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Verdt å skaffe seg LOTRO?

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Game Error [201]


An error which sometimes occurs for those running Vista.


There are two security models for Vista (32 bit and 64 bit):


32 bit - the administrator account is granted full admin rights and so

running the launcher from it won't work (error 201 or a loop).

Solution - create a new (non-admin) account for running LOTRO, then assign full

rights to the Lord of the Rings Online program folder to that account.

Then run the launcher from that account.



64 bit - admin rights are not automatically granted to the main account

and so the launcher will run, but there is an error in the installation in

that it doesn't give write access to the main user account - it opens the .dat

file for write, when it should only open it for read).

Solution - you need to set full access rights to the Lord of the Rings Online program folder for the main account.


Step by step process, courtesy Khazneh:


Click on Start

Click on Computer

Double click on C:

Double click on Program files (x86)

Right click on Codemasters

Click on Properties

Select the Security tab

Click on Edit

Click on Add

Enter your PC User Name

Click OK

Click on the tick box beside Full Control under the allow column

Click OK


Jeg har 32 versjonen, men metoden for 64-bit funket også. Da slipper du å lage en ny brukerkonto

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