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Big news from the world of Gran Turismo. With the Tokyo Motor Show only a week away, Sony is already prepping for a huge unveiling on October 24th. There are rumors around what Sony could possibly be revealing, but for now the more important news at hand is the fact that GT5 Prologue will be a downloadable demo as of October 20th. That's right, a free download. That explains why Gran Turismo HD was removed from the PlayStation store on September 30th.


Chances are that this is the same demo shown at Tokyo Game Show (TGS). Most of you who didn't attent TGS will be able to see calendar and other functions in the new Prologue. If that's the case and the Prologue demo is the same one shown at the video game show last month, this upcoming download should feature Alfa Romeos, Nissans, Ferarris and other vehicles, a total of 16, as well as three tracks, Suzuka, Fuji and Daytona.


The October 24th downloadable demo of Prologue should hold fans over long enough until the December 13th release of Gran Turismo Prologue. Pricing will be set at 4,980 Yen for the Blu-Ray disc and 4,500 as a straight download. If it's only four bucks, give us the disc; we don't want a download that costs as much as a full game.


Aiaiaiiii! Gleder meg allerede. Får bare håpe den IKKE kun kommer ut i JP-Store'n da.


Edit Piaf: IKKE er et ord det også.

Endret av Tharos_
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Men like god grafikk og gameplay?

Ja, det hadde vært rart om det demoen hadde vært 2D ovenfra, med sprites og max 16 farger. :D


(Jeg har enda ikke lært meg hva sprites er, så det kommer sikkert noen technoheads og bombarderer meg med fremmedord nå. Do your worst! Jeg har en haug med ord som slutter på bæsj til motangrep!)

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For those of you who worship at the alter of Playstation, life is about to get more bearable. Its name is Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and it will be available to download for free on October 24th. The move is an effort to keep thumbs from atrophying after the long hiatus between GT4 and the new prologue installment, due out in stores December 13th (at least in Japan).


The launch is coinciding with the Tokyo Motor Show, where a number of vehicles that have parts in the game will be revealed in the really-real-world the day before. Among the models already confirmed: the new Nissan GT-R and Mitsubishi Evolution X, plus 16 other manufacturers, including Ferrari and Alfa Romeo. Three new tracks are also set to make their debut in GT5, including Fuji, Daytona and Suzuka.

Tharos: har du gjort ventetiden kortere?:p Ser linken videre at det står 20, men hva er riktig?

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Ellers er det kommet en demo av et horrorspill på jpstore....laster ned nå for øyeblikket


Jasså, så du kan japansk ;)

Imabikisou er en interaktiv horror novelle.

Minner litt om de gammeldagse adventure spillene hvor man leste tekst og skrev inn kommando.

Tror ikke du får så mye utbytte av det, hvis du ikke kan japansk.

Endret av praystation
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