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GTA IV: Den store offtopic tråden. Husk spoilertags!

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Nåja, jeg vil ikke akkurat si det var rikelig. Det var vel bare tre, kanskje fire, radiokanaler jeg pleide å høre på Og alle sangene gikk om, og om igjen hele tiden følte jeg. Med det er jo ikke så sinnssykt viktig da man bare kan skru på stereoen, laptoppen, iPod, eller hva du nå foretrekker. Eller spille av musikk fra HDDen til Xboxen for den saks skyld.

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Nettopp postet på gt gametrailer forumet:


Ign actually seen a 45 min gameplay observation of the demo of the game and it may be dated news but this is for the ones who missed out.


Obviously it is set for a March release and hopefully Rockstar will improve these features. Feast your eyes on some of the features ign discovered new in GTA IV


-Theres a cover system (Nico can cover behind anything that makes since, Blind fire is included) Certan objects are destructible to harm cover.


-You can now whistle for a unoccupied Taxi. Either you can sit through the whole ride to enjoy the sites or skip it. You locate on your map where you want to arrive or just travel to a mission.


-Free aim is in with movement (RockStar's Max Payne for example) This was added to prevent shooting at inappropriate targets.

-The police are now more realistic. They search in a radius of where you appear, and they are easier to confuse by switching vehicles or escaping the radial area. This was proven by driving by an officer still searching for Nico, but Nico appeared in a different vehicle. So the paintshop is not that much of a factor.


-Pedestrians are lifelike because they eat, sleep, read, carry things, smoke, and talk on cell phones. They do not look like cardboard cutouts.


-Instead of driving to the ammunition store, you can make friends with a dealer and call him up with your cell. He'll drive up to you and you can now purchase guns from the back of his trunk.


-Nico can use his cellphone to take pictures and check emails.


-The game now has it's own internet not actual internet but the creativity of it is like the radio stations they make up. Nico can look up an online dating service to find a lady friend or hang out at the local pool hall to pick up buddies.


-There are clothing stores, but the body physics weight system from san andreas is gone as well as the hair cut palor (although this may be added for online purposes)


-The camera view changed to be alot closer and lower to the Nico and it is shifted to the left so the player can see the environment expansively and the foward location they are running to. This can be changed to the players satisfaction same as the vehicle's views.


-You can buy hotdogs along the sidewalk like in San andreas to eat. Something I hope they expanded on by now.


-Pedestrian deaths are more realistic looking and not stiff. The game seems alot more violent from the previous games due to realism.


-You can still climb fences and obstacles(and hopefully you can still swim)


-Every street in the city is named to help for directional reasons.


-And again the cellphone is used for a lot of purposes in the game.


Believe it or not it's all real and ign experienced the first gameplay, but the game was delayed until March, so alot of changes may have occured. This thread is only to act as a heads up to those who are looking foward to a new and improved Grand Theft Auto and hopefully The fourth installment will impress new and old players to the game.


Here is the link for the article of the full demo experience of GTA IV hopefully this will keep you hooked to its release:




It may be a 360 link but its all the same for the Ps3, I own both consoles so I'm not worried about it.

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"-The camera view changed to be alot closer and lower to the Nico and it is shifted to the left so the player can see the environment expansively and the foward location they are running to. This can be changed to the players satisfaction same as the vehicle's views."


Herlig! Det var utrolig plagsomttil tider i SA fordi det var så lavt.

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Nettopp postet på gt gametrailer forumet:


-Theres a cover system (Nico can cover behind anything that makes since, Blind fire is included) Certan objects are destructible to harm cover.


Hadde vært enda bedre om man kunne bruke mennesker som levende skjold. Men kult nok.


-Instead of driving to the ammunition store, you can make friends with a dealer and call him up with your cell. He'll drive up to you and you can now purchase guns from the back of his trunk.


Fett, dette funka veldig bra i Scarface.

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Allt det der fra gametrailer forumet er jo bekrefta fra før. Bare med andre setninger.


Ikke noe nytt der.


Noe som derimot er litt nytt er dette her:


Take-Two Interactive Software today reported their fourth quarter and fiscal 2007 financial results. As of writing, they are holding a conference call and CEO Ben Feder reported a few minutes ago that in addition to downloadable episodic content releasing for GTA IV in fiscal 2008, more will be releasing in fiscal 2009 - stretching from November 2008 to October 2009. The release date still remains as Q2 2008 (Feb. - April '08).


Så episode 1 av episodic content kommer før november neste år, og episode 2 før oktober året deretter.

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Haha, merkelige greier. Det må ha vert en drøm ja, husker jeg stod å så på en plakat sammen med en kamerat og der stod det GTA4 med stor skrift pluss noe slikt: Lanseringsdato 31 desember. Husker vi tok helt av, men jeg kan ikke huske hvilken butikk det var eller hvilken kamerat jeg stod ved siden av. Strange...

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