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Highbury - Proud to be a Gooner!

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Pedro Pinto i CNN melder også at Cazorla er på vei til London for å gjøre ferdig avtalen med Arsenal. Virker mer og mer som at denne er done deal nå. Hvis RvP ikke mener vi viser ambisjoner nå, så er det ikke stort mer vi kan få gjort. Messi og Ronaldo er rimelig out of reach, tror jeg... :p

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Går også rykter om at summen er 12 millioner pund. Det er i så fall helt rått.


Har sett det, men jeg tror at enten så er det lost in translation, altså at summen (16ish) er i pund og ikke euro, eller så er det 12 up front, men resten avhengig av mål, trofeer, kamper, månedlig nedbetaling, etc.

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Har også hørt at det skal være litt over £12m, noe som er helt sinnsvakt billig for en så god spiller.


Har sett det, men jeg tror at enten så er det lost in translation, altså at summen (16ish) er i pund og ikke euro, eller så er det 12 up front, men resten avhengig av mål, trofeer, kamper, månedlig nedbetaling, etc.


Det sies at en av grunnene til at Malaga godtok en så lav pris var at de fikk pengene umiddelbart, altså ingen eller få klausuler.

Endret av Vestaa
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Siste om Sahin:



Don't know a lot about Şahin deal, but not as advanced as Cazorla. All parties working on it. Likely to be decent loan fee to RM.



Arsenal have had phone contact with Nuri Şahin today. He's keen to come. Madrid happy to loan him. Şahin has rejected Spurs.

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Sånn, rent ut i fra hva jeg syns om de tre utvalgte vil jeg helst ha Le Coq, men skal jeg følge hjertet blir det Jenkinson. Digger korporalen så sinnsykt mye. Men det baserer seg hovedsaklig i at han er Arsenal tvers igjennom, i motsetning til veldig mye annet av det pakket som har bært skjorta vår de siste åra.

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Sånn, rent ut i fra hva jeg syns om de tre utvalgte vil jeg helst ha Le Coq, men skal jeg følge hjertet blir det Jenkinson. Digger korporalen så sinnsykt mye. Men det baserer seg hovedsaklig i at han er Arsenal tvers igjennom, i motsetning til veldig mye annet av det pakket som har bært skjorta vår de siste åra.


Yennaris er da Gooner through and through. Vært i Arsenal systemet siden han var 7 år gammel blant annet..


Syntes han burde få sjansen foran Jenkinson, men mtp. at Jenkinson har spilt såpass mye under preseason så er han vel Wenger sitt førstevalget på høyrebacken etter Sagna.

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Litt om Cazorla:


fra http://www.football365.com/spanish-thing/7957692/Tim-Stannard:



Should Santi Cazorla sign on the dotted line at Arsenal (a move that seems more than imminent) then it will be a shockingly bad day for Málaga, a tragic one for la Liga and a blinding one for the Gunners, who will be getting their hands on a truly outstanding footballing talent and a fantastic fella, to boot.

The current uncertainty at Málaga which sees owner Sheikh Al Thani reportedly putting the club up for sale with the cash running dry and debts scattered all over the place to players and clubs has seen one of the their crown jewels packed off to the Premier League just a year after being sold to the southern side from Villarreal for €21m. It was a huge fee for a footballer who was not a regular international but a fair price considering what Cazorla can offer.

If Spain wasn't already bursting to the seams with a whole bunch of diminutive, tricksy midfield/forward/playmaker/winger types like Xavi Hernández, Andrés Iniesta, Pedro, David Silva, Juan Mata and Jesús Navas then the 27-year-old could have had nearly a century of caps for his country over the past four years aside from the 45 occasional starts and odd substitute appearances. Cazorla would certainly have played a part in the previous three triumphs for the Spanish international side. Although injury prevented an appearance in the 2010 World Cup squad, tactical decisions from Vicente Del Bosque that saw the midfielder as a peripheral figure in Euro 2012 with a mere 16 minutes played.

Although small, like so many of this generation in Spain, Cazorla has incredible technique, is perfectly two-footed and is just as likely to pick out the perfect pass as as finish moves off himself. Many an Arsenal fan may well be wondering if their team needs another fancy-pants footballer who is averse to sticking the ball in the back of the net, but that's not what they will be getting with Cazorla. The Spaniard has a ferocious shot which he loves using early to surprise goalkeepers, is a masterful free-kick taker with both feet and enjoys the odd long-distance lob too. For the fee Arsenal are set to pay, the English side will also get a footballer who can play pretty much anywhere in a midfield four and even on the flanks in a midfield three.

It is this versatility and drive that saw Cazorla leading Villarreal into fourth spot two seasons ago before his move to Málaga, which produced nine league goals and 38 appearances in 38 games in a season when once again his team finished in fourth due to Cazorla's drive and tenaciousness. "He has unbelievable quality and talent," said his potential future team-mate Mikel Arteta.

But what really makes Cazorla a very special footballer is a constant, sunny disposition that makes him hugely popular with supporters of all clubs, with a will to win that means he will carry a team on his back if necessary and not complain about it either.

It does seem that Málaga's demise is going to see la Primera losing one of its finest talents. However, a change for English airs would be a positive move for Cazorla ,who will be able to star alongside higher-quality team-mates to enable him to add more to his game in the way that David Silva and Juan Mata have done during their spells in the Premier League. For four years now the sensation has been that Cazorla has been a bit of victim of Spain's golden generation. A move to Arsenal could be extremely good for the player, his new club and especially his country, but he will be much missed in la Liga.

Tim Stannard (Good luck with the wedding, fella)

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