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MGS4 - E3-trailer + gameplay-video her - 1. post


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Ser frem til å høre meir fra dette her ja :)


Blir så absolutt spennende, ja. Ikke mange dager igjen nå.


Ellers, selv om jeg i sannhet hater slike tråder, hva sier folket om gjøre denne tråden om til noe à la "Den offisielle MGS4-tråden"?

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noen nye bilder fra demoen fra playstation premier day.




i morgen skal vist mr Hideo vise enda mere fra MGS4 på 20 års dagen til mgs :)


Det blir bra. Bildene viser ikke så mye, men jeg gleder meg likevel.




Suddenly, the lights are turned off again and the Konami logo appeared on the impressive screen. To our surprise, Kojima appears radiating a smile of satisfaction, while the press takes notice that the genious is holding a Sixaxis in hand. Kojima is going to play for the first time in public the most anticipated title for the PS3, MGS4.


The demo starts with Snake standing on the ledge of a building in the middle of ruins, showing the impressive city destroyed by the war. This is a perfect way of introducing the game so that Kojima can show the scale and level of depth that the vision of Snake can reach in the game. The remodeled equipment that Snake is counting on, includes something called, "Solid Eye", which allows him to observe with detail things that at first glance you cant see. Next, Snake jumps down to the lower part of the building, which is guarded by various guards who are following different routes of vigilance, the centre of this being a statue.


Kojima shows, what we already had guessed from past trailers, the use of "Statuecam", which lets us pass unnoticed when near something like the statue, it serves as a camuflage for Snake, the suit taking on the textures from his surroundings, in this case, the staue. With the horizon now free of soldiers, the next thing to do is to infiltrate the field of battle.


It gives the sensation that this kind of setting is going to be the principal scenario for the game. The sounds which the bullets produce and pass near Snake, keep going throughout and we keep hearing explosions from the surroundings. The sensation of being involved in a conflict of this magnitude is similar to what you feel from a shooter, because in MGS4, including in the interior areas, we dont lose contact with this harsh reality surrounding us. Even when hiding on semi destroyed buildings, we are exposed every moment to attacks, whetever its from roofs or walls due to the poor state they are in.


This seems to be the first radical change from the series, which is perfectly explained with the phrase "No place to hide". Although Snake can hide in the shadows which the buildings project, or using some elements that are in the surroundings (like barrels, which we will talk more about later), the sensation of helplessness and anxiety is present all the time. Kojima then discovers a sniper on a high place from a building and shoots him. Next Snake takes cover behind an abandoned tank, due to an aerial attack from a few helicopters that are around the area.


The action continues and now safe from the attacks, Snake takes out various soldiers situated on the opposite side of the road with the use of grenades. What happens now is that allied soldiers thank and cheer Snake for having participated in the resistance, something which impress us to say the least.


Due to the setting chosen, the attacks and the placement of our rivals, we are given the impression that what we are watching is a shooter match. Kojima, keeps building up on this impression when he changes to first person view, saying "You can play all the time using this perspective, if you prefer the style of FPS". In fact, it is in this mode in which you will have the most use of the Sixaxis, due to it being more intuitive with the movement of the gun. For the ones that prefer something else, there is also another mode of perspective, over the shoulder style, similar to Resident Evil 4.


But dont panic. Metal Gear continues being Metal Gear, a game in which infiltration is the key to victory. Kojima doesnt take long before calming the people present, showing the real talent from snake.


The hero from Shadow Moses advances cautiously and grabs a soldier from behind, choking him with his own gun and rendering him unconsious. The typical stars that we know from past games, appear on top of the guards head.Its time to do what you usually do to an enemy in this state, like taking his body and hiding it, or shake the body to gain items.


But, if we decide to face the enemy, nothing is better then using the CQC techniques, which were present on the previous game. Kojima now does a series of movements that makes Snake look like a master of judo. Of course, Snake can also choose to aim the enemy and threaten to shoot. In this moment, we procced to frisk him, and even rob the guards weapon. The reaction from the guard enemies due to the actions from Snake, keeps being a trademark of the series, due to once again shaking and begging in such a ridiculous way that it is funny.


The menu system has not suffered changes, as it continues with the tradition set in the original game. Kojima barely showed the arsenal from Snake, merely an RPG, grenades and a machine gun, plus one of the objects of signature of Snake, even through all these years he does not seem to get rid off: the mens magazine. Kojima showed a very curious scene, in which Snake lies in the ground and starts flipping the magazines pages. You can guess the content already, a complete catalogue of girls barely in clothes, of a resolution respectful of the PS3. This "fan service" is already essential in the saga.


Coming back to the topic of camuflage, Snake again uses the "Octocam", to emulate a vast amount of textures, like dirt and practically any type of surface. Kojima shows once again that he could evade enemies with merely making himself seem dead. In the case that we need to take the camuflage off in the fastest way possible, you can just shake the Sixaxis.


