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Sjekketråden - En guide og fortellinger fra siste dagers horeri

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The Power of Now (Kan fåes på Norsk)

Anbefaler å lese The Game bare for inspirasjonens skyld. Sånn jeg og mange andre jeg kjenner ble inspirert.


Men det spørs veldig om du vil være rutine-basert eller natural-basert. Natural-baserte trenger ikke å lese like mange bøker, der er det RSD sine videoer som gjelder.

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Det der helt samma stoff på alt. Det er bare forskjellig sånn, innbundet, pocket, lydbok o.s.v. Lydbok kan kanskje være noe, så kan du bare sitte å høre på? Men vet ikke om lydboka finnes på norsk.


Last ned The Jeffy Show også, det er nesten like bra som The Flawless Natural, bare annerledes måte å si det på.


Om du er keen på å bruke rutiner bør du vel kjøpe The Mystery Method. Selv syns jeg M3 modellen og alt det der blir litt lættis å bruke men for noen kan det vel være kjekt å ha i bakhodet.


Her er The Power of Now på lydbok på norsk! :)

Endret av BadBeer
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Hei igjen!


Kom på å tenke litt på danse-game etter helgas festerier. Hvordan gjør dere det når dere vil ha en jente til å danse med dere? Prøvde flere ganger Tim's Spin-and-in, men fikk ofte følelsen av å bli rejected. Tror jeg burde øve meg på å ha mer WOOOO ( :D ) og intent neste gang.


Hvor lang tid går det til dere sier noe til jenta? Fikk ved ett par anledninger holdt jenta en liten stund, men merket jo at hun fort mistet interessen. Burde man åpne og snakke omtrent med en gang?



Annen ting jeg la merke til på dansegulvet er hvor sinnsykt chode alle guttene er. Ser at de fleste guttene danser alene, og de aller fleste jentene (I allefall HB's) danser alene, og blir sjelden plukket opp. Som Tim sier "I'm prepered to go in when others are not"

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Fra DeAngelos "Double your dating":



Next, when we’re getting ready to hang up, I say something like

“Great, it’s going to be nice to get to know you better. And if nothing

else, we can just be FRIENDS.”

It’s taken me and a good friend of mine a long time to get this

piece. From here on out, I constantly drop hints about just ‘being

friends’ and how I really ‘like her as a friend’ and how ‘it’s nice to meet

someone that I like as a friend.’

Hear me on this one… this messes them up soooooo hard that they

literally don’t know what to do.

This is most likely the first time IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE that this has

happened to them. And it continually triggers their insecurity and

makes them wonder why they’re not attractive enough to you. It also

disarms them completely. (You have to really have the mindset that

you are qualifying them, and that they’re going to be your friend for

this to work)

I personally like to use the friendship talk because I have decided

that it's better to enter any new relationship in a NOT NEEDY frame of

mind. Talking about being friends remind ME to pay more attention,

remember that I don't need anything and stay focused on learning.

When You Meet

A good friend of mine points out that it's better to ask a women to

come to your house for the first meeting so you can leave from there

(On the phone you can say "Well, there's a great coffee shop right

near my place. Why don't you just ring my doorbell, and I'll come out

and we can leave together. This way, in case you're a few minutes

behind I won't have to wait...")

When they arrive, say hi, invite them in for a minute while you get

your coat or shoes. Then walk out, and seem like YOU'RE IN A HURRY

TO LEAVE. Most guys would try to get them to stay and get cozy with

them. You want them to think that you're not overly interested, and

that you want some coffee.

Total indifference.

At coffee, just sit and be funny and cocky self, make jokes, and in

general lean back and make ‘friends.’

I used to analyze handwriting, do palmistry, do hand massages,

and touch women when I first met them. Not anymore (I save these

things for later).

Also, I used to be more touchy 'feely' with women at the very

beginning. As I mentioned, I’d massage their hands, and touch them a

lot, etc. leading to kissing etc. early on.

I’ve now learned that if I lean back and kind of almost don’t touch

them at all on purpose, it creates this tension, so that when I do

actually touch them, they respond powerfully. In communication they

call this ‘Building Response Potential.’

Sometimes I'll massage hands or touch, but I don't overdo it.

I’m just sitting there ACTING LIKE WE’RE BEST FRIENDS. When

you act like a they’re a best friend, they will rapidly get comfortable

with you. I make fun of people, whatever. I just totally lean back and

relax. I’m cool and relaxed, but at the same time making comments

about how we’re going to be friends, etc.



Til proffene: Dette med å uttrykke at man bare vil være venner, samt drøye med KINO..

Bull eller gull?


For ordens skyld er dette snakk om "first date" etter #close.

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Fra DeAngelos "Double your dating":



Next, when we’re getting ready to hang up, I say something like

“Great, it’s going to be nice to get to know you better. And if nothing

else, we can just be FRIENDS.”

