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Forza 2 patch kommer i dag(23.07.07) -DLC i august


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Bra med patch! Da jeg oppdaget at ikke min favoritttbil var med, slengte jeg spillet øverst på bokhyllen og kastet meg over Colin Macrae Dirt i steden!



2CV er en herlig bil, er den med i Colin Mcrae Dirt? Den har vært med i et CM-spill før. :love:


He he har eid en 2CV en gang for lenge siden og kjørte den fra Nederland til Danmark, via Tyskland...Jo på selveste Autobahn Vrooommmm :!:

Den klarte bare 85 i tophastighet, forutsatt at vi lå i dragsuget bak en trailer e.l. da... :D

Forestill deg alle de Mercedesene og BMWèr som kom fykende i 160 KMH...

2CV, en to-takter inpakket i litt blikk og tøy. Hadde man en skrutrekker kunne alle og enhver demontere helle bilen på en ettermiddag he he. Gikk den i stykker kunne hvilken som helst Reodor Felgen reparere den.

Kolliderte du hadde du garantert hele motor`n i fanget :!:


On topic... har ikke rundet Dirt men tror ikke at 2CV er med :mad:

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Patchen kommer i dag.


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# Deny gifting and reselling of cars with locked paintjobs. Why? Because this will help alleviate the problem where an artist's precious limited edition car gets duplicated and sold on the Auction House. The only way you can sell or gift a car with a locked livery is by being the original owner/artist of the car.


# A temporary ban on the Lotus Elan use on scoreboards and in multiplayer. Why? There is an error with the Lotus Elan's performance index calculation that puts the car at a lower class despite its capabilities, resulting in the Elan mass dominating the scoreboards in D and C class. This temporary ban will not allow you to upload lap times to the scoreboards when you use the car in career mode, and prohibits you from using the car at all in online races. When we roll out our permanent PI fix for the Elan in a future patch, we're going to lift the ban. Sorry for the draconian measure -- we really didn't like imposing this sort of restriction on the community but this is necessary.


# Allow cars to be fully rotated while being viewed in the Auction House. Why? Because so many of you asked for the camera to be unlocked in Auction House so you can look at the paintjob on the roof of the car we thought we should do good by the community.


# A number of scoreboard problems have been fixed. These range from the glitch where if the AI did not relinquish control of your car after the rolling start, you would inadvertently post a corrupt superhuman lap time in the micro-seconds, to several "extreme" physics bugs folks have been exploiting to get crazy fast lap times (lag crash boosting and the shifting glitch).


# Removed host's ability to boot players during a race. Why? Because this feature, although handy at times, was getting abused by hosts who kicked folks who were in the lead of a race where the stakes were high (i.e., credits were on the table). Don't worry, you can still kick people to your heart's content in the lobby.


# Miscellaneous fixes aplenty. Like what? Various discovered Auction House bugs that could potentially cause players to lose credits or cars. At least one triple-screen bug fix for sync'ing issues, as well as an undiscovered quickmatch bug that always connected you to the same game upon attempt.




Det kommer altså ikke noe nedlastbart innhold i dag. Det kommer i August, og det vil inneholde nye biler og baner:)


Although we seem to be kicking back for the summer, there's actually quite a lot afoot here at Turn 10 in terms of projects and work on individual plates. I've gotten my inbox stuffed with questions and requests for Forza 2 downloadable content -- are we going to have more cars or tracks? When is it coming? The general answer to that question has always been "yes," we definitely have DLC up our sleeves and will release a series of car packs and new tracks starting in August and running probably through a good chunk of fall. Forza Motorsport 2 is definitely here to stay. We're also going to continually keep an eye on community and its successes and problems, patching and tweaking where we need to and rewarding those who are especially helpful or give back to the community.



Endret av RRhoads
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Ingen åpne auksjoner på auction house nu!

like før tipper jeg da.


det som hadde vært genialt, hadde vært en 0 stilling av alle tider på highscore listene.


nu virker auction house igjen.

men fortsatt med unormale priser.



Av ukjente grunner virker det som at det tar litt tid å få sparket i gang Auction House når man starter spillet.

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Oppdateringen mangler èn essensiell ting: Mulighet for å bruke en 2.kontroller til diverse ting når man bruker rattet.

Photo mode med ratt? Forget about it! Og nei, jeg gidder ikke å logge rattet av, for så å logge på med en vanlig kontroller.


En annen ting: En skip-knapp for sangene er kanskje for mye å be om? Og en shuffle-funksjon hadde vært greit, eller? En smule lei enkelte av sangene der.

Godt man kan streame musikk til burken.

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