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GTA IV: Den store offtopic tråden. Husk spoilertags!

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Trur ikkje vi får se noe gameplay ennå. Rockstar pleier ikkje å vise så mye av det. Eg tenker vi får se mer av byen og kanskje ein karakter til eller to.


Enig. Vi får nok se mer av hva vi har vente, men allikevel minimalt.

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Bah fortsatt ganske dødt på yahoo sine gta-sider, dog klokka er bare 10-12 i statene. Hadde håpa på at det første de har laga til blir gitt ut 25. norsk tid :/


Edit: Folk holder fingern på 18.00 EST, det er 0.00 norsk tid. (tror jeg). Uansett, i så fall vil ikke jeg være den første som finner det ut, for jeg legger meg.

Endret av Eremal
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Nyheter XD


UK’s Xbox 360 magazine got hold of a 66% complete review version of Grand Theft Auto IV. In their latest issue they reveal a bunch of new details about the game. A guy on Gtaforums.com was kind enough to read through the 4 page article and summarize it for us.


As you read through the points below you’ll notice things that perfectly fit in the GTA world, such as swearing pedestrians. This time around, a lesser known voice cast and unsigned music bands will be used to provide the game with sound. Rockstar probably can’t freely pick from the entire Sony music library anymore since the game’s not exclusive to any platform.



A Near Collision between two cars caused a pedestrian to proclaim loudly “That was f***ud up”

As Niko approached several people milling in a large group, he sort weaved in and out of them. At one point, he even pushed a pedestrian gently out of his way.

As Niko continued descending a small hill further down the road, we noticed the way his weight seemed to shift backwards a little, as though he was saving himself from just pitching fowards and setting off into a run. He looked exactly like someone walking down a hill does.

Another example of the wight shifting was shown later, when Niko began running - looking much like a normal person does instead of some unrealistic videogame representation. He leaned a little to the left and right, depending on which direction Rockstar took him, rather than his top half staying stationary and only his legs moving, as per previous GTA games.

The sight of Niko just walking up some steps managed to impress too.

The Rockstar team did inform us that that fire escapes and other stuff can be used within the game. We saw a ton of these around Broker and we’re sure they’ll come in handy, at least in terms of roof access for sniping missions i nthe finished game, if sniper missions remain, of course.

Rather than the rags to riches story of old games, GTA IV looks more like a rags to better rags story. The idea is ostensibly for Bellic to keep afloat in Liberty City, rather than walking the streets with tons of cash dripping out of every pocket. After all, if Niko had accumulated over half a million dollars, it’s a little far fetched for him to want to carry out other misisons. He’d be set for life from that point on and could provide for both himself and his brother. We therefore imagine GTA IV will have a much more realistic approach to funds and how much you’ll ultimately have to spend them throughout the game.

Little focus on building business empires this time - it makes no sense to continue living a criminal life if you’re pulling in lucrative results at your pizza parlour, nightclub or taxi rank.

Unlike other GTAs, IV will have a lesser known voice cast and music that isn’t distinctly popular or obvious to the 2007 settings. Expect many unsigned bands or indies to show up.

The game’s still set for an October 16th release in the US and October 19th in the Europe. If you want to read the entire article, you can buy Xbox 360 magazine in stores right now.


Kilde: http://www.xboxic.com/news/3110

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Euphoria er en fysikkmotor ikke grafikk. Grafikkmotoren er Rockstar Advanced Game Engine.


Og det er bekfrefta




Og hvis det er en tråd, kan du gi meg link :) ?




Den er passe død though

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Lurer på hvem han over her er :hmm:


Eye Vee No More

Posted by Adriaan at 23:02. Category: General

This past week, there's been a change taking place at the corner of Greene Street and Canal in New York City. As the photos show below, the appearance of Rockstar's advertisement on the large wall changed from the initial big "IV" logo to the "Grand Theft Auto IV" version. It's probably safe to say now that this is the logo you'll find on the final box cover of the game, and not the previous one as many had suggested. XD


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All footage is captured in real-time on a next generation gaming console.

Running on Rockstar’s proprietary next generation game engine, R.A.G.E., allowing for an unprecedented level of realism and interactivity.

Game is using euphoria, a fully procedural animation package created by NaturalMotion.

Song is by New York City based band The Boggs and is titled "Arm In Arm (Shy Child Remix)"

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A magazine with the odd name Games™ has exciting new GTA IV details regarding police, wanted levels and much more:


- Star Junction is the GTA name for Times Square

- Little Jacob is a Caribbean arms dealer and an associate of Niko Bellic that helps him get armed with weaponry.

- Niko will have the ability to hail a taxi in the game.

- A place called Rotterdam Hill is mentioned in the preview.

- The trip skip feature can be used here to skip the long cab ride to the location.

- A law film called Goldberg, Ligner and Shyster is in the game.

