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Call Of Duty 4 Beta


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Får du spilt med den norske kontoen din ?! Jeg fikk melding om at "this region is not allowed to play" elns.


Jeg hadde ingen problemer med det hvertfall. Ser det er andre her som greier det fint også.


Men hallo, vi skal ikke opprette en "skal vi spille"-tråd da? Ser ut som det er ganske mange som har fått tak i betaen nå, er jo mye morsommere og spille med nordmenn.

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Det er utrolig enkelt å skaffe seg tilgang til beaten for dere som ikke har fått en nøkkel enda.Alt du trenger er en bekjent som har lastet ned betaen allerede og resten er gjort på 5min foruten selve nedlastingen som må gjøres på nytt.


Dette er oppskriften jeg fulgte i går, og den funker 100%


This tutorial will show you how to give somebody else the COD4 Beta as long as you have already downloaded it. You can also use these same steps to allow any other GamerTag on your console to play the COD4 bet if you have already downloaded it with any other GamerTag. Just skip the recovery in step 1 if this is the case.


You will need 2 controllers to do this, use a Guitar Hero 2 controller if you have to!

You will NOT need a Beta Token for this to work! You do NOT need to be in the USA for this to work!


1. YOU do a GamerTag Recovery* of a friend's account to your xbox 360. They will have to provide you with their GamerTag , email address and password** they used to create this GamerTag. Their account must be a GOLD Xbox Live Account or it will not allow them to download this beta. Recovery process can take 5 min to 1 hour depending on their account history.


* While doing a recovery if you get booted during the migration of their GamerTag just try again and it should work the second time, or keep trying.

** If your friend wishes to temporarily change their password for security reasons they can do so at http://login.live.com/


2. Have controller 1 signed in as YOUR OWN account. Have controller 2 signed in as the GamerTag you just recovered from your buddy.


3. With controller 1 (YOUR OWN GamerTag) go to Account Management and then Download History. You can get to Account Management by selecting your own gamercard from the "Xbox Live" blade and then selecting "Account Management". Select "Download History" and only highlight "Call of Duty 4 MP Beta" but do not press A or any buttons.


4. Now press the center XBox button on controller 1 and SIGN OUT of YOUR OWN Gamertag and press B to close the tab.


5. With Controller 2 (Your friend's GamerTag) press A on the "Call of Duty 4 MP Beta". Select "Download Again" and "Confirm Download". This will only take a couple seconds because it already exists on your hard drive.


6. To verify that this has worked now go all the way back to the dashboard with Controller 2 (Friends GamerTag) and then go to Account Management and Download History again. You should see "Call of Duty 4 MP Beta" now at the very top of their download history and all of the other crap they downloaded in the past beneath.


7. Log out of your friend's GamerTag* and have him log into his GamerTag on his own console. Have them go to Account Management and Download History then select "Call of Duty 4 MP Beta" and select "Download Again". They may get a message saying that their GamerTag was on another console and it needs to be recovered. Just tell them to go ahead and do the recovery and then they can go download the beta from their Download History.


* After you log out their GamerTag you should probably go delete their profile from your hard drive. When doing so choose "Delete Profile Only" so you dont accidentally remove the beta from your own hard drive.


8. Enjoy the game with a tasty beverage.

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