For the ones that prefer a more traditional way to go unnoticed, you can always choose to hide in trash cans ( without being too long inside it, or the bad smell will stick to Snake, something which could make the enemies spot Snake) or barrels which can turn while in a horizontal position, making it possible to crash into enemies. Kojima teached us how to do it. After coming out of the barrel, Snake is shaky and finally vomits. "This is something that we see daily on the Yamanote line, eh?", jokes Kojima. Funny comments aside, will the card box reappear in this new game?


With what Snake is sure to count is the taser, with it you can electrucate enemies from behind, or front in the case that they discover us. Other novelties when it comes to equipment for Snake, the one that maybe sticks out the most, is the camera of support that the Metal Gear Mark 2 brings us. This little mech will be an indispensable ally to Snake, due to it making it possible for us to spy places away from the position that Snake is in.


When using the optical camuflage, this little Metal Gear will be difficult to get noticed by the enemies. In addition, it will also be what you use to communicate with Otacon. To controll it, Snake will use a replica of the PS3 controller. Maybe this will be the definite proof of the exclusivity of MGS4 for this console.


Before concluding the demo, Kojima shows Snake rolling on the floor, positiioning himself in a trench. Looking upside, without turning, he starts to throw grenades to his behind, clearing the road for his alliy. On the background you can hear the chaos and screams. Kojima ends the session. To everyone present, there is no doubt. Snake has returned to face the mission most difficult of them all: infiltrate a place of hell.


Portable Ops Plus: Big Boss has not given his last word yet.


Kojima took the oportunity to show the perfect edition of his Portable Ops for the PSP. This will include new characters, levels and content focused towards beginners. Another mode is for the single player, called "Infinity Mission". What was the most surprising from this MPO trailer is the presence of Raiden and Snake, in the same condition that he apeears in Guns of the Patriots.

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Live Blogging Metal Gear's Anniversary Party


Now they are going to s how a trailer for the latest Metal Gear Solid--Portable Ops Plus. If you haven't seen it, it details new stages, new soldiers, and the new gameplay modes, plus extra support for beginners, and a new single player mode 'infinity mission, -- also, DUM DUM DAAAA OLD SNAKE!


The lights come back up as the trailer ends.



Ken takes the stage is a lovely ascot, and jokes that 'he's not cosplaying.' He introduces the Metal Gear Solid collection, on sale for the anniversary, which includes: MG, MG2: Solid Snake, MGS, MGS2: Sons of Liberty, MGS3, MG: Port Ops -- all the games of the series so far. Also to celebrate the anniversary, a MGS music collection CD, 12 inch action figures (date TBA), Kubrik dolls, Metal Gear candies, Metal Gear breads, METAL GEAR BOOKS, METAL GEAR CARS, METAL GEAR EVERYTHING!!?!




The MC once again takes the stage. He intros the next speaker, Producer Kenichiro Imaizumi



He thanks everyone for supporting him, and he had no idea when he first started Metal Gear would become such a huge series; he just wanted to make a game he would like. So, he asks us to please enjoy the anniversary party.



Finally, the man we've all been waiting for...dramatic music and applause as Kojima takes the stage.











The Konami president once again takes the stage--only he's completely naked! Actually, no, he's got the same boring suit, and same boring voice, and is going on about most of the same boring stuff. The room is completely full now, including standing people lining the back wall.



A loooong list of awards it won scrolls up the screen. It went on to sell 6.8 million throughout the world.


Then came the PlayStation 2, as the video shows early tech demos of Metal Gear Solid 2 I haven't seen before. The staff went to a boat and on shore in New York to research -- the video cuts motion capture and early game footage -- and at E3 in 2000, fans crowded the Konami booth for a glimpse at the new trailer. The game came out in 2001.


Video shows long lines again, Kojima autographing the game for fans, Kojima was even featured in Newsweek.


Then, Kojima and his team headed into the jungles for more research on their next game, Metal Gear Solid 3. They did military and survival games, and in 2004, MGS 3 came out. The world flipped out, lines, Kojima signing shit, you get it by now. Obviously, then came MGS3 Subsistence, with its new online play, and, obviously, in 2006, people were still siting on the floor at E3 to watch for more Metal Gear. After that came Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops for the PSP.


The video ends with Otacon from MGS4 saying he looks forward to what's next.











As he leaves he stage, a video begins recounting the last 20 years of the Metal Gear series. It shows artifacts from the time the series started, 1987 pagers, old politicians and baseball stars. Now, the video begins recounting the original MSX2 Metal Gear game with interviews with magazine writers from the time talk about the game reminding us all it was Kojima very first title then in 1990. After that, the sequel came, Metal Gear: Solid Snake, also for the MSX.


1993, the PlayStation came out and the team began to experiment with 3d technology, polygons and motion capture. Then, in 1995, the Kobe earthquake hit and the team lost a ton of their data and hard work, so they had to move to Ebisu in tokyo and begin again using LEGO pieces they planned out the levels. Then, at TGS in 1997 and E3 that same year they showed the early ideas of the game. Kojima and his team studied with SWAT teams and such. In, 1998, Metal Gear came out. Lon lines in japan formed, the game sold out, etc.




