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Heroes: Isaac Mendez sine malerier som plakat?

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Heroes TV Show


I was fortunate enough to be asked to be a part of the NBC hit drama, HEROES, as the creator of the paintings of the character Isaac Mendez. I receive many questions about the artwork, and so let me try to answer the questions I get the most...


I do not actually create the paintings that are shown on screen; what you see are prints of my original artwork on canvas, created by the props department. My originals are on 11"x17" paper. They are all black, white and grey tones, drawn with pen and brush, ink and charcoal. That art is then scanned into a computer and sent to my fantastic colorist, Dave Stewart, who colors my scan, making it look like paint. He then he sends that file to the Heroes props department, where they enlarge it and print the file onto canvas.


I do not technically own any of the original art for the show, NBC does, and so I am not at liberty to sell any. Please do not ask.


There are no reproductions of the Heroes art for sale in print form. I am unaware of any plans by NBC to make them available. There is, however, a great hardcover version of the Heroes online comics collected in the DC book, HEROES volume 1; inside there are around 40 reproductions of my paintings. They have also produced shirts, a lunchbox, a hat, a water bottle and more, all available at the NBC store.


Additionally, my custom fonts are used on the show for titles, credits and the online comics, my "Kitty" serigraph made a brief appearance in the original cut of the pilot episode, and my latest sketchbook BLUES contains several sketches of characters from the show.


That's all there is for now, and I know of no plans to go further. I will be the first to announce it, should things change, believe me.



Så det viser seg at det blir opp til NBC å gjøre noe ang. bildene. Men en del av det som lå på Ebay så da ok ut, om ikke litt små kanskje.

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Jeg ville gjerne hatt maleri(ene) som plakat(er) jeg også. Eller ihvertfall en plakat med karakterene i serien, men finner det ikke noe sted :(

Vet ikke helt om jeg kan bestille fra nettet ol siden jeg har ungdomskort.

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