r2d290 Skrevet 21. juni 2007 Del Skrevet 21. juni 2007 (endret) hallo. nedenfor ser dere koden til scriptet auto.imdb.com i programmet "Ant Movie" (last det gjerne ned for å prøve det, og se hvordan det funker)). dette scriptet gjør at man enkelt kan få informasjon om år, utgiver, filmtittel osv. for filmer. Det eneste problemet med dette, er at alt siden som dette scriptet henter informasjon fra us.imdb.com. Jeg skulle gjærne hatt et tilsvarende script for http://www.brafilm.no/home.do siden dette er en side med ganske mye informasjon om filmer. hadde vært knallbra om noen kunne laget et tilsvarende script for denne siden. EDIT: hvis dette er feil kategori, setter jeg pris på om noen kan flytte den til rett plas... her er den amerikaske script-koden Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor program Auto_IMDB_com; uses StringUtils1, AutoUtils; const // IMDB_URL = 'http://us.imdb.com'; IMDB_URL = 'http://former.imdb.com'; var MovieName: string; MovieURL: string; MovieNumber: string; // ***** analyzes the results page that asks to select a movie from a list ***** procedure AnalyzeResultsPage(Address: string); var PageText: string; Value: string; begin PageText := GetPage(Address); if pos('<title>IMDb', PageText) = 0 then begin AnalyzeMoviePage(PageText) end else begin if Pos('<b>No Matches.</b>', PageText) > 0 then begin if GetOption('BatchMode') = 0 then ShowMessage('No movie found for this search'); Exit; end; if GetOption('BatchMode') = 0 then begin PickTreeClear; repeat Value := TextBefore(PageText, '<ol>', '<b>'); if Value <> '' then begin HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); PickTreeAdd(Value, ''); end; Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<ol>', '</ol>'); PageText := RemainingText; until not AddMovieTitles(Value); Value := TextBefore(PageText, '"><b>more titles</b></a>', '<a href="'); if Value <> '' then PickTreeMoreLink(IMDB_URL + Value); if PickTreeExec(Address) then AnalyzeResultsPage(Address); end else begin Value := TextBetween(TextBetween(PageText, '<ol>', '</ol>'), '<li>', '</li>'); if Value <> '' then AnalyzeResultsPage(TextBetween(Value, '<a href="', '">')); end; end; end; // ***** adds the titles contained in <ol>'s items ***** function AddMovieTitles(List: string): Boolean; var Value: string; Address: string; begin Result := False; Value := TextBetween(List, '<li>', '</li>'); List := RemainingText; while Value <> '' do begin Address := TextBetween(Value, '<a href="', '">'); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); PickTreeAdd(Value, IMDB_URL + Address); Result := True; Value := TextBetween(List, '<li>', '</li>'); List := RemainingText; end; end; // ***** analyzes the page containing movie information ***** procedure AnalyzeMoviePage(PageText: string); var Value, Value2, Value3, FullValue, sMovieTitle: string; p: Integer; begin MovieNumber := TextBetween(PageText, '<input type="hidden" name="auto" value="legacy/title/tt', '/"><input'); MovieURL := 'http://imdb.com/title/tt' + MovieNumber; // URL if CanSetField(fieldURL) then begin //if (GetField(fieldSource) = '') and (CanSetField(fieldSource)) then SetField(fieldSource, GetField(fieldURL)); /// now done in other routine after import SetField(fieldURL, MovieURL); // XXX Original Title & Year end; // fieldOriginalTitle Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<title>', '</title>'); Value2 := TextBefore(Value, ' (', ''); Value := RemainingText; HTMLDecode(Value2); sMovieTitle := value2; if CanSetField(fieldOriginalTitle) then SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, sMovieTitle); // fieldYear if Pos('/', Value) > 0 then Value2 := TextBefore(Value, '/', '') else Value2 := TextBefore(Value, ')', ''); if CanSetField(fieldYear) then SetField(fieldYear, Value2); // Rating if CanSetField(fieldRating) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, '/rating-stars/', '/rating-vote/'); SetField(fieldRating, TextBetween(Value, '<b>', '/')); end; // Picture if CanSetPicture then begin case GetOption('ImageKind') of 1: ImportAmazonPicture(sMovieTitle, true); 2: ImportAmazonPicture(sMovieTitle, false); end; end; // Director if CanSetField(fieldDirector) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b class="blackcatheader">Directed by</b><br>', '<br>' + #13); Value := StringReplace(TextAfter(Value, '">'), '<br>', ', '); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); SetField(fieldDirector, Value); end; // Actors if CanSetField(fieldActors) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'ast overview', '</div>'); if Value = '' then Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'redited cast', '</div>'); if Value = '' then Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'Cast:', '</table>'); if Value = '' then Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'ast