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Han bekrefter i alle fall at han fremdeles er en tenåring. Wilshere er en spiller jeg virkelig har sansen for og vil nok være med i den nye generasjonen som vil ta over for Gerrard og Lampard på midten for England. Som Chelsea-supporter så håper og tror jeg at en viss McEachran også vil bli å finne på det laget.

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Hører stadig herpå at United alltid får hjelp av dommeren osv. Her er en godbit til dere :)


I decided to do a little research on United versus Arsenal this season in terms of penalty decisions and opponents being sent off this season.


Arsenal have been awarded 11 penalties, and have had 7 of their opponents sent off in 31 competitive games.


United have been awarded 5 penalties, and have had 3 of their opponents sent off in 30 competitive games.


United's 5 Penalties:


1. Berbatov v Liverpool:

There is contact, although Berbatov could have stayed on his feet. Debatable.

Verdict: No pen, though I'm 51:49 on it. 1 incorrect decision.


2. Nani v Arsenal:

Nani attempts to get past Clichy, who carelessly slides in and handles preventing Nani from getting past. Accidental but careless and prevents Nani from progressing.

Verdict: Pen.


3. Fabio v Rangers:

Fabio is kicked in the face. The face. Stonewall.

Verdict: Pen.


4. Duff (Fulham):

Nani crosses the ball in and Duff goes to clear with his knee, it pops up and strikes him on his outstretched arm. Now there can be two arguments for this one, but it really did quite blatantly strike his arm due to a poor piece of control and the arm is used as an extension of his body and prevents the ball from getting out of his control.

Verdict: Pen.


5. Giggs v West Ham:

Giggs turns Spector inside out and is tripped. No complaints from any West Ham player.

Verdict: Pen.


United's Opponents' 3 Red Cards:


1. Gerrard:

Horrible, nasty challenge that could have broken Carrick's ankle.

Verdict: Red.


2. Alcaraz:

Two blatant yellow cards.

Verdict: Red.


3. Rodallega:

Nasty two-footer that took a bit of the ball but a large chunk of Rafael. Dangerous.

Verdict: Red.


Arsenal's 11 penalties:


1. Walcott v Leeds:

Walcott goes into the area and falls after a slight tug from the defender. This minutes after he dived and the ref awarded a penalty only to reverse it for an offside which he believed had occurred after but had actually occurred before. Arsenal score a last-minute equaliser to take them to a replay and avoid an embarrassing loss.

Verdict: Just about a pen.


2. Van Persie v Partizan:

Van Persie theatrically tumbles after the defender gets a touch on the ball. Arsenal score the opener in a crucial game.

Verdict: No pen. 1 incorrect decision.


3. Djourou v Shaktar:

Djourou leans into the defender and falls over. Pen given and scored.

Verdict: No pen. 2 incorrect decisions.


4. Fabregas v Man City:

Fouled just inside the box.

Verdict: Pen.


5. Chamakh v Birmingham:

Chamakh belly-flops after little or no contact. Birmingham players are incensed to a man and surround the referee and chase Chamakh. Pen given and scored and Arsenal come from 1-0 down to win 2-1.

Verdict: No pen. 3 incorrect decisions.


6. Chamakh v Partizan:

Doesn't seem to have been much questions by all accounts, I couldn't find a video.

Verdict: Probably a pen.


7. Nasri v Tottenham:

Nasri tumbles after the slightest touch/tug from Bassong. Harry Redknapp after the game accuses Nasri of diving. Pen given and scored, Arsenal lead 2-1, and then...

Verdict: No pen: 4 incorrect decisions.


8. Chamakh v Tottenham:

This time there is a more definite tug, although Chamakh goes down easily.

Verdict: Pen. Just.


9. Nasri v Sunderland:


Verdict: Pen.


10. Chamakh v Braga:

The keeper commits himself, and Chamakh pokes the ball past him and collapses with no contact. It could be argued that the keeper impeded him, although he could have gone past him and chose instead to dive with no contact.

Verdict: No pen. 5 incorrect decisions.


11. Chamakh v Blackpool:

Chamakh is fouled by Ian Evett, but the foul is clearly outside the area. The referee gives a penalty regardless.

Verdict: No pen. 6 incorrect decisions.


Arsenal's Opponents' 7 Red Cards:


1. Zabaleta:

Zabaleta does nothing but get headbutted by Sagna and stand his ground, but he gets sent off anyway.

