing lists over the last few months is making our online campaigns much more effective.  The more people who get these mailings, the bigger the response to our appeals -- and the more trade unionists benefit.


Please pass this message on and make sure every trade union member you know is on this list.  The best way to join the list is to participate in one of our online campaigns -- which I'm coming to right now.

People often ask -- do the companies that we write to even bother to read our messages?  Can't they just filter them out?


In most cases, they not only read the messages but respond to them. Our online campaigns prompt many companies to try to convince campaign participants that the union is wrong, that they've been misinformed, and so on.


Sometimes we get those kinds of responses in the very early days of a campaign -- even before the campaign takes off.


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For example, last week we launched a campaign fairly quietly -- we hadn't yet told all of you through our weekly mailing.  But on the very first day, the chief executive officer was firing off individual emails to those first few participants in the campaign.  He was accusing them of sending off the same form email message -- and was using a form email message to do so!


I couldn't help thinking -- if it bothers him to get ten or twenty messages, what's going to happen when we flood his inbox with 10,000 messages.


And that's what I'd like you to do now.


We have been asked by the SFWU, a union in New Zealand, to send a loud and clear message to the directors and managers of Air New Zealand. The company is contracting out nearly 2,000 jobs, including some to Fiji (now under military rule following a coup d'etat) -- and they are doing this at a time when the workers do not have the legal right to strike.  The company plan aims at breaking the power of the union in this, one of the remaining outposts of trade union power in a country where unions faced ferocious attacks over the last few decades.


Go here now to send a message to Air New Zealand's management:




We have the company concerned, and we've only sent them 210 messages so far.


Today, with this mailing reaching nearly 53,000 of you, we are going to hit Air New Zealand with thousands more messages, from all over the world.


Remember, this is an airline that flies everywhere.  They will care if people in your country, wherever you are, send them messages.  They do not want to be known as uncaring, inhumane union-busters.  Because of that, we have some real leverage for a global campaign.


Air New Zealand has 10,000 employees who are fighting to keep their union -- let's mobilize our unions today to send 10,000 messages.


Thanks -- and spread the news!

22 februar 2007 - resultat:

We've touched a nerve at Air New Zealand - now let's increase the pressure

Frankly, I've never seen anything like this before.


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As I mentioned in last week's mailing, it does happen sometimes that corporations respond to our online campaigns by writing to those who've protested.  Usually these are form letters that lay out the company's side of the story -- and sometimes these are deliberate disinformation campaigns aimed to undermine confidence in the union.

But what the Chief Executive Officer of Air New Zealand is doing is almost without precedent.  Not only is he responding to emails you are sending in, he is responding to your responses -- individually.


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I had the experience last weekend of a virtual real-time email chat with him -- and realized that it was the middle of the night in New Zealand.


Clearly we are touching a nerve.


In the last week you have sent out over 4,200 messages.  Hundreds of you have written to me to send on Air New Zealand's emails to you (no need for any more of those, thanks).  Many of you shared with me your rebuttals -- and some of you made excellent, forceful cases for the union.


But many of you asked what the union has to say in response.  We're very pleased to offer up this letter to LabourStart subscribers from Jill Ovens, Northern Regional Secretary of the SFWU:




The union has also issued a press release entitled "International email campaign raises Air NZ's hackles" which is well worth reading:




But we were also touched by this story of Eric Gamble, an 84-year-old ex-RAF airman who was one of the 4,200 to write to Air New Zealand:




In short, online campaigns work.  Corporations are forced to listen, and sometimes we are able to get them to change course.  Obviously we have touched a sensitive nerve here with Air New Zealand -- which should be an incentive to all of us to mobilize our unions, and send thousands more messages this week.  If every person reading this email were to send a message to Air New Zealand, there'd be more than 50,000 messages in the CEO's inbox.



