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Er dette lovlig programvare i Norge?


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Hvis privatpersoner gjerne vil bruke gode programmer, så skulle det vel ikke være nødvendig å betale mange tusen kroner for et slikt program, bare for litt privat bruk..


Har derfor sett litt på dette...


Er det lovlig å betale for dette og laste ned og bruke? Noen som har erfaring?



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Fra deres egne Terms


2.2. You will thoroughly follow the downloading and installation instructions on your account;

2.3. You cannot register the software with the manufacturer and updates are available not for all the products;

2.4. You do not receive printed license documentation;

2.5. You do not receive a copy of the software on a disk.


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Og fra FAQ


Why is the software so inexpensive?

We offer the software for downloading only, it means that you do not receive a fancy package, a printed manual and license that actually aggregate the largest part of the retail price.

Endret av Thorsen
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