Verdict: No red card. 7 incorrect decisions.


2. N'Zogbia:

Stupidly leant head into Wilshire and sent off.

Verdict: Red card.


3. Boyata:

Last man, had to go.

Verdict: Red card.


4. Jovanovic:

Ditto. ^^

Verdict: Red card.


5. Cahill:

Ridiculous decision. Foul just about worthy of a yellow, but Cahill saw red.

Verdict: No red card. 8 incorrect decisions.


6. Evatt:

Foul clearly outside the box. But Evatt was the last man.

Verdict: Red card.


7. Cole:

Out-of-control tackle, definite red.

Verdict: Red card.


In 2010/11, Arsenal have received 11 penalties and 6 red cards for their opponents to United's respective 5 and 3. Of Arsenal's 11 penalties, 6 were incorrectly awarded. Of the 6 red cards to their opponents, 2 were incorrectly awarded, leading to a grand total of 8 incorrect penalty or red card decisions going in their favour. Of United's 4 penalties, 1 was incorrectly awarded. Of the 3 red cards to their opponents, none were correctly awarded, leading to a grand total of 1 incorrect penalty or red card decision going in their favour.


8 versus 1. And how many delusional cries have you heard about the referees being biased towards Arsenal, despite a catalogue of favourable decisions going their way? None, because obviously they are not, Arsenal have simply had a run of favourable individual decisions. Yet all the bile is directed towards table-toppers United after one incorrect penalty decision. Another case of rival fans crying conspiracy in a pique of jealous rage whilst ignoring the facts laid before them.


Incidentally, with all their moaning, Liverpool have been awarded 7 penalties to United's 5. Manchester City have been awarded 7, and Chelsea 8. 5.2% of United's goals have been penalties, compared to say Arsenal's 11.3% or Liverpool's 12.2%.


And before anyone pipes up with other dubious decisions outside of penalties and red cards such as the Neville sending off I would say they have been more than offset by the Zigic goal, the penalty we didn't get for Chamakh's handball at OT, the two penalties against Liverpool in the cup not given and a couple more decisions forgotten in the aftermath of victories.


Since 2003, 5.1% of our goals have been penalties, with Liverpool's respective figure 9.1%. We've only received the joint sixth highest amount of penalties and conceded around the same as our title rivals, despite being the most attacking team in this period.

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Artikkelen er helt klart biased mot United, kan for all del godt være at United har fått mindre avgjørelser med seg i år enn vi har, det har jeg ingen problem å tro på. Men artikkelen tar da vitterlig bare opp avgjørelser som er gitt, ikke avgjørelser som ikke ble gitt.


Forøvrig morsomt at han som skrev artikkelen klarer å prestere ut dette skvipet:

10. Chamakh v Braga:

The keeper commits himself, and Chamakh pokes the ball past him and collapses with no contact. It could be argued that the keeper impeded him, although he could have gone past him and chose instead to dive with no contact.

Verdict: No pen. 5 incorrect decisions.


Da var vel straffen deres på OT mot oss ifjor inkorrekt? Trodde det var en stonewall penalty and shit, i det minste ifølge "dere". Rooney var jo tross alt bare smart og utnytta situasjonen av at Almunia hadde commita seg selv. ;)

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Vela spilte ok, men han mangler fitness. Han kommer til å gjøre det bedre når han har spilt seg i form, samt vent seg til West Broms taktikk.


Henri Lansbury storspilte for øvrig for Norwich i går, da han snudde 1-0 til 1-2 med et mål og en assist. Wenger kan fort finne på å hente ham tilbake hvis vi får flere skader på midtbanen.

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Samme det, kilder er kilder. Hvor gammel er du egentlig Goldwing? Bare lurer :)

Hva i allverden har alder med dette å gjøre? Annet enn å underminere motparten.


Det er likevel Wenger og Arsenal som alltid roper om dommerhjelp, helt kurant å poste denne her. For all del, den er lagd for å gange United, det er likevel et ubestridelig fakta at dommerhjelpen på OT er en myte som er avkreftet igjen og igjen. Uavhengig av det er det fortsatt enkelte supportergrupperinger som holder fast på det, småklubber somregel. Og det er Arsenal-fansen og Arsenal som over alle fortsatt lider av småklubb-tendenser i toppen av PL, selv om de regnes og er en storklubb. Titter fortsatt mer over gjerde til alle andre enn å faktisk fokusere på sin egen plen.

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