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Dette er mailen jeg fikk fra Air New Zealand, og min mailadresse er den eneste som står i adressefeltet. Selv om den skulle være en kopi av mailen de andre fikk tilsendt, må det være slitsomt å sende til hver enkelt. Kampanjen gir dessuten muligheter for å skrive om på "standard-mailen" eller skrive sitt eget brev i stedet, så det er ikke umulig at de skriver flere ulike mailer og sender ut, i alle fall på starten av kampanjen.

Thank you for your email


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I would like to clarify the situation we are attempting to resolve here at Air New Zealand.


We have been consulting with our employees and their representatives over a period of 18 months in an effort to address changes in our Airport Services business necessary to ensure we have a viable business in the future. At our Airports we service a number of airlines in addition to Air New Zealand. Over this period of consultation we have lost two major customers, and other customers are at risk because our business is not competitive.


45% of the revenue of this business is derived from these third party airlines.


Whilst we have a strong preference to employee our airport staff directly, and despite what you have been led to believe, our airport services collective employment agreements envisage that from time to time we may explore alternative solutions such as outsourcing. Our contract requires that before proceeding to outsource we must first undertake a formal consultation process with our employees for 58 days during which our employees are able to present alternative proposals. Our contract requires, and the company is committed to a preference to retain the work 'in-house' if the employee proposal matches the benefits available from the outsourcing proposal.


Following 14 months of consultation and working parties on how we could improve the competitiveness of our business we commenced our formal consultation over an outsourcing proposal 110 days ago and are reluctantly reaching a point where we must make a decision. To do otherwise, will jeopardise several hundred jobs as we continue to lose our third party airline customers.


We are making every attempt to work constructively with our employees and their representatives to gain a satisfactory outcome through consultation, and remain in a constructive dialogue with the union represnting the vast majority of these employees. The SFWU which has initiated this email campaign, and has gained your support, represents a minority of the affected staff, has disengaged from this process and appear to believe that a Spam email campaign is a more effective way to engage with the company. We are very committed to continuing to deliver a uniquely New Zealand service and hope to be able to do this through employing more Air New Zealanders - with our staff numbers having grown from 9,500 to 10,500 over the last four years - we hope that this growth can continue.


If we do outsource the airport work, the work will continue to be undertaken by New Zealand workers and the vast majority of job opportunities will be preserved.


Yours sincerely . . . Rob Fyfe

Endret av kkt1986
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Tror dere virkelig at dette fører til bedre samarbeid ved å plage sjefen med flere tusen eposter?


Jeg mener å ha sett en og annen underskriftskampanje få folk til å endre meninger, ja. Hvor vidt det vil hjelpe gjenstår ennå å se. Hvis dere vil lese innholdet i brevet jeg skrev så finner dere det her:


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Dear Ms Sawyers,


I realize that you recieve a lot of email these days so I thank you for taking time reading mine.


It is my experience as that a high turnover of employees is very expensive. Thus the cost of cutting pay rates are easily eaten up by the extra cost incurred by extra training caused by the higher turnover.


Also experience is one of the key factor in building a successful business. Thus raising the pay for experienced workers so that your business has got beneficial wagers compared to yoru competitors is a good way not only to retain in-house expertise but also attract experienced workers to your company.


In addition I would like you to confirm or deny the accusation that Andrew Rogers has been fired. If he indeed has been fired I would, if possible, like to learn wether or not his termination was due to his position as a union leader.


If this is so I would like to offer you this final piece of advice: Employees are happy when they feel that they are being heard. Unions are a way of making people feel important and hightens moral. If you crush the labour union then you also crush your employees loyalty. This is not god for you, not good for your employees nor for the people whose care you're entrusted with.



Yours sincerely



Head of union


(this email contains my personal opinion and experience and has not been discussed with the union. I include the title so you know what weight is behind the opinions expressed)

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Flott :) Takk for bidraget. Jeg pleier bare å endre et par ord eller noe sånt. På den måten kan jeg kanskje unngå ett eller annet filter og mailen ser først unik ut. Men jeg får som sagt brev om slike kampanjer ukentlig, så jeg gidder ikke ta meg tid til å sette meg inn i saken og skrive noe unikt for hver av dem.

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