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Sony insults Halo 3 on Wikipedia


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Blir litt for dumt å gi Sony skylden for det, når eneste grunnlaget de har for å si at det er Sony som har gjort det er en IP-adresse som tilhører Sony-kontorer. En hvilken som helst ansatt hos Sony kan ha gjort det her, tviler hardt på at det er en slags avgjørelse tatt blant Sony-ledere.

Endret av BTK
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Temmelig uskyldig dette da, men man kan jo godt skjønne at Sony er litt nervøs ;) :!:

Er det ikke verre en noen få setninger om et kommende spill så tror jeg at Microsoft ler litt av det og tar en liten hevn på et Sony spill ved en senere anledning. Det er langt verre når feks Jens Stoltenberg blir hengt ut som pedofil på wikipedia, for de færreste bruker vel wikipedia som kilde for spill, mens mange bruker det for kilde på politikere osv.



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Er nok ikke bare ett engangstilfelle ;)


As soon as the software was launched on the internet, chaos erupted.

Among many revelations, Wikipedia Scanner reported that:

- Microsoft tried to cover up the XBOX 360 failure rate


- Apple edit Microsoft entries, adding more negative comments about its rival


- Bill Gates revenge? Microsoft edits Apple entries, adding more negative comments about its rival


- The Vatican edits Irish Catholic politician Gerry Adams page


- In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11”


- Exxon Mobil edits spillages and eco-system destruction from oil spillages article


- FBI edits Guantanamo Bay, removing numerous pictures


- Oil company ChevronTexaco removes informative biodiesel article and deletes a paragraph regarding fines against the company


- Scientology removes criticism and negatives article from Scientology page


- Al Jazeera TV station adds that the foundation of Iraq was just as bad as the Holocaust


- Amnesty International removes negative comments


- Dell Computers deletes negative comments on customer services and removes a passage how the company outsources work to third world countries


- MySpace removes paragraph when their website was hacked


- EA Games deletes whole paragraphs of criticism about employment practices and business methods


- Dog breeding association deletes whole paragraphs about fatal attacks by dogs on humans

- US Republican Party changes the "Post-Saddam" section of the Baath Party article to a different account of the war, changing the language from "US-led occupation" to "US-led liberation"


- Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page


- News of the World deletes a number of criticism against the paper


- Nestle removes negative comments on its business practices from its page


- UN address calls journalist Oriana Fallaci a racist ‘prostitute’


- Portuguese government removes entries about Prime Minister’s scandals


- DieBold, the company that controversially supplied computerised polling stations in the US elections, removes numerous paragraphs with negative comments


- Walmart removes criticism of outsourcing work. The retailer also changes negative paragraphs of underpaid workforce


- Sony removes harmful paragraphs against blu-ray systems


- Someone at Reuters calls Bush “a mass murderer”


- Coca Cola removes negative content about its effects


- British Conservative Party removes negative references of its MPs and deletes paragraph of the party’s old policies


- US University adds the “prestigious” adjective to its page


- Boeing edits from “Boeing is a leading American aircraft and aerospace manufacturer” to “Boeing is the leading American aircraft and aerospace manufacturer”


- MSN Search is “a major competitor to Google”. That’s what MSN added to their page


- BBC changes Blair's drink from coffee to vodka and his workout from the gym to the bedroom. Someone from the BBC also changes Bush’s page, changing the name from ”George Walker Bush” to “George Wan*** Bush”


- Someone from The Guardian edits the Wikipedia page of rival newspaper The Times. Originally in the article it is said that The Times sells more than The Guardian. After the edit, The Guardian sells more.

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Når skal denne evinnelig kriginga mellom Sony og Microsoft holde opp? Jeg skjønner at småfjortisser på YouTube med dun på overleppa og null dun nedeom kan finne dette morsomt, men når ansatte for selskapene begynner mister jeg respekten for dem, ansatt eller ledere, same fuck sier jeg.


Jeg begynner å bli så innmari lei av dette, kan man ikke bare fokuserer på spillene og gi fan i drittkastinga? Hva fokuseres mest på i dagens spillverden, hvem som har best spill eller hvem som kan kaste mest dritt?

Endret av Bear^
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Haha, så patetisk. Men som Ghaundan sa så er det nok mest ment som en spøk. Når det kommer til stykket så er nok gutta i både Sony og Microsoft gode venner. Mange som gjør "practial jokes" mot hverandre på jobben :) Hadde bare syntes at det var litt artig selv jeg, og sannsynligvis heller brygget opp en fin løgn eller rykte som jeg kunne sette ut mot Sony som "hevn".

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