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Problemer med stats oppdatering

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Gjest Slettet-XHLacM

Fordi det tar en stundt før BF2s blir oppdatert?


EDIT: Jeg har nettopp spilt et par runder på en ranked server, men ikke fått noen poeng. Er problemet tilbake igjen?

Endret av Slettet-XHLacM
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Rykende fersk oppdatering fra EA.


Kort oppsummert:


- Problemet er funnet og fikset.

- Alle stats som man har tjent i perioden vil bli oppdatert.

- Det vil ta tid før vi får alt tilbake til det normale grunnet den massive informasjonen serverne nå må behandle.


"Will I get my stats I gained during the 2 week outage?"


Yes you will. All the stats that were collected over the last 2 weeks were stored, but not processed. The servers are currently trying to process all that information in addition to the current streaming information.


"If the stats are fixed, why have they not updated for me?"


Since the servers are busy chewing on over 2 weeks of information in addition to the current streaming information, it may take up to a week for them to catch up. Please be patient. Over the next week or so, it may appear that the stats are still broken, but i assure you they are processing. It's just going to take some time to catch up. Please do not spam this thread with "My stats still aren't updating". EA realizes that not everyone is getting noticable updates. They are sporadic at best, but that is due to the fact that the stats servers are 2 weeks behind in the processing. Your stats will eventually update! EA could have purged all those waiting stats in favor of just getting back on track with the current updating, but you should be thankful that they decided not to do that. It's a small sacrifice to pay in order to get all your stats from that 2 week period that otherwise would have been lost.


"I played on a server, and nothing updated. Why?" or "I have 2 servers. One updates, and one does not. Why?"


From what I understand, a server needs to restart in order to start streaming the stats info to EA. If you are on a server that does not appear to be updating at all, ask the server admin to do a restart. If your server has been restarted and still doesn't update, it's likely because it happens to be at the back of the queue for stats. Once the servers chew through the last 2 weeks worth of stats info, and the server has been restarted, everything should function normally. If the server has not restarted, I do not know if those stats are safe. There has been no official word from EA on that matter, so we will have to wait and see.


"Will the stats from the 2 week outage be processed before current stats?"


In theory, yes. But the funny thing about computers is that sometimes they don't always function like you expect them too. So you may see a few new stats processed before the old ones. EA has not given a clearcut answer on this question, but logic dictates that this is how it should work. There may be a few exceptions though, so don't come yelling at me if it doesn't work that way for you.


"What caused the outage?"


EA has not yet put together a report on this. They are waiting until the stat servers get caught up with processing all the stats, and then they will comment officially on this matter. Violet says she will update us when she gets that info.


I hope this answers a few of the most common questions, and saves you from digging through a 24 page thread for these answers. Please do not spam the forums with these questions as they have now been answered for you in a central location. Let me know if I have missed anything important, and I will add it to this post. Happy gaming!


Message was edited by: AgntSmithCFF (EA.com)

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Gjest Slettet-1ZSK0pUMX2

Men når jeg har 2,500 poeng, som faktisk står på BFHQ, er det da nok for meg å spille engang til også får jeg ranken min?

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Nå får jeg hvertfall noen stats inn... men sjekket nå i sted, og da blir f.eks ikke grappling hooks registrert... brukte flere sånne i sted men fikk ikke regisrert flere på stats siden jeg bruker.... kills og de viktige blir registrert, men kjedelig at noen stats ikke går framover....

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