- Niko enters an internet cafe and uploads his CV (curriculum vitæ), also known as a résumé, to get an interview with and to kill Goldberg. Niko goes to the Tw@ Cafe, a place that was originally in GTA III. The magazine says that "GTA IV's web is accessible from any computer in the game, and provides a hub for all sorts of interactivity within Liberty City. The extent of GTA IV's World Wide Web use is still being kept under wraps, but we're promised that it's huge, and very, very important."

- Niko receives a phone call after he sends his CV.

- A place called Castle Gardens is where Niko goes to see a person named McReary. The place is a "coast-side hangout overlooking The Statue of Happiness."

- Niko knows about where a man he has to kill is standing, but in order to make sure, he calls the man and sees who gets a phone out. He identifies the person and kills him.

- In terms of wanted level and police artificial intelligence, "any crime you commit will give you a wanted level." However, "instead of the cops just screaming to your position, the star rating you're 'awarded' translates to a visible search area on the radar. If you manage to escape the circular search area then your wanted level will flash and disappear. If you're spotted, though, the center of the circle changes to your position, and you have to start again."

- "In GTA IV, every single street is named (as opposed to just the districts), and the police use this information to track down criminals. If you're spotted on Star Junction in a Comet, for example, you'll hear it on the police radio. Escape the police's line of sight, however, and the ball's suddenly in your court."

- A store called Perseus is a new clothing retailer in the GTA world that, in the preview, sold Niko a suit and shoes.

- Niko died in the demo that Rockstar gave the magazine, meaning that he respawned at the nearest facility thereafter.

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The August issue of GamesTM (a multi-format games magazine based in the UK) contains a world exclusive first look at the new gameplay in Grand Theft Auto IV. Here's a brief run-down on some of the new stuff mentioned:


- The demo begins in Grand Theft Auto IV's equivalent of Times Square: Star Junction. There aren't many pedestrians present at this time, but this is most likely due to the early nature of the code.



- The mobile phone can be used to gain weapons. In the demo that GamesTM saw, Niko calls his associate Little Jacob, who is a caribbean arms dealer. No more Ammu-Nation it seems. After a brief chat with Jacob, he tells Niko to meet him in an alleyway in Rotterdam Hill, where he purchases the weapons from him.


- Niko can use taxis to get around (presumably he can use the phone to call a taxi). The police are much more vigilant in GTA IV, and sometimes it is less hassle using a taxi than jacking someone's car. The trip-skip option is available for convenience.


- In the demo, Niko recieves a call concerning "shady lawyer" Goldberg, of Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster (GLS). Niko can use the internet in GTA4. He heads over to an internet café called the "Tw@ Café," and hops onto a PC before surfing. He uploads his CV to the GLS website so he can get an interview - before killing Goldberg. He receives a phonecall confirming the time of his interview. The web is available from any computer in the game, and provides a hub for all sorts of interactivity within Liberty City.


- Missions in GTA IV can be interrupted. The interview isn't until tomorrow, which means you can carry out other business until then. This suggests you can do several missions at the same time, and missions can take place over several days, perhaps.


- Next in the demo, Niko pays a visit to somebody called McReary, at Castle Gardens, a coast-side hangout overlooking the Statue of Hapiness. McReary has had a memory stick stolen from him which contains sensitive data, and he wants Niko to retrieve it for him. He takes another cab to the meeting point, where the target is standing amongst a crowd of people. The problem is he doesn't know which one it is, so he gives him a call to see which one picks up their phone. Niko shoots the target three times in the back of the head, before taking the memory stick and making a run for it. He gains a three-star wanted level as a result.


- Committing crimes isn't as easy in GTA IV. You gain a wanted level for every crime you commit, aslong as there are witnesses present. Once you have gained a wanted level, a visible (circular) search area appears on the radar, and if you escape this area without being spotted, your wanted level will flash and disappear. If you are spotted, however, the search area's position changes, and centers on where you were last spotted. So unlike previous GTA games, the police don't always know where you are. They can't catch you unless they find you first. It was confirmed previously that in GTA IV every street will be named, and this is what cops use to communicate when they are tracking you down. There are no Pay N' Spray's to save you this time, unfortunately.


- Before heading off to the interview, Niko goes to a menswear store called Perseus. After spending $2,000 on a new suit and shoes, his phone alarm sounds and he begins his journey to the GLS offices for his interview. He speaks to the receptionist from outside the building via intercom, before making his way into the building. He enters Goldeberg's office and puts a bullet in his head, which causes his secretary to trigger the alarm. Niko must beat security guards and police in order to get out of the building. Bullets rain down on him, and there's a police chopper waiting outside. It seems as though the more bullets he takes, the more damage he takes, and hence he becomes less able to fight. The damage is actually visible this time.




Endret av Eremal
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Mye bra info som har kommet ja. Noe var heller overraskende. Det er vel ikke lengre mye tvil om at GTA aldri kommer til å bli som det var igjen, men tror fireren kommer til å bli mer utfordrende og underholdende som aldri før. Likte ideen om at en kan logge seg online i selve spillet. Men lurer da på om det var dette Rockstar mente med "online play".

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