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Agloco - Hvorfor ikke tjene litt EKTE penger?

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Spam slettet og abuse sent til Agloco, minner om deres regler:


AGLOCO™’s anti-spam policy, acceptance of which is a condition of our General Membership Agreement, is very simple: if you spam, you are out. Your account will be closed, your referrals will be lost, any benefits due to you will forfeited, and you will be ineligible for a new account. Furthermore, any member who would benefit from your membership will lose the benefit of your referrals. Similarly, if anyone you refer violates this policy, you will lose the potential benefit of having the spammer as a referral as well as the potential benefit of having the spammer's direct and extended referrals as referrals. This means that all members of AGLOCO™ have the responsibility (and a strong incentive) to make sure that everyone you refer understands appropriate ways of promoting AGLOCO™.

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