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Ramsey derimot er bare ikke i form om dagen.


Slik fightervilje vil jeg se oftere. Et lag som oste av selvtillitt, en Ozil som turte å skyte.. Fantastisk kamp av oss. :)




Endret av Adrax
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Dagens AST Q&A/møte: 


  • Arsenal Supporters Trust: Whilst the trajectory is on the up, Tottenham make more in commercial revenue than Arsenal.
  • The money KSE takes each year (£3m) - this is the same as a Category B game revenue. This is more than all our Execs put together.
  • AST member questions whether other 500 shareholders have right to question if Stan's payment is a hidden dividend.
  • Tim P replied that AST have funded a Corporate Governance Governance report to look into this & if services have been tendered.
  • Kroenke's Rams find out if they're successful in bid to move to LA Thai month. Investment will be $2bn. [AST]
  • [AST] doesn't believe that the cash in Arsenal is being used as leverage to fund other assets as he needs 75% of shareholder backing.
  • AST confirms than Stan Kroenke hasn't put a penny into the Club; perhaps intellectual capital. Only owns an equity vehicle.
  • Arsenal own two more pockets of land that are to be developed and sold to make £20m more for the Club. Property's made £100m so far [AST].
  • AST to push Arsenal on ticket prices at the AGM after the "Twenty's Plenty" campaign yesterday.
  • John Cross says he doesn't feel Wenger minds criticism as long as it's fair & "not personal" [AST]
  • AST talking about Wenger's interaction with the media. JC says Wenger used to be "back page gold" but since he's won less he finds harder to swallow criticism & has retreated. JC says that changing room humour has changed since when Wenger joined & that unique collective of players have changed. Wyatt counters that all managers are less close to the media now, not just Wenger.
  • Payton asks the journos if they're the ones who create Arsene / Jose rivalry or if they genuinely love having a pop at each other.
  • John Cross says he thinks Wenger handled the Ospina criticism very poorly & he was defensive after press published Ospina starting on Mon.
  • John Cross suggesting that the media and journalists have created & recreated the rivalry with Mourinho. They had made peace & had dinner.
  • John Cross says there's genuine hatred between Wenger & Mourinho now despite them going out for dinner together. [AST]
  • Wyett & Cross say that Jose doesn't need media to go for AW. Question put to him was on McClaren & then went for Wenger. Jose been "nasty".
  • John Cross says "believe you and me before his next game, Mourinho will get it from the press".
  • Wyett saying that LVG & Mourinho getting tough questions this season although Fergie got away with it due to fear factor.
  • Wyett says he doesn't think Jose has a big Club after him & that he'll likely be fired this season unless he wins the Champions League.
  • Wyett of The Sun says Jurgen Klopp wants the Bayern Munich job but may have to settle for Liverpool as Guardiola likely to stay [AST].
  • Liverpool told Rodgers this summer he wasn't allowed to buy a player over age of 24. Wyett feels any manager would struggle there. [AST]
  • Wyett feels that Wenger saw Vieira, Bergkamp & Overmars as a threat to his job so didn't employ them but Thierry will never be AFC manager.
  • John Cross says its "incredible" Arsenal didn't sign another MF this summer given 'summer sweep' of top DCMs available.
  • Wyett says that Wenger is of the principle that he now doesn't buy 3rd party owned players or those with family relations as agents.
  • John Cross says that Rosicky wasn't happy that Arsenal extended his contract. He wanted to join Aston Villa this summer. [AST].
  • John Cross says dynamic behind scenes now is most harmonic it's been in years but need a younger mix on the Board.
  • Rosicky just wants to play football and wanted to join Aston Villa this summer. Not happy AFC extended his contract when he doesn't play.
  • Rosicky didn't sign a "contract extension" with Arsenal. Arsenal triggered a clause to keep him 1+ year. He wanted to join Aston Villa.
  • 'Arry Redknapp told Wyett that there was no way Ian Wright would sign for West Ham & that his source was rubbish. The source was Ian Wright!
  • John Cross says he doesn't feel Wenger is winding down at all and that he wants another contract after the current agreement expires.
  • John Cross says Arsene Wenger is Mr. Football 24/7 and life after football he'd miss football more than the money.
  • Wyett says Wenger rarely ever socialises with other managers (not there's anything wrong with it) and isn't keen on the LMA.
  • Cross says after Chelsea hammered Man U when Moyes was in charge, he saw Fergie storm into the dressing room after the game.
  • John Cross says that Steve Bould would make a great manager but the Club's dream is for Pep Guardiola post Wenger.
  • Wyett thinks sometimes Wenger doesn't realise how fortunate he has been or appreciates how fans have supported him so much.
  • John Cross says he's sure Wenger reads the Daily Mail daily. Drinks recommended it to him but he read it out of his dislike for it.
  • John Cross says he predicts that Arsenal will finish 3rd (had originally predicted 4th) but won't get out the CL group stages.
  • Wyett says he thinks Arsenal will come second but CB will cost them. Cross says CBs are fine but wants them to do a Martial.
  • Cross says he would love Arsenal to win the league but they've wasted best opportunity to win the league by not buying 2 outfield players.
  • Cross reckons Arsenal could have easily won the league by 10+ points if they'd have signed 2 outfield players. Now 2nd or 3rd.
Endret av Corporal Jenkinson
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Mindre profilert som manager enn Drillo, Solskjær, Santini og Tigana? Skeptisk.


Wenger hadde et navn da han forlot Monaco


Han hadde et navn, men var overhodet ikke den klassen som mange av de andre som kom til England. Helt riktig å utelate han fra en sånn liste. Han er i egen klasse når det gjelder utlendinger i Premier League. Han vant vel en Ligue 1 og en liten cup i Monaco. En win-percentage under 50. Vil ikke påstå at det var allverden. Og han gikk videre til Japan.

Endret av MartinF
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Er det mulig at kampen mot Zagreb blir stående ugyldig eller noe? Eller at Arsenal får seieren?


Lurer isåfall på hvor mange på laget som må være dopingtatt for at poeng skal trekkes.

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