It’s taken me and a good friend of mine a long time to get this

piece. From here on out, I constantly drop hints about just ‘being

friends’ and how I really ‘like her as a friend’ and how ‘it’s nice to meet

someone that I like as a friend.’

Hear me on this one… this messes them up soooooo hard that they

literally don’t know what to do.

This is most likely the first time IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE that this has

happened to them. And it continually triggers their insecurity and

makes them wonder why they’re not attractive enough to you. It also

disarms them completely. (You have to really have the mindset that

you are qualifying them, and that they’re going to be your friend for

this to work)

I personally like to use the friendship talk because I have decided

that it's better to enter any new relationship in a NOT NEEDY frame of

mind. Talking about being friends remind ME to pay more attention,

remember that I don't need anything and stay focused on learning.

When You Meet

A good friend of mine points out that it's better to ask a women to

come to your house for the first meeting so you can leave from there

(On the phone you can say "Well, there's a great coffee shop right

near my place. Why don't you just ring my doorbell, and I'll come out

and we can leave together. This way, in case you're a few minutes

behind I won't have to wait...")

When they arrive, say hi, invite them in for a minute while you get

your coat or shoes. Then walk out, and seem like YOU'RE IN A HURRY

TO LEAVE. Most guys would try to get them to stay and get cozy with

them. You want them to think that you're not overly interested, and

that you want some coffee.

Total indifference.

At coffee, just sit and be funny and cocky self, make jokes, and in

general lean back and make ‘friends.’

I used to analyze handwriting, do palmistry, do hand massages,

and touch women when I first met them. Not anymore (I save these

things for later).

Also, I used to be more touchy 'feely' with women at the very

beginning. As I mentioned, I’d massage their hands, and touch them a

lot, etc. leading to kissing etc. early on.

I’ve now learned that if I lean back and kind of almost don’t touch

them at all on purpose, it creates this tension, so that when I do

actually touch them, they respond powerfully. In communication they

call this ‘Building Response Potential.’

Sometimes I'll massage hands or touch, but I don't overdo it.

I’m just sitting there ACTING LIKE WE’RE BEST FRIENDS. When

you act like a they’re a best friend, they will rapidly get comfortable

with you. I make fun of people, whatever. I just totally lean back and

relax. I’m cool and relaxed, but at the same time making comments

about how we’re going to be friends, etc.



Til proffene: Dette med å uttrykke at man bare vil være venner, samt drøye med KINO..

Bull eller gull?


For ordens skyld er dette snakk om "first date" etter #close.

Å drøye med kino vil jeg si er bull hvertfall. Har aldri testa ut det med å hele tiden nevne at du kun vil være venn med dem, det funker sikkert men har ikke noe erfaring med det. Om du sier at du bare vil være venn, og presiserer det veldig mye, PLUSS at du ikke bruker kino går det ekstremt fort i vennefella. Ville aldri gjort det der selv.

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haha, jeg er vell det dere kaller "chode". Men hadde lest litt hær før skoleballet, så jeg var litt bevist.


Jeg kom kanskje èn time etter at ballet/maten var begynnt. "Dette blir morro, jeg eier alle, og har det garantert best hær idag!" hadde jeg i tankene. Entret, ble ropt bort til vennene mine, hilste på litt folk før jeg gikk å satt meg hos dem. Var helt bevist på å være avslappet, som jeg da var/ble. Når dansen ble dratt igang, satt jeg og mine to "dates" og snakket på et bord i ca 20 min, før jeg tokk begge i hånden, dro de ut på dansegulvet. Vi sto i en liten sirkel, ikke tett, men sånn at vi ikke danset alene. Jeg hadde druket litt, men var helt klar. Brydde meg ikke om noen, og bare danset som om jeg var proff (noe jeg absolutt ikke er). Ettter litt av denne dansingen vinket jeg begge jentene inn til meg, og gav de hvert sitt lår. Artigste kvelden i hele mitt liv! Plutselig sto vi midt i mengden med en flokk jenter rundt oss. Jeg kjørte samme tanke gangen som tidligere hele kvelden, og senere på kvelden, når jeg gjeng dansa med buddies, så jeg bare på en jente, vinka henne mot meg med fingeren, merkelig nok kom alle jeg vinka til (var fatisk forbredt på at de ikke skulle, og hadde tenkt teste DHV greiene om de ikke kom :whistle: . ufattelig morsom kveld!


Ikke kan jeg danse, ikke har jeg noen gang kunnet danse, men det funka utrolig fett å bare slippe taket! (haha, allikavell har jeg sett på moves på youtube i ettertid)




"All your anticipation pulls you down

When you can have it all, you can have it all."


"But don't hesitate

'Cause your love, your love won't wait "


de husker jeg på ! :)

Thats the way we like it! Mine uthevinger i halvfet. Det der er vel det man trygt kan kalle rutinefritt game, og bare kjøre på. Som en svenske sa en gang: "Kjøra på, kjøra på, ingat at tapa, ingat at tapa!" eller noe i den retningen. Er nok flere enn meg som kan lære av det du gjorde der!

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