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Trailer: Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

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Et eller annet i den "orginale" verdenskrigen må ha svunget i Nazistenes retning, f.eks: kanskje de klarte å erobre Sovjetunionen eller noe lignende, og dermed "utsatt" krigen med noen flere år.


Edit: Så slutten av 1940-åra (i hvert fall etter 1945) er sannsynelig... og kanskje starten av 50-åra.

Endret av MetroN
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Wikipedia om Turning Point: FoL:

"In 1931, Winston Churchill was hit by a taxi in New York City. In the real world past, he survived and went on to rally the British people to fight against the Nazi threat; however, in this alternate timeline, Winston Churchill died soon afterwards, allowing the Third Reich to invade the British Isles, and, presumably, along with her allies, the rest of Europe, Iceland and Greenland. After that victory, the Axis go on to attack the American Eastern Seaboard by 1950, and the opening scene in the game places you right in the heat of a surprise attack on New York.


The crucial point here is that you don't play as a soldier. You're not connected to the military at all. You're just a normal, average citizen and instead of trying to win the war single-handedly, like in some other war-based FPS games, your main objective is simply to survive the doctrine of total war."


Fikk litt Freedom Fighters-vibber, hvis noen husker det. IO Interactive, folkene bak Hitman sitt take på squad-based action, satt til en alternativ verdenshistorie der Sovjet til slutt invaderer USA.


Spill satt i en alternativ verden som et resultat av et eller annet er alltid morsomt. Aldri hørt om dette spillet før nå, men jeg ble interessert.

Endret av Zealuu
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