A voice comes over the loudspeaker --the show is about to start

the lights go down and the Konami logo comes up, KP logo forms to dramatic drum music -- METAL GEAR anniversary! A video begins starting with the MSG game and going through all the games of the series. It's short, however, and already over.The announcer appears

and thank the audience for attending, despite heir busy schedule. A huge blow up of original Yoji Shinkawa artwork fills he screen as he talks.








The announcer tells us that 50 fans that won a spot here from a contest at Konami's website before introducing the president of Konmai, Mr. Tanaka. He again thanks us for attending in the midst of our busy schedules. He starts talking about the beginning of the Metal Gear series 20 years ago, how the series has sold 20 million units since then, becoming famous the world over. He thanks us for that. As someone who bought about 12 of those games, he's welcome.




A side note some might be interested in: in the last E3 Metal Gear trailer, one figure in the fox hound group (with Meryl) remained a mystery many people were guessing it to be Raiden because of the small bit of blood hair visible from his eye slit, but...ITS NOT RAIDEN, UM DUM DAAAAA!



Most of the guests are dressed formally in business suits, with a few of the women even wearing traditional Japanese kimonos.


SIDE NOTE: To clear up confusion, Mark of GameVideos is live blogging this for us, Patrick of 1UP is getting it on the site (thus, some of the snarky side comments) and we've hijacked our Japanese news correspondent's blog to post it all! We're so meta.



The room is almost full now; probably about 400-500 people in attendance. A couple dozen video cameras line the back wall. Just a few scragglers now filter into the room.



While we are waiting, my lovely assistant Hiroko has been snapping pictures outside of the fanfare action figures, old limited edition sets from Japan, original packaging of Metal Gear games from the US, posters of old promotions and cover art lines the walls, along with retail standees and banners -- I'll try and get some pictures up for you guys ASAP!



So, what should we expect to see here today? Most seem to think it will be the same narrated walkthrough of MGS4 by Mr. Kojima that he performed last week during a Japanese industry-only PS3, but also expected is the first glimpse of Metal Gear Online, a separate online multiplayer action-shooter event and another look at Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Plus, the revised version of the recent PSP game.



I ask Ryan Payton for a quote for all the excited fans reading this live blog: 'Patrick cut your hair' is all I get. [That hair saved your life a few E3s ago, you unappreciative bastard -- PK] Ryan has to go but he promises we can talk more about what we see after the show.




The conference is planed in two parts. The first is an on stage demonstration of metal gear solid 4 and 'announcement of new Metal Gear series content," second part is industry mingling and live musical performances.


And, just now, sir Ryan Payton (former freelancer, now with Kojima Productions!) sits down next to me in his spiffy suit and mini faux-hawk and gives me soul-crushing news: no video will be allowed of either of the games shown on screen, but we will get direct feed video of MGS4, embargoed until midnight local time 15 minutes long. Phew.


But, Metal Gear Online, the other game that they will apparently show, will only be released to the public in screen shots.



Just now, an announcer came over the loudspeaker to say the show is about to begin -- but some people are still registering, so it will be delayed a bit. [Kind of like Metal Gear Solid 4, zing! -- PK] All of the press who registered were given an entrance badge (red, for us, which goes smashing with my black suit) and a ticket for a press kit....aren't these details fascinating?!



The room is slowly filling with a light fog, as the music gets quiet. A mix of press, industry notables, and retailers are filling the room.


Outside, cosplayers of Snake and Meryl pose for the cameras. Also here are the special anniversary boxes for the re-release of all the Metal Gear games.



We're waiting for it to start--there's a full stage setup, including a grand piano on one side of the main stage and a drum set on the other. Two large screens bear the dogtag logo of Metal Gear's 20th anniversary, and music from Metal Gear's past plays quietly in the background.



Well, here we are at the swanky brand new Ritz Carlton in midtown center in Tokyo's roppongi ward. Outside there are congratulations flowers from a host of industry notables including Sony, Yoshiki Okamoto from Game Republic, Tetsuya Nomura of Square Enix, mgazines like Famitsu, etc.


Attendees are mingling outside the hall with a host of old metal gear posters, action figures, and games, including the original MSX title that started it all 20 years ago. Seen mingling outside: Atsushi Inaba (of Seed, formerly Clover), Hino-san from Level 5, Suda 51 and surely many others.


The show is scheduled to start at 5:30 local time, that's in a bout 8 minutes.



We were kidding, by the way. Still, who knows what Kojima has up his sleeve tonight? There's the MGS4 live demo, Metal Gear Online, the announcement of 'new' Metal Gear Solid series content and who knows what else? Kojima's known to be a damn good trickster.



OMG, Kojima just came out with do-do-do Xbox 360 T-shirt on!



We're inside! Saving as much power on our laptop is pretty crucial, though, so stay tuned...we'll be back online soon. Chances are Kojima's hidden away, slamming his traditional drink, Heineken, before things kick off.




Are you ready to rock? Okay, maybe not, but you'll want to check back here in less than an hour to watch the start of the Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Party. Mark MacDonald, who will be live blogging the on-stage demonstration of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and the rest of the 1UP Japan crew will be there gathering video, scribing impressions and seeing what developer big wigs make a cameo appearance at the tribute to Hideo Kojima's master series. Check back for more soon!

Endret av Synthem
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