Summary:', '</table>'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := Trim(TextAfter(Value, '</tr>')); FullValue := ''; case GetOption('ActorsLayout') of 0, 1: while Pos('<tr>', Value) > 0 do begin Value2 := TextBetween(Value, '<tr', '</tr>'); Value := RemainingText; if Pos('rest of cast', Value2) > 0 then Continue; if Pos('<a href="fullcredits">(more)</a>', Value2) > 0 then Break; if FullValue <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + #13#10; TextBefore(Value2, '</td>', ''); Value2 := TextBetween(RemainingText, '/">', '</a>'); if Value2 <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + Value2; end; (* 0, 1: while Pos('<tr>', Value) > 0 do begin Value2 := TextBetween(Value, '<tr>', '</tr>'); Value := RemainingText; if Pos('rest of cast', Value2) > 0 then Continue; if Pos('<a href="fullcredits">(more)</a>', Value2) > 0 then Break; if FullValue <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + #13#10; FullValue := FullValue + TextBefore(Value2, '</td>', ''); end; *) 2, 3: while Pos('<tr>', Value) > 0 do begin Value2 := TextBetween(Value, '<tr', '</tr>'); Value := RemainingText; if Pos('rest of cast', Value2) > 0 then Continue; if Pos('<a href="fullcredits">(more)</a>', Value2) > 0 then Break; if FullValue <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + #13#10; TextBefore(Value2, '</td>', ''); Value2 := TextBetween(RemainingText, '/">', '</a>'); if Value2 <> '' then begin FullValue := FullValue + Value2; Value2 := TextBetween(RemainingText, 'e">', '</td>'); if Value2 <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + ' (as ' + Value2 + ')'; end; end; (* 2, 3: while Pos('<tr>', Value) > 0 do begin Value2 := TextBetween(Value, '<tr>', '</tr>'); Value := RemainingText; if Pos('rest of cast', Value2) > 0 then Continue; if Pos('<a href="fullcredits">(more)</a>', Value2) > 0 then Break; if FullValue <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + #13#10; FullValue := FullValue + TextBefore(Value2, '</td>', ''); Value2 := TextBetween(RemainingText, '<td valign="top">', '</td>'); if Value2 <> '' then FullValue := FullValue + ' (as ' + Value2 + ')'; end; *) 4: begin FullValue := TextBefore(Value, '</tr><tr><td colspan="2">', ''); if FullValue = '' then FullValue := Value; FullValue := StringReplace(FullValue, ' <tr><td align="center" colspan="3"><small>rest of cast listed alphabetically:</small></td></tr> ', ''); FullValue := StringReplace(FullValue, '</tr>', #13#10); end; end; HTMLRemoveTags(FullValue); HTMLDecode(FullValue); case GetOption('ActorsLayout') of 0, 2: FullValue := StringReplace(FullValue, #13#10, ', '); end; // SetField(fieldActors, FullValue); SetField(fieldActors, FixActors(FullValue)); //xxx Run through FixActors to leave just comma sep'd actors end; end; //Country if CanSetField(fieldCountry) then begin SetField(fieldCountry, ImportList(PageText, GetOption('MultipleValuesCountry'), '/Countries/')); end; //Category only set for _M.ovies if CanSetField(fieldCategory) then begin //value := GetField(fieldCategory); //xxx If blank or _M.ovie ensure _Movie is appended, else leave alone //if (value = '') or (pos('_M.ovie',value) > 0) then SetField(fieldCategory, ImportList(PageText, GetOption('MultipleValuesCategory'), '/Genres/')); // + ',_M.ovie'); end; // Language if CanSetField(fieldLanguages) then begin SetField(fieldLanguages, ImportList(PageText, GetOption('MultipleValuesLanguages'), '/Languages/')); end; // Description if CanSetField(fieldDescription) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b class="ch">Plot Outline:</b>', '<br><br>'); if Value = '' then Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b class="ch">Plot Summary:</b>', '<br><br>'); if Value <> '' then SetField(fieldDescription, ImportSummary(Value)); // Amazon.com Description if (GetOption('AmazonReview') > 0) then begin Value := TextAfter(PageText, '<a href="amazon">'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := GetField(fieldURL); PageText := GetPage(Value+'/amazon'); Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'Amazon.com video review:', '<div align="center"> <!--'); Value2 := TextBetween(PageText, '<title>', '</title>'); Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10, ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, ' ', ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<p>', #13#10+''); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLRemoveTags(Value2); Value2 := AnsiUpperCase(Value2); SetField(fieldDescription, GetField(fieldDescription) + #13#10 + #13#10 + Value2 + ': ' + Value); end; end; end; // Length if CanSetField(fieldLength) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b class="ch">Runtime:</b>' + #13#10, ' '); if Value <> '' then begin if Pos(':', Value) > 0 then SetField(fieldLength, TextAfter(Value, ':')) else SetField(fieldLength, Value); end; end; // Writer (Producer Field) if CanSetField(fieldProducer) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b class="blackcatheader">Writing credits</b>', '<br>' + #13#10 + '<br>'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := StringReplace(Value, '(<a href="/wga">WGA</a>)', ''); Value := StringReplace(TextAfter(Value, '">'), '<br>', ', '); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); Value := Trim(StringReplace(Value, '..., (more)', '')); Value := Trim(StringReplace(Value, ', (more)', '')); SetField(fieldProducer, Value) end; end; // AKA Name if CanSetField(fieldTranslatedTitle) then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b class="ch">Also Known As:</b><br>', '<br>' + #13#10 + '<b'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := StringReplace(Value, ' <br>', ', '); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, Value) end; end; // Comments if CanSetField(fieldComments) then begin if (GetOption('CommentType') = 1) then begin Value := TextAfter(PageText,'<a href="usercomments">'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := GetField(fieldURL); FullValue := GetPage(Value+'/usercomments'); Value := TextBetween(FullValue, '<hr size="1" noshade="1">', '<hr size="1" noshade="1">'); Value2 := TextBetween(FullValue, '<title>', '</title>'); Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10, ' '); Value := StringReplace(Value, '</b>, <small>', #13#10+'Date: '); Value := StringReplace(Value, '</small><br>', #13#10); Value := StringReplace(Value, '</b>', #13#10); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<br><br>', #13#10); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<br>', #13#10); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<p>', #13#10); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'Add another comment', ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, ' ', ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'Was the above comment useful to you?', #13#10+'___________'+#13#10); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); HTMLRemoveTags(Value2); HTMLDecode(Value2); Value2 := AnsiUpperCase(Value2); Value := StringReplace(Value, ' Author:', 'Author:'); SetField(fieldComments, Value2 + ':' + #13#10 + Value); end; end else if (GetOption('CommentType') = 0) then begin Value := TextAfter(PageText, '/comments">'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := TextBetween(Value, '<p>', '</p>'); Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10, ' '); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<br>', #13#10); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); Value := Trim(Value); while Pos(' ', Value) > 0 do Value := StringReplace(Value, ' ', ' '); while Pos(#13#10, Value) = 1 do Delete(Value, 1, 2); SetField(fieldComments, Value); end; end; end; // TagLine if GetOption('GetTagline') > 0 then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'Tagline:</b>', #13); if Pos('<a', Value) > 0 then Value := TextBefore(Value, '<a', ''); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); Value := Trim(Value); if Value <> '' then begin if Copy(Value, 1, 1) <> '"' then Value := '"' + Value + '"'; case GetOption('GetTagline') of 1: begin if GetField(fieldDescription) <> '' then Value := Value + #13#10 + #13#10 + GetField(fieldDescription); SetField(fieldDescription, Value); end; 2: begin if GetField(fieldComments) <> '' then Value := Value + #13#10 + #13#10 + GetField(fieldComments); SetField(fieldComments, Value); end; end; end; end; // Trivia if GetOption('Trivia') > 0 then begin Value := TextAfter(PageText, '<a href="trivia">'); if Value <> '' then begin sleep(50); Value := GetField(fieldURL); FullValue := GetPage(Value+'/trivia'); Value := TextBetween(FullValue, '<ul class="trivia">', '<div align="center"> <!--'); Value2 := TextBetween(FullValue, '<title>', '</title>'); Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10, ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, ' ', ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<li>', #13#10 + '- '); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); HTMLRemoveTags(Value2); HTMLDecode(Value2); Value2 := AnsiUpperCase(Value2); case GetOption('Trivia') of 1: begin if GetField(fieldDescription) <> '' then Value := GetField(fieldDescription) + #13#10 + #13#10 + 'IMDB ' + Value2 + ': ' + Value else Value := 'IMDB ' + Value2 + ': ' + Value; SetField(fieldDescription, Value); end; 2: begin if GetField(fieldComments) <> '' then Value := GetField(fieldComments) + #13#10 + #13#10 + 'IMDB ' + Value2 + ': ' + Value else Value := 'IMDB ' + Value2 + ': ' + Value; SetField(fieldComments, Value); end; end; end; end; // Awards if (GetOption('Awards') > 0) then begin Value := TextAfter(PageText, '<a href="awards">'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := GetField(fieldURL); PageText := GetPage(Value+'/awards'); Value2 := TextBetween(PageText, ' <h1>', '</h1>'); Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1" width="95%">', '<!--'); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<big>', '- '); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<tr><th>Year</th><th>Result</th><th>Award</th><th>Category/Recipient(s)</th></tr>', ''); HTMLDecode(Value); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value2); HTMLRemoveTags(Value2); Value2 := StringReplace(AnsiUpperCase(Value2), #13#10, ''); Value := StringReplace(Value, ' '+#13#10, #13#10); while Pos(#13#10+#13#10, Value) > 0 do Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10+#13#10, #13#10); FullValue:= Value2+': '+Value; case GetOption('Awards') of 1: begin if GetField(fieldDescription) <> '' then Value := GetField(fieldDescription) + #13#10 + #13#10 + Value2 + ': ' + Value else Value := Value2 + ': ' + Value; SetField(fieldDescription, Value); end; 2: begin if GetField(fieldComments) <> '' then Value := GetField(fieldComments) + #13#10 + #13#10 + Value2 + ': ' + Value else Value := Value2 + ': ' + Value; SetField(fieldComments, Value); end; end; end; end; if CanSetField(fieldChecked) then SetField(fieldChecked, ''); //xxx uncheck any items we set end; // ***** Imports lists like Genre, Country, etc. depending of the selected option ***** function ImportList(PageText: string; MultipleValues: Integer; StartTag: string): string; var Value, Value2: string; begin if MultipleValues = 0 then begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, StartTag, '</a>'); Value2 := TextAfter(Value, '">'); end else begin Value := TextBetween(PageText, StartTag, #13#10); Value2 := TextBefore(Value, ' <a href="/rg', ''); if Value2 <> '' then Value := Value2; Value2 := TextAfter(Value, '">'); HTMLRemoveTags(Value2); if MultipleValues = 1 then Value2 := StringReplace(Value2, ' / ', ', '); end; HTMLDecode(Value2); Result := Value2; end; // ***** functions to import the different pictures kinds, depending of the option selected by user ***** function ImportSmallPicture(PageText: string): Boolean; var Value: string; begin Result := False; Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<a name="poster"', '</a>'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := TextBetween(Value, 'src="', '"'); if Value <> '' then begin GetPicture(Value); Result := True; end; end; end; function ImportLargePicture(Address: string): Boolean; var Value, Value2: string; begin Result := True; Value := GetPage(Address); if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'Onesheet_text', False) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'keyart01', True) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'keyart02', True) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'oster', True) then // poster, usposter, Poster Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'pos01', True) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'KeyArt', True) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'heet', True) then // Sheet & Onesheet Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'OneSheetv2', True) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'artwork', True) then Exit; if SearchForLargePicture(Value, 'text', True) then Exit; Address := TextBetween(Value, 'There are ' + #13#10 + '<a href="', '">'); if Address <> '' then Result := ImportLargePicture(IMDB_URL + Address) else Result := False; end; function SearchForLargePicture(PageText: string; Name: string; PartialName: Boolean): Boolean; var Value: string; begin Result := False; if PartialName then begin Value := TextBefore(PageText, Name + '.jpg', '/'); if Value = '' then Exit else Name := Value + Name; end; Value := TextBefore(PageText, 'th-' + Name + '.jpg', 'src="'); if Value <> '' then begin GetPicture(Value + Name + '.jpg'); Result := True; end; end; function ImportAmazonPicture(Title: String; ShowPicker: boolean): Boolean; var PicUrl: string; begin result := false; PicUrl := GetAmazonPicUrl(Title, ShowPicker); if PicUrl <> '' then begin GetPicture(PicUrl); // use last value as will be same (for 2 part movies that use same image) result := true; end; end; //Image from DVD Details Page function ImportDvdDetailsPicture(PageText: string): Boolean; var Value: string; begin Result := False; Value := TextAfter(PageText, '<a href="dvd">DVD details</a>'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := GetField(fieldURL); PageText := GetPage(Value+'/dvd'); Value := TextBetween(TextBetween(PageText, 'internetmoviedat">', '></a>'), 'src="', '"'); if Pos('amazon_logo', Value) = 0 then begin Value := StringReplace(Value, 'MZZZZZZZ', 'LZZZZZZZ'); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'TZZZZZZZ', 'LZZZZZZZ'); Value := StringReplace(Value, '.gif', '.jpg'); GetPicture(Value); Result := True; end; end; end; //Image from Merchandising Links (/sales) Page function ImportMerchandisingPicture(PageText: string): Boolean; var Value: string; begin Result := False; Value := TextAfter(PageText, '<a href="sales">'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := GetField(fieldURL); PageText := GetPage(Value+'/sales'); Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<img src="http://images.', '"'); if Value <> '' then begin Value := StringReplace(Value, 'MZZZZZZZ', 'LZZZZZZZ'); Value := StringReplace(Value, 'TZZZZZZZ', 'LZZZZZZZ'); Value := StringReplace(Value, '.gif', '.jpg'); GetPicture('http://images.'+Value); Result := True; end; end; end; // ***** Gets summaries for the movie, based on the plot outline given in parameter (that contains the URL to more summaries) ***** function ImportSummary(PlotText: string): string; var Address, Value, Value2, PageText, Longest, Shortest: string; begin Address := TextBetween(PlotText, '<a href="/rg/title-tease/plotsummary', '">(more)</a>'); if (Address = '') or (GetOption('DescriptionSelection') = 0) then begin Result := Trim(TextBefore(PlotText, '<a href="/rg', '')); if Result = '' then Result := Trim(PlotText); HTMLRemoveTags(Result); HTMLDecode(Result); end else begin PageText := GetPage(IMDB_URL + '/rg/title-tease/plotsummary' + Address); PickListClear; Longest := ''; Shortest := ''; Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<p class="plotpar">', '</p>'); PageText := RemainingText; while Value <> '' do begin Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10, ' '); Value := StringReplace(Value, '<br>', #13#10); HTMLRemoveTags(Value); HTMLDecode(Value); while Pos(' ', Value) > 0 do Value := StringReplace(Value, ' ', ' '); if Length(Value) > Length(Longest) then Longest := Value; if (Length(Value) < Length(Shortest)) or (Length(Shortest)=0) then Shortest := Value; PickListAdd(Trim(Value)); Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<p class="plotpar">', '</p>'); PageText := RemainingText; end; if (GetOption('BatchMode') > 0) then Result := Shortest else if (GetOption('DescriptionSelection') = 2) then Result := Longest else if (GetOption('DescriptionSelection') = 3) then Result := Shortest else begin if not PickListExec('Select a description for "' + GetField(fieldOriginalTitle) + '"', Result) then Result := ''; end; end; end; // ***** beginning of the program ***** begin if CheckVersion(3,5,0) then begin MovieName := ''; if GetOption('BatchMode') >= 2 then begin MovieName := GetField(fieldURL); if Pos('imdb.com', MovieName) = 0 then begin MovieName := ''; if GetOption('BatchMode') = 3 then exit; end; end; if MovieName = '' then MovieName := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle); if MovieName = '' then MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle); if GetOption('BatchMode') = 0 then begin if not Input('IMDB Import', 'Enter the title or the IMDB URL of the movie:', MovieName) then Exit; end else Sleep(500); if MovieName <> '' then begin if Pos('imdb.com', MovieName) > 0 then AnalyzeResultsPage(MovieName) else begin MovieName := StringReplace(MovieName, '&', 'and'); if (GetOption('BatchMode') > 0) or (GetOption('PopularSearches') = 1) then AnalyzeResultsPage(IMDB_URL + '/find?tt=1;q=' + UrlEncode(MovieName)) else AnalyzeResultsPage(IMDB_URL + '/find?more=tt;q=' + UrlEncode(MovieName)); end; end; end else ShowMessage('This script requires a newer version of Ant Movie Catalog (at least the version 3.5.0)'); end. Endret 21. juni 2007 av r2d290 Lenke til kommentar
Zeph Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Del Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Eg veit ikkje kvar denne høyrer heime, nokon som har eit tips? Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-rXRozPkg Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Del Skrevet 22. juni 2007 (endret) Siden det hører til Ant Movie Catalog, så bør det vel ligge en plass i programvare? Endret 22. juni 2007 av Slettet-rXRozPkg Lenke til kommentar
Erik B. Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Del Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Husk å spør i riktig kategori, den koden ser ut som en javascript kode for meg. Den er garantert ikke php iallefall! Lenke til kommentar
-morten Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Del Skrevet 22. juni 2007 Det er Delphi-kode. Å lage et tilsvarende skript for en annen side er ganske mye jobb, så tviler på du får noen til å gjøre det uten å betale en del.. Lenke til kommentar
r2d290 Skrevet 23. juni 2007 Forfatter Del Skrevet 23. juni 2007 hmm... tenkte at det isåfall måtte være i egen interesse også... postet den bare i php fordi jeg var blank for hvilken kategori den skulle være i... Lenke